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Night Shift 2(24)

By:Toni Aleo

I face forward again, figuring our conversation would only consist of those few brief lines.

“We always see you in here. You’re always so damn serious,” Becca says without a care in the world, probably fueled by a little liquid courage.

“I’m not always serious.” I feel defensive, but I know her words are true.

Callie’s eyes rake over me, and she starts to giggle. “Even now, you’re scowling.”

“Ma’am.” Becca leans over the bar, her feet coming off the ground as she does it. Becca points with her perfectly manicured red fingernail. When she catches Mary Elizabeth’s eye, she says, “He’ll take a double.”

“As long as I’m not drinking alone.” I smirk.

“Nah,” Callie says and pushes back the golden hair that has fallen over her shoulder, covering the straps of her white, sequin-covered cami. “My feet hurt too much to dance anymore. I’ll drink with you.”

“Let me get you a chair.” I grab the stool on the other side of me and drag it behind her.

She smiles up at me, her blue eyes sparkling as she sits down.

“Let me get one for your friend too.”

“I’m fine,” Becca says as I’m about to reach for another. “I’m not done dancing. I have my eye on a certain hottie out there.”

Becca’s just as beautiful as Callie but with brown hair and dark eyes. I can’t explain what it is about Callie that draws me to her, but all I know is that when she’s around…no one else matters.

“You can leave me here. I’m fine with him.” Callie motions toward me with her head. “I’m sure no one will bother me while he’s around.” She laughs.

Becca’s glances at me over Callie’s shoulder, and her eyes narrow. “Are you sure you can trust him?”

“Look at him,” Callie says through her laughter. “He’s more bark than bite.”

“I don’t know.” Becca rubs her chin. “He has quite the reputation.”

“He does?” Callie covers her mouth in mock shock.

“He’s a killer, Cal. A lady-killer.” Becca snorts.

Jesus. I can’t tell if they’re completely shit-faced or just fucking around at my expense.

“Hey…” There’s a guy standing just a few feet away from Becca. His eyes are roaming her body as he licks his lips. There’s no doubt what he’s after.

“Hey, handsome. How you doin’?” She sounds like Joey from Friends when she speaks to him.

“Wanna dance, beautiful?” he asks, finally looking at her face.

“Fuck yeah!” she yells and places her hand in his when he finally holds it out. She glances at us and bites her lip. “Have fun over here, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“That’s the ‘hottie.’” Callie motions toward them when they’re far enough away that she can’t be heard. “She’s a happy girl tonight.”

“You don’t have to stay here with me. I’m fine by myself.”

Her eyebrows draw together, and tiny lines form on her forehead. “I’m right where I want to be. I’m Callie, by the way. I don’t think we’ve ever been introduced.” She holds out her hand, and it’s so small I’m almost scared to touch it.

Wrapping my fingers around her palm, I lift it to my lips. “Bruno.”

She bats her eyelashes at me as I kiss the back of her hand. “Well, Bruno, what brings you here tonight?”

She’s making small talk, and for the first time in a long time, I don’t mind it. Usually, I skip the formalities, but I’ve waited so long to speak to her that I’m a complete gentleman.

Peering up from her hand, I smirk before I release it. “Just felt like letting loose tonight. You?”

“Same.” She takes a swig of her Jack, staring at me over the glass, and I do the same.

It’s slightly awkward. I’m not sure we have anything in common, and I don’t even know where to begin with her.

She sets down her glass and slides her body a little closer to mine. “So what do you do, Bruno?”

“A little of this and a little of that.” I’ve never had someone come right out and ask me. Most women I’m with know exactly who I am and don’t ask for any specifics. They know I won’t give details even if they did ask. Being part of the New York City underground doesn’t allow me to tell people exactly who I am.

She chews on her bottom lip, causing the top one to jut out a little farther. “That’s a cagey answer.”

I want to run my tongue along the ridges of her lips and feel their softness. “I’d tell you, but I’d have to kill you.”

Callie’s mouth falls open, and her eyes widen. What’s funny to me is lost on her, and I wait for her to run away from me screaming.


Chapter 2


He’s yanking my chain, right?

He has to be.

Sitting beside him, I think there’s a chance it’s possible. He’s kind of scary in that ultrasexy, made-for-Hollywood, bad-boy way. When he starts to laugh, a sense of relief washes over me.

“You totally had me.” I snort and smack him on the arm. “I bet you’re an accountant.”

He’d be the hottest fucking CPA I’d ever met if that’s the case. Every time we come to this club, I see him. I’ve always wondered what he does, but he seems to be a permanent fixture.

“I work with money, but in no way am I an accountant.” My eyes never leave his mouth when he speaks. “What do you do?”

Still staring at his mouth like an idiot—I’ll completely blame it on the alcohol later—I answer honestly. “I’m in college.”

“Impressive,” he replies. “What are you studying?”


“Ah, a smart girl.”

I cringe at the compliment. In high school, some people thought I was nerdy because of my love of science, but I ignored them. The first time I looked through a microscope, I fell in love. There was nothing else I wanted to do with my life.

“You could say that.” My cheeks flush, and I swallow hard, suddenly hot and parched. I guzzle the rest of my Jack, and I know I want more.

The way Bruno looks at me makes me feel beautiful and wanted. He doesn’t hide his attraction, but neither do I. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a tight white dress shirt that has the first two buttons opened, he looks sexy as fuck. I wonder what’s underneath, picturing him naked as we sit here chatting.

“Want another?” he asks when I set the empty glass on the bar.

I should say no. I can already feel my legs and arms growing weaker and tingly. My mind’s a bit fuzzy, and I’m buzzing with nothing but happiness. All the stress of school has vanished, and I’m completely in the moment. “Yes, please.”

When a handsome man—even a stranger like him—asks if I want another drink, this broke-ass college student does not say no. There’s something about him that’s hauntingly dark yet comforting all at once, and I’m not ready to say good-bye to him.

As he motions to the bartender, I stare at him. I’m in straight-up stalker mode, tracing every contour of his face with my eyes. I want to touch him and see if the stubble on his face is as coarse as it looks. But I resist the urge by clasping my hands on top of the bar in front of me. His hooded eyes and the dark lighting of the club make it hard to determine their exact shade of brown. They almost look as dark as coal underneath his thick black eyelashes, which are way too long and full to be on any man.

“Double or single?” he asks, catching me staring at him.

“Double,” I say quickly because I’m embarrassed he caught me staring.

He holds up two beautiful fingers. “Two doubles, Mary Elizabeth.” They’re thick, long, and well-groomed.

Why in the hell did I say I wanted a double? I’m already past the point of no return. My face is starting to feel numb, but it doesn’t matter. It’s New Year’s Eve, and I deserve to celebrate the end of my semester before the next grueling session starts.

“A toast?” he asks as he pushes the full glass of Jack in my direction.

I lift the glass, which feels like it weighs a ton, and smile. “What shall we toast to?”

“To new friends and a fresh start.” He smiles and clinks his glass against mine.

“I’ll drink to that.” I’m transfixed by the way his lips wrap around the rim of the glass, their fullness enveloping it in the same way I wish he’d devour me.

I don’t down the contents, but I take a hefty sip as I wonder how we’ll part ways. I’ve waited for him to approach me since the first time I saw him, but he hasn’t. This may be my only chance to talk with him before we both go back to our real lives.

“Ten,” the DJ yells into the microphone. “Find someone to kiss at midnight.”

Bruno’s eyes find mine, and my stomach starts to flutter. We’re going to kiss. It’s almost midnight, and everyone gets kissed to ring in the New Year.

“Five.” Every person in the bar is calling out the numbers with the DJ but us. We’re too lost in each other and what’s about to happen to speak.

Setting his drink down on the bar and keeping his eyes locked on mine, Bruno steps closer.