“What?” He kept his voice low, unwilling to wake Wren.
“I just wanted to tell you that Carac has decided we’re all to live on the estate until we figure out what’s going on. The Novices packed up your home and brought most of your belongings here. The rest is in storage.”
Griffin closed his eyes and counted to ten. He hated having decisions made for him, regardless of the fact that living at the mansion made sense. Wren would have the close shield of the Protectors, Novices and the trainers that lived on the grounds.
“And Wren’s things?”
“I’ll send for them now.”
He sighed. Wren wouldn’t be happy that others had gone through her belongings, but it couldn’t be helped since a very serious threat still lingered. “Very well.”
Wren stirred and he stroked her arm, hoping to soothe her back to sleep.
No such luck.
“What about the glitter guy? Living here? And Tory?” She mumbled against him.
Brom smirked. “No word from the king in response to the attack. For now, I’ve been instructed to tell you that the two of you shouldn’t worry about our current difficulties. And, yes, Carac has gently requested our presence for the foreseeable future.”
“So, current difficulties is code for ‘nutso super villians’ and Carac did a decree thing, not a suggestion.” His little bird wasn’t an idiot.
“Quite. And I believe Tory is a discussion best saved for our Sovereign when he’s in a good mood. You may be waiting for a little while.” Brom sketched a bow and disappeared. The move had been so reminiscent of the days of curtseys and cravats that Griffin smiled.
His Fire wiggled against him and then settled with a soft sigh. “So, we’re shacking up and Tory is a ‘discussion’. Wouldn’t it be easier for her to do the blood exchange with her own Count Suckula instead of going fully vamptastic?”
He chuckled. “We are. Did you think I was kidding about that? And a human can’t just decide to do the ‘blood thing’. A vampire has to discover that she’s his Fire and then complete the exchanges.”
“So, you’re saying that it has to be a particular Count Suckula? Not just anyone?” Wren huffed. “Well, I’m sure someone will want her. She’s fucking awesomesauce.”
“I’m sure, love.” He wouldn’t laugh.
“Anyway. I also didn’t realize the whole ‘moving in together’ thing would happen today. As in now. This second. It seemed more like a five year plan to me.”
Griffin rubbed his chin over the top of her head. “Try five minutes.”
She nodded. “I’m getting that.” A shift of muscles and his love was once again focused on him. “So.”
“So.” He took in her tousled hair and ravaged lips.
“Whatcha doing for the next gajillion years?” Her eyes twinkled, happiness shining bright.
“You. Loving you, fucking you…” He growled and flipped her to her back, baring his fangs as he hovered over her prone body. “Nibbling on you.”
Wren rolled her eyes. “No, that’s what you’re doing today.”
“And tomorrow.”
“Unless you have to be all Batman and save our city.”
Griffin snapped his teeth. “Vampire, not bat, love. But I’ll always return to you.” He lowered his body, giving his Fire more of his weight. “Now, will you shut up long enough for me to kiss you?”
“I don’t know, try to kiss me and we’ll find out.”
So, he did. And she, in fact, shut up. For all of five minutes.
God, he loved her.