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New Year in Manhattan(15)

By:Louise Bay

The atmosphere changed between us. In the car the only thing I could think about was how my cock was going to feel buried in her pussy. Now, it was only one of the things I wanted to do with her.

I grinned at her and she grinned back. I didn’t know where we should start. There was so much I wanted to share with her. I couldn’t wait for her to get to know my place properly. I wanted to hear about her journey and how things were at work. I would tell her about the office, my niece Izzy, catch her up on the news around my sister’s new job. And I wanted to fuck her so badly I could barely stand.

We had time.

I pulled her toward me, her head against my chest, and we stood in my hallway, our arms wrapped around each other’s waists.

Finally she spoke.

“In all seriousness, it would probably be a good idea for me to shower. Can you wait?”

“Do you want company?”

My phone rang before she could answer.

“Shit.” I bellowed into the phone. “Scott?” With Anna’s arm still around my waist, I carried her case into my bedroom. She placed small, chaste kisses on my chest as I walked her backward into my bathroom and continued the conversation with work about nothing that I found remotely interesting or important. I had bought some toiletries that I thought she would like and I opened one of the cabinets to show her. She grinned at me in that way that she had that made me feel like a god. I turned on the shower and pulled some towels off the rack.

“I’ll be ten minutes max. I’m sorry,” I whispered

Don’t be. This is perfect, she mouthed back.

She was perfect.

I closed the door behind me to give her privacy, despite the fact I wanted to watch her naked in the shower, I kicked off my shoes and lay on the bed.

There had been a disagreement between two associates at work on how to handle an issue that had cropped up with one of my clients. The case law was conflicting and they were taking opposing views. Trying to impress me, no doubt. Interrupting my time with Anna did not impress me in the slightest.

The sound of Anna in the shower echoed through the bathroom door and the thought of her in there, the water cascading down her skin, across her perfect tits and between her legs kept my hard-on at the center of my attention. The water shut off sooner than I expected. This call was going to have to wrap up quickly.

“I’m putting the phone down in five minutes, so if you want my decision on something then ask me. All I’ve heard so far is a battle of egos. And in a battle of egos, I’m always going to win, so get the fuck on with it.”

I hung up a second before the door to the bathroom opened to reveal Anna wearing a smile and some underwear that should be illegal.

Chapter Six


I watched him as he licked his lips. I fought a grin and nerves knotted in my stomach. The action reminded me of the night we met. I was half thrilled, half terrified at the prospect of him devouring me. I moved toward the bed.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked. “I can see your mind whirring.”

“You,” I said.


He always wanted more, everything. “I’m nervous.”

He reached out and pulled me onto his lap, arranging my legs so I was straddling him.

“Tell me.”

His body against mine made my nerves multiply. “The expectation. We’ve both been waiting for so long. Maybe it’s not like we thought it would be.”

“The sex?” he asked.

I nodded, “And . . .”

He nodded and reached for my breast, pinching my nipple through my bra. It peaked as if bringing attention to itself, wanting more.

“You don’t think I’ll make it good for you, beautiful?”

“Always,” I whispered. There was no doubt that he would make it good for me.

“Let’s calm your nerves. You’ll feel better when you’ve come.”

He pushed me onto my back and dragged his fingers down my body, skirting the top of my underwear. I’d missed the feel of his hands. His skin, his smell. My ache for him was overwhelming. I needed him to touch me everywhere.

He hooked his fingers into either side of my underwear and pulled them off, almost irritatingly slowly. I needed him hard and fast. I didn’t want to wait any longer. He placed my feet over his shoulders and dropped a kiss on my shin. I shivered as he ran his hands along my legs. It was as if everywhere he touched brought me back to life. Slowly, he ran his mouth up my inner thigh—licking, sucking, nipping at my skin. I ground my hips into the bed and grasped the bedcovers holding back the urge to fling my hips to his mouth.

As he reached the top of my thigh, he drew breath.

“You smell delicious. Like honey.”