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Never Been Nerdy(97)

By:C.M. Kars

If that’s fate’s way of saying ‘go for it’, that’s just not cool.

I pull up in front of the restaurant, and hold my hand out for Dean’s keys. He hands them to me, then leans in lightning-quick to lightly touch my mouth with his. I sigh when he pulls back.

His eyes rove over my face, searching maybe for an answer I can’t give him verbally. He nods, just a shallow dip of his chin, and then he’s gone, the metal of his keys warming in my hand.


“Sera, please let me in,” I plead into the intercom after punching her apartment number in, and she picks up the phone. “Please. It’s got to do with Dean.”

I’m not above conning my way into her apartment. I’ll do whatever I can if it’s going to make her hear me out. She has to give me a chance - just to listen. She has to. If she doesn’t, well, I don’t want to think about that.

Yeah, no, I’m not going to think about that.

She doesn’t answer, but lets me in. I use the stairs to go up instead of the elevator, feeling the burn in my quads and calves, and Jesus, I need to hit the gym more often. I sound like I’m about to die when I knock on her door and can’t give MacLaine all of my attention when his royal hotness decides to open the door for me.

I give him a little wave and stumble inside once I’m given the signal and spot Sera on the couch with Matty in her lap, eyes glued to the TV.

So that’s how it’s going to go. I just need a glass of water and I’m ready to rumble. Bring it, Delos.

“Hey, Matty, wanna go for a walk?”

“You…” I pull in a sharp breath, “you don’t have to-go-for-a-walk,” I sputter out, breathing hard now. “Oh my God, never taking the stairs-again. I can talk with Sera-in-Matty’s-room.” I nod like this is going to help with their understanding.

MacLaine’s eyebrows lift and he turns to look at my best friend, asking her without asking her if it’s okay. Shit, I love that he does that – seeks her permission.

I need to be at their wedding. And I need to deliver an epic speech that will end all speeches and help them remember how much they love each other. Shit, if my parents had that, maybe everything would be so different… and I wouldn’t be like this.

And I could tell Dean that I possibly love him – just a tiny bit.

“Yeah, Hunt. We’ll go in Matty’s room. Come and sit down. Relax a little, enjoy your weekend off.”

Just great. I ruined their weekend when they’re all home together. Good job, DiNovro.

Applause, applause.

“I’m sorry about this. I just really need to speak with Sera. Shouldn’t take too long.” I smile at Matty who gives me a huge smile and a violent wave of his hand that shakes his whole body. I blow him a kiss and he grabs it, smacking his cheek hard enough to make it pink. Hunter chuckles and rubs the kid’s cheek trying to take the sting out of it.

“Daddy, that’s mine! Thea Katie gave it to me!”

MacLaine quickly calms him down, and I follow Sera into Matty’s room aka nerd heaven.

She’s painted it red and gold, all Iron Man style, and the kid has his dad’s drawings of the philanthropist, playboy, billionaire. Dean would’ve enjoyed that joke – it’s probably the only reference I’ll make for the next year – and he missed it.

I pull in a deep breath and tackle Sera into a hug.

I count the seconds it takes for her to react. And when she does, it isn’t to push me away but to somehow wind her arms around me tight enough that lung-injury could happen.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for being such an asshole.”

Sera rubs my back, and squeezes me tighter. “I know, K. I know.”

“I’m sick of crying. Crying sucks balls. And I feel so worn out after.”

“Welcome to the club.”

I pull back, wiping away some stray tears. Sera moves over to Matty’s bed and I take off my shoes and plop onto it next to her, the springs squeaking. Sera frowns down at the bed like she wants to go buy a new mattress right now.

“I…I need to tell you something.” I pull in a deep breath, heart aching and trying to outrace my words-

“You love Dean,” Sera tells me, completely taking the wind out of my sails.

“Jesus, Delos! The one thing that is momentous enough in my life for me to freak out about and you steal my thunder! What is that?”

Sera grins, turning towards me with her legs crossed on the bed. It’s been two weeks since I last saw her, and the circles under her eyes have gotten lighter and the way she holds herself doesn’t seem so fragile anymore.

I can’t believe I wasn’t here for that. Stupid me.