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Never Been Nerdy(65)

By:C.M. Kars

I grin and savor the look on his face that’s going to come when I tell him. “Boston Bruins.”

Dean’s mouth pops open and the food comes out of his mouth to plop on the floor. Potter, Kal and Pongo make a grab for it; I’m not sure who wins.

“Well, that was the shortest relationship I ever had. You can leave now.”


He grabs another bite and chews, contemplative. “This is a huge hurdle in our relationship, and that is no joke. The Bruins?! Couldn’t have been a team that’s less... evil?”

I laugh, hurrying to cover up my mouth in case I do the whole spitting out food thing like him. “We both know the Bruins are the better the team.”

“I don’t believe that is something that I know or do not know...” he answers, only to get a confused look on his face. “Do you need a ride to Rockland?”

I shake my head. “I’ll take the bus, thank you, though.”

Dean waves that suggestion away. “Nah, I’ll drive you. It’ll take me three minutes to go there and three to come back.”

I frown. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, of course. Here, finish up your sandwich. These buggers will Dyson crumbs if you leave any behind.”

Dean was right, it took three minutes to drop me off at the front entrance where Hunter was waiting for me. I wave bye to Dean, and make my way over to MacLaine, unsure of how to proceed.

Protocol with any of my guy friends is to kiss both cheeks and hug. With Hunter I’m not sure; he’s always been stand-offish, reserved and scary as fuck.

I settle for a wave. “Hey, Hunter.”

He smiles at me without any teeth. He looks tired and strung tight at the same time. Now my stomach’s turning and I’m looking for a quick getaway if I even get wind that I’m going to be kidnapped and ditched somewhere seedy for the raccoons to feast on.

“Hey. Look, I know this is weird, but you’re the only person I can ask to help me with this.”

“Oh!” It all makes sense now. “You want me to help you pick out something for Sera?” I mean, shopping for Christmas is a bit early, but whatever. Sure beats having to sacrifice a virgin to get a parking spot on Christmas Eve like I always do. Maybe I’ll get something for Dean, too.

Hunter mumbles something and then tilts his head to the front doors. We walk inside without saying anything and the whole thing is I know nothing about this guy other than he’s a diabetic and he professes to love my maybe-ex-best friend. Oh, yeah and he has a nephew who thinks Hunter’s his Dad. Soap opera anyone?

“I don’t know what happened between you and Sera, but I need you to give her a call.”

Okay... here we go.

I nod, because really, I do need to give her a call and promise to supply her with chocolate and books and coffee for the rest of her life. I need to promise a chunk of the moon to her or something. It needs to be grandiose and crazy big. I’ll buy her a portion of the Harry Potter Wizarding World – hell, I’ll buy her all the wands she wants!

“I was being stupid. I’ll fix it, MacLaine. She really upset?” I ask in a tiny voice. I hate it when I sound like that, reminds me of being a stupid kid.

Hunter shrugs, but looks preoccupied. “She hasn’t told me anything. You know how she is, keeps everything on the inside until I find her crying alone on the couch and she tells me nothing’s wrong.”

“How come you think it’s me? It could be something you did!”

Shit, being petty much?

Hunter gives me a grim smile then continues looking straight ahead. Where the hell are we going? A kid pops into my shoulder hard enough to swing me around. He gives me the nod when he sees my front and I’m 100% sure he’s checking out my ass when I turn forward again. Little shit’s balls haven’t even dropped down yet but he thinks he likes my tatas and ass.

“You think I would do anything wrong after what happened? No, it’s not me. Unless she wants to call it quits and all of this is for nothing.”

“Where are we going anyway?”

“We’re almost there, hang on.”

My steps slow and my breathing gets quick enough like I’ve been sprinting for the elevator door.

Oh, no. Oh, yes?

What’s the right answer? And why do I feel like I want to cry at the same time?

Everything in here is beautiful. I tear my eyes away long enough to get distracted by something else, something prettier and shinier. And they’re all so bright.

“I was thinking about this one. Sera’s never liked conventional, so my gut told me to get this. What do you think? Will Sera love it?”

Hunter’s hunched over a counter and looks back at me when I don’t move over closer to him fast enough. I gulp and try to keep myself from passing out.