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Never Been Nerdy(50)

By:C.M. Kars

"Cegep happened and we reconnected. And I saw Sera for what she is to me, and that she is my sister from another mister. And while I know Sera Delos is the best freaking person in the world, let me tell you why.

"She's the kindest person you will ever meet." I tick off with one finger.

"But fraking hell is the girl blind and oblivious. Ladies and gentlemen, this right here," I point to them both, "this would not have happened if the nerd gods were not smiling down on my best friend. The girl always has a book in her hand, always. Her head is always somewhere else, and don't get me started on the conversations constantly spoken in movie or book quotes."

Everybody laughs again, and I sneak a look at Sera, who's gone red. My heart beats harder and I have to pull in another deep breath. I make a smile stay put on my face. "But that's all Hunter's deal now."

"When Sera smiles, there's nothing like it in the entire world. Her eyes have fireworks in them and her cheeks look like they're about to burst. You know you've seen something special when you get a Sera-smile. And now that's Hunter's responsibility, too."

I turn to face MacLaine more completely now, ignoring the way the cameraman rushes to keep me in view.

"I hope you know what it means to take care of her, to cherish her. I hope you know what it took for her to let that happen, MacLaine. I hope you know that girls like this don't come along even every hundred years. And no matter what happens between you two in the future, stupid fights, lame-ass excuses or whatever, come back to the day you told each other you loved each other, and what it felt like.

"Don't let anyone come between your marriage. Love each other like you haven't said those words to each other yet. Kiss each other like it's the first time. Smile at each other like you know that by being in each other's lives, the world is a better place. Hug each other like you'll never let go, especially when you're angry. Seriously, just hug it out.

"Raise your family the only way you know how. Matty is going to be a nerd, there's nothing that can be done for that. He's going to question life and how things work, and he's going to get excited over a show, or a book, and sometimes you might even catch him crying about what happens to Harry Potter. But know that books are lessons and you're teaching him to be a better person through them.   


"Lastly, love each other, appreciate each other, take care of each other, make each other happy. Because as you now know MacLaine, and I've so recently come to discover …  nerdy love is the best love. To Hunter and Sera MacLaine!"

I watch all my friends raise their glasses in unison and shout out Sera and Hunter's names.

Russia looks a little worse for wear, Josh is trashed but he's whooping and hollering, grabbing a linen napkin and swinging it around. Eli's nursing his drink and smiling lazily at the pair of them, while Alex whispers something to which Teresa smiles at while they both raise their glasses to my best friend and the lucky bastard who gets to keep her.

I down the rest of my champagne and take my seat, expelling a breath that takes the last of my nerves with it.

"You were awesome, kitten. Thank you for saying what you did."

I nod, and turn my body towards him. He puts his big hand gently on my face, brushing my hair back over my shoulders, eyes lingering on my mouth. "How pissed will you be if I ruin your lipstick?"

I sigh. "Dean, that should be your number one goal twenty-four seven."

Dean grins, making my heart flip-flop like a dying fish. "I love you."

"How much?" I ask, leaning closer, smelling him, just basking in his presence, letting the rest of the world fall away.

"More than Han Solo loves Leia Organa."

I blow a whistle. "That's pretty serious."

Dean nods, and kisses me on the cheek, when I want more. But then my stupid makeup.

Decisions, decisions.

"You know what, Dean?" Dean keeps looking at my mouth with a hunger that is too primal to be seen outside of a room with a bed, hell, any flat surface.

"Yeah?" His deep voice is a caress over my skin, making me shiver.

"I love you more than Pinkie Pie loves organizing parties."

"I love you more than Jon Snow loved Ygritte."

"I love you more than Clark loves Lois."

"I love you more than Jack loves Sally." Oh, I got that one!

"I love you, Dean."

He leans in closer and kisses me, kissing me the way I want, the way I need to be kissed. If I believed in souls, if I believed in fate, I would thank my stars that they have brought me here. If I believed in fairy tales, I would think this is my happily ever after.

But this is the real world, and fairy tales just might exist. Curses can be broken and old hurts can be healed, slowly but surely. And maybe you're able to find that person who understands you, who makes you smile when you don't want to, who's there to fix you a cup of hot chocolate when you've had a hard day.

And sometimes, true love's kiss can take you to the moon and back. And you have to believe that you make your own future, and choose who you want to stand beside you.

I want it to be Dean, I want it to be my nerd.
