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Never Been Nerdy(44)

By:C.M. Kars

I start laughing, crossing my arms over my stomach to try to keep it in, but the laugh's taken over. I throw my head back and laugh, getting an ab workout in the process. When I look back at him, he crooks his finger at me, beckoning me closer to my prize.

Where a very naked Dean Carter is now waiting for me to have my way with him.

You won. Just like you said you would. You got him in bed. Now what?

Chapter 26

What do we do now?

"Dean, now's not the time to be telling me I pale in comparison to a fictitious sword, ‘kay? I mean, I could just put my clothes on and leave you alone so you and your hand can get reacquainted," I smirk, running my hands through my hair, watching him watch me, eyes trailing tangible strokes of fire along my body.

"No! I mean …  no, don't do that," he mumbles, keeping his eyes on my face now. "I was just joking. You're more beautiful than a lightsaber."

I nod. "I'm glad you think so." I make my way over to the bed, one slow step at a time. My heart's beating too fast, and I'm feeling dizzy, like I've been spinning in my office chair for a whole five minutes without stopping.

My boobs do the whole gravity thing and Dean finds that completely mesmerising. His lips have pulled back from his teeth and he quickly jackknifes so he's sitting facing me coming towards him, pulling me closer to the bed.

Fuck, he's really gorgeous, all muscle and skin, wide, wide shoulders dwarfing my headboard. The same headboard I intend to cause a dent in my wall with.

"Come over here, Katarina," he says, making me stop on his side of my bed. "Let me look at you," he says, voice deep enough to cause rumbles in his chest.

No one has ever stared at me like this before, well, except Dean, that very first time. It was a lot like this, just staring at each other's bodies, trying to figure out how to touch, when to touch, and just how much without hurting either one of us. But this Dean is older, stronger, and while he doesn't seem that much more sure of himself, there's a calm knowledge in knowing what he wants.

I let him look his fill, it excites me, the way his eyes trail over every inch of my skin, stopping at my more obvious parts, licking his lips, groaning, all by looking at me, imagining what it's going to be like.

This is our ten year reunion     and there's some pressure for it to last more than one night. I don't know if I can do that, but I might just try.

"Shit, when did that ass happen? I missed out on ten awesome years and I couldn't worship at its altar?" Dean asks, hands moving to my hips, fingers digging into my skin there. "Every inch of you is making me go mental."

I run a hand through his hair, feeling the calm before the storm, my body ready to go after round one with Dean's mouth. He's probably in a lot of pain.

Too bad I'm going to make it worse.

I tilt my head to the side, smirking.

"How about less talking, now?"

Dean's eyes get warm, and the green practically sparkles. The heat building up inside me is threatening to boil over, my body one pulsing mass of need.

"You're right. I should be putting my mouth to good use. Come over here, kitten, and let me make you purr." I snort, but Dean holds up his hand and starts rubbing his mouth. "That sounded a lot better in my head."

I climb into bed, straddling Dean's hips. His groan when I settle all my weight on him just right has me grinning, and his hands move over my back and ass like he doesn't know whether to tear me apart or make me a part of him.

His teeth graze along my throat, his tongue tasting every inch of skin. More dragging pulls as he starts sucking my skin, making my back arch, my hips bumping into his, making me grind on his covered bottom half.

"Kat, baby, you need to stop doing that."

I keep moving my hips, over and over, adding a swivel to make him shudder and grind his teeth. His mouth is twisted in pain, and his hands dig hard into my skin, trying to keep me still.

"I want you inside me now. No more games."

"Not yet. You get to beg me for it, kitten," he whispers against my mouth. "You made me wait so long for you. So fucking long."

I get his mouth on mine again, tongues stroking, his desperation for me in every sweep of his hands over my body.

My fingers grab his hair, and I kiss him even deeper, harder, more desperate than ever before. All he does is keep touching me, strokes of flesh on flesh that just isn't enough, it'll never be enough.   


I'm pushed onto my back, Dean somehow getting on top of me, pushing us further and further down the bed until his long legs and mine are twined together, and only air is keeping me from getting what I want.

My body starts shaking, every particle I own needing this next orgasm like I need my next breath.

Dean lifts himself off of me, leaning on one side of me, our mouths staying connected. He pushes hair from my face with gentle movements, everywhere he touches me has me going up in flames.

"Dean, stop teasing," I snap, plastering myself to his body, sharing our body heat. "Give me what I want."

"Not yet, you're going to have to wait for it."

His right hand drags along my skin, over my heart, and slowly, so slowly goes between my legs. He drives me crazy with his slow strokes, and the way he keeps looking at my face through it, demanding he be part of everything he's giving me.

"Oh, fuck," I whimper, his fingers moving faster inside me, the sounds he's making, the sounds I'm making driving me even more wild.

My orgasm builds, my hips working in tandem with Dean's fingers.

"That's it, kitten. Move for me," Dean says in my ear, his breathing ragged. He's completely mesmerised by my mouth. He pulls back, watching me ride his fingers, hips working faster now, jerking, bucking.

"Fuck!" I groan, and feel my cheeks pull into a smile. Dean keeps stroking me, slower now, but my body wants more, my pussy's drenched and now I really need him inside of me. "I need you to fuck me now."

Dean pulls in air through his nose, his green eyes boring into mine, fingers still inside me, still and waiting. He shakes his head, leaning in to give me another slow and steady kiss. He's lost control already and is surrendering to it, letting himself feel every part of it, while I'm pretty sure the Earth has stopped moving, and fucking Dean might just be one of the best lays of my life.

Too bad the sun is going to come up tomorrow morning.

I'm dimly aware of a package being ripped open.

He rolls us over so I'm on top of him. My inner thighs start to tremble as I move over his hips, positioning his cock at my entrance, ready to start the downward glide when his fingers at my hips stop me.

I look up, unable to stop ‘cause, Jesus, this is so good, too good.

Dean's looking at me with tightened features, showing the animal underneath. He's completely undone and having this Viking at my mercy is getting me raring to go again.

"You have to know something," he growls, as I start my descent, feeling every single inch of him spread me in all the most perfect ways. Every push fills me, deeper and deeper until Dean's screwed his eyes shut and he's panting so hard I think he might pass out.

"Katarina," he groans, trying to hold me still again once he's completely inside me. "You've got me for the long haul."

Fucking bastard. Doing this to me now! When he knows I won't stop?

"You're going to pay for that," I whisper. I start to move, spreading my knees, moving my hips, up and down, over and over again. His cock dragging against my inner walls one second, only to plunge back in the next, firing me up, making my blood boil, hitting me just right.

I watch his abs contract, all six bundles of them, his hips rolling to meet me, bouncing me with an edge of violence that's about to send me through the roof again.

"Dean, you need to come now," I tell him, nails dragging along the skin of his chest as I lean forward, getting the angle even more fucking perfect, lighting up my insides as his base kisses my clit every down stroke.

Oh God, oh God, oh God!

His harsh breathing's the only thing I hear, and the light taps of my headboard against the wall.

"Dean, you have to come now," I say again, a bit louder this time. His hands go to my breasts again, pinching, rolling the nipples creating another path of fire from my pussy to my chest, pulling me under whatever lust-filled haze he's created for me.

I work my hips faster, bucking them, squeezing my inner muscles, feeling them start to flutter around his length, reaching for the finally drop.

"I love you, Katarina," he groans as I start coming, clamping down on him, feeling him swell even further until there's no me and him, just an adventure into another dimension where we've flown in together.


"Why don't you come take a shower with me?" Dean asks.

I tried to keep my distance, seriously.

He just invaded my space and dragged me over to his side of the bed, effectively demanding that I pay attention to him. He really is an insecure man-child after all. Then again, maybe he just knows what he wants and isn't afraid to ask for it.   


"I don't want to move right, now, thanks." I say against his chest. His heartbeat's under my ear, and I'm lying naked on top of a naked Dean who's tracing odd designs on my back, brushing away my hair, just being loving and affectionate but my heart's ready to jump ship.

He sighs, the breath so long and heavy, it might rival the weight of an elephant. Or the drama seen in tweens. "I'm not going to apologize for what I said."