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Never Been Nerdy(19)

By:C.M. Kars

I don’t bristle, but I do school my features. There’s something going on here, some sort of undercurrent I can feel but can’t see. Sera’s in on it, too, and I’m not sure what she has in store for me.

Doesn’t matter. I’m ovulating and I’m fucking horny. Any dick is a good dick at this point. Plus side, I don’t have to drink a quarter of the Jack bottle to get myself ready to fuck this guy. He’s easy on the eyes, and his muscled thickness has me excited and he hasn’t touched me yet!

“When’s Hunter done today?” I ask, not sure why. I know the guy works construction, and lately he’s been working overtime, pulling weekend shifts since it’s almost triple time. With winter approaching construction workers are stuck at home twiddling their thumbs and watching money go bye-bye.

Sera straightens in her chair, and a calm smile spreads across her face. She’s been smiling a lot lately. Before Hunter, she was always thinking, thinking, thinking, stuck in that head of hers, replaying all the bad shit that her parents ever told her.

After, well, I can tell she’s gotten out of her head a bit, enough that she’s more present in the moment. More in the here and now, and for that I’ll always be grateful to MacLaine. Even if the ‘overtime’ he’s doing on weekends is just another way of saying he’s doing the deed with that skankerella Aly. I’ll castrate him if he is.

But nothing lasts forever, and that would be a good lesson for Sera to learn. Before she gets it in her head that she wants to marry this guy, and become more of a full-time mom than she already is.

I should say something, that’s what a good friend would do. Yeah, I’m going to open my mouth about all this shit he’s pulling on her. And hell, she can have Dean if she wants, if it’s going to make her feel better after the truth comes out.

Just not here. Not with Dean looking all geeky-hot with his stammering and eating a brownie like no guy I know would eat it. Hell, the guys are comfortable enough to devour that kind of food in front of me or Sera, but there’s a sort of shame in it, like they’re supposed to be grown up and not want these kinds of things.

To see Dean doing it, savouring the greatness that is the chocolate flavour, well, it’s kind of hot. And I’m liking him more and more.

Sera suddenly grabs her purse and starts rummaging through the whole thing, plopping down two, yes two, giant paperbacks on the table, and her wallet to find her phone. At least she doesn’t have it in her pocket, like I do, probably destroying my precious ovaries with whatever kind of radiation is coming out of it.

“Hello?” she says into the phone and I swear to God, I see how much Hunter has calmed her down, how much he’s made her feel better about herself. In what little time they’ve been together, six months by my count, he’s changed her, and I think it’s for the better. I hope it is. Which is going to make it ten times fucking worse when he tears her heart to shreds, fucking up Matty in the process.

You’d have to be blind to not see that Matty loves Sera with all of his little four-year-old body. He won’t understand what’s happening when they call it quits.

“Hey, Hunt. Gimme a sec, ok?” Sera gets up from our table and points to her phone in exaggerated movements, like Dean and I are dumber than a wood post. Sera smiles at us even though just one of my eyebrows shot up, and motions to Matty to follow her. Chicken Little grabs her hand as they wind their way through tables and out into the aisles where all the books and magazines are.

I turn to look at Dean, who’s been staring after my best friend.

Shit. Why can’t he look at me like that?

Ugh. Squishy female hormones. Wanting to make me less lonely. Shut up.

“So…” he says, shaking his head and coming out of his probably dirty fantasies about my friend’s giant ass. Her words not mine, but no one can deny it’s big. I guess he’s an ass-man, which sucks for me, because there’s no way I can compete with Sera in that department.

It’s probably the curse’s fault that the one guy I want to have sex with after a seven-month dry spell prefers my best friend to me. What universe am I living in? How come Sera gets all the hotties?

“So…” I say, in no way wanting to relieve his awkwardness. I find it incredibly cute, and not even a bit annoying. I’m sure if we ever dated, I’d be breaking through walls to try and get away from him from being so annoyed.

Short term is always better than long-term. Nothing lasts forever.

“How about you and I go for coffee Friday night?”

Yes, I just made the most epic of excuses for my mom’s dinner shit with Malcolm. Sayonara shitty night of hell with the ‘step-dad’. Suck it!