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Never Been Nerdy(11)

By:C.M. Kars

I get on the other side of Dean’s bed and give a smug smile to the nurse. Yeah, I’m onto you, and female to female, I approve!

Maybe sensing movement out the corner of his eye, Dean glances my way, his gaze travelling from my belly button up and up and up to my boobs and then my face. I give him another I’m onto you smile, raising an eyebrow so he knows he’s been caught.

His guilty look has little minions inside my belly trying to break dance and show off their skillz. This guy is hot and cute at the same time, and wow, I’m gonna tap that. ASAP.

“Hey,” he says, dropping his phone in his lap and giving me a wave with his free hand.

Yup, so going to have him underneath me.

“Hey yourself. So? Did I break something in your brain?” I ask, looking to the nurse who is staring at me open-mouthed. She looks like she’s been practicing doing invisible BJ’s. Maybe I should tell her something.

Maybe I won’t if she keeps looking at me like that.

“He’s being discharged as soon as the doctor signs off on the paperwork,” she tells me, eyes narrowing to slits, still holding Dean’s arm even though the IV line has clearly been extricated in an expert fashion. Applause, applause!

“Thank you,” Dean says, smiling up at Nurse Noseyface. “Just let me know when I can go,” he tells her, leaving his arm in her grasp and still smiling at her.

When the nurse finally leaves, he swings his head to look at me – that’s when I get to see the slightest wince of pain on his face. Yeah, bumping your noggin on something as unforgiving as pavement wasn’t the best of ideas.

“What are you doing here?” he asks with a not-so-friendly tone, like I’m the one that put him in this bed. Oh, wait…

“Staring at all your male perfection on display. Good idea leaving the jeans on – really gets my imagination going, if you know what I mean.” I give him a thumbs up and a saucy grin.

Dean’s eyebrows leap up the skin of his forehead and his green eyes get big. I have the insane urge to kiss him between his eyebrows because all that adorableness should be rewarded somehow. Kisses seem like a good idea because kisses always lead to something else…

I half expect him to get underneath the covers and stop the amazing view I have right in front of me. Seriously, this guy is built in a way that’s not shredded, but the kind that looks like he eats enough for four people. His pecs are thick, his abs only hinting at a six pack, and his arms are thick with muscles that bulge and punch out of the skin like little mountains. He’s all terrain without all the details needed; all man without any wiryness.

Gimme more.

“But what are you doing here?” He emphasizes the ‘you’, and that sort of pisses me off, remembering how easy he talked to Sera. Now that it’s me here, conversation is drying up.

“Coming to see if you still have some brain cells left,” I spit out, trying to rein in my bitchy side. The rules are simple. Be a dick, then you’re going to get a dick back.

“Well, I’m fine. Moderate concussion. There’s no real reason for you to be here,” he says through clenched teeth as I watch his fingers inch closer and closer to the hem of the sheets under his legs and ass.

My, my, are we uncomfortable?

“I’m going to drive you home and you never have to see me ever again in your entire life,” I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest. The whole movement does fabulous things to my breasts and I smile when Dean notices.

“I’ll walk home. Hell, I’ll take the freaking bus,” he says, hands still over the sheets. I make a point of caressing his pecs with my eyes and he squirms on the bed. Wow, he’s so much fun to antagonize.

“Really? Well, let’s ask your nurse if that is such a good idea. Maybe that bump to the head has done stuff to your memory, who knows?” I say, looking for Nurse Noseyface, and see her come stumbling towards us, looking to Dean with a face that clearly says I’ll do anything you ask of me. I want to tell her that desperation never looks good on a girl, but well, bitchy side of my conscience and all that.

“Am I free to go soon?” Dean asks, just as I put my hand up and get the nurse’s attention. I realize now that she barely looks like she’s out of high school. Really? Is that even legal?

“Could you please tell him that he can’t go walking home or taking the bus because of his condition?”

Oh, she looks torn. It looks like she would love, love, love to ruin my day by negating the facts as I have stated them. She also looks like she has a serious crush on a one Viking Dean and wants absolutely nothing bad to happen to him, and thus, totally has to agree with me.