"I'm not mooning."
"Of course you are. Why do you think someone like him would never notice you? You have a very nice figure."
"I'm skinny."
"No, you're not. And stop worrying about the size of your breasts. They're just fine."
"Did I say something wrong?"
"I just wish I could see you as clearly as you seem to see me."
"You probably could, if you concentrated. All it takes is practice.''
She had taken him at his word. Jennifer never managed to pick up anything to do with his appearance, but she had learned to contact him whenever she wished, which proved to be a little unsettling for him on one occasion.
"Chad! Mother said I can't go with Sue and Janey to the show tonight. You know that isn't fair. What can I tell her to convince her I won't get into any trouble if she'd just let me go?"
She waited for a few moments, but didn't get an answer.
"Not now, Jennifer. I'm busy."
He'd never been too busy for her before. They'd been conversing for years now. He'd helped her with her homework, explained algebra to her so that she finally understood it. Why, Chad had always been there for her.
"Busy? Doing what?"
What she received then was something akin to a groan. "Thanks a lot, Sunshine. You just blew that one for me!"
"What did I do?"
"My dear, sweet, innocent child. There are times when my mind is on other things and I don't need the distraction."
"Are you with a girl?" she asked suspiciously.
"/ was. I'm afraid my lack of concentration at a crucial moment offended her.''
"Oh, Chad. I'm sorry."
"Believe me. No sorrier than lam."
She didn't know what to say. Jennifer had forgotten why she had flounced into her room. The idea that Chad had a life totally unrelated to hers had never occurred to her before. She had always taken him so much for granted.
Several days passed before she attempted to contact him again.
"Are you busy?"
"What's up, Sunshine?"
"Oh.. . nothing much. I was just wondering about something___"
"Uh-oh. Now you're curious. I was afraid of that."
"Would it be possible for us to meet sometime?"
"Possible, but not practical."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't live in Oceanside."
"Oh!" She had never given his residence any thought either. "Where do you live?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because I'd like to get to know you better."
"What do you want to know?" Before she could say anything she felt his laughter. "Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Some of those questions are indecent. And no. I don't look anything like your favorite television hero. "
"How old are you?"
"Much too old for a little girl like you."
"Are you married?"
"Do you intend to get married?"
"Maybe I'm waiting for you to grow up."
"What good will that do, if I don't know who you are?"
"Ah, but I know who you are and that's what counts."
"You mean you've actually seen me?"
"Of course."
"Whenever I come to Oceanside."
"Where are you now?"
There was a hesitation. "I travel around considerably. Part of my job. "
"What's your job?"
"If I thought you needed to know, Sunshine, I'd tell you."
"You can be so irritating. Did you know that?"
"Now that you mention it, you aren't the first person who's pointed out that trait to me. Perhaps I should work on it."
"Perhaps, nothing." Jennifer was walking home from school and realized that more than one person passing her had given her a strange look. She supposed she did look a little peculiar, walking down the street arguing with someone who obviously wasn't there. "Are you serious about waiting for me to grow up?"
There was a long pause and she thought he wasn't going to answer her. "No: I'm not serious, Sunshine. I guess I was just trying to be irritating, as usual. My life-style isn't conducive to a marriage arrangement, I'm afraid. "
"Oh." Jennifer could feel the depression settling through her.
"But I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Don't forget that."
"How will I ever explain you to my husband?" she said, attempting to convey a lightness she didn't feel.
"You won't have to. I would never intrude when you didn't need me. Once you're married, things will be different."
"I don't want to lose you, Chad."
Jennifer could still hear herself repeating those words. Even when she'd gotten so angry at him, she hadn't really meant for him to take her so literally and to drop out of her life.
Chad was special. They had a very special relationship.
Now he was in some sort of trouble. If only she could figure out something she could do to help him. She'd do anything.
"Chad! You're still there! Yes. Tell me what to do."
"I've been thinking___"
"You are my only contact with the world right now. My abductors figured all the angles but that one."
"Your abductors! You mean you've been kidnapped?"
"More or less. They aren't holding me for ransom, though. They just don't intend for me to show up again."
"Could I call the police or something?"
"I'm working on that. Why don't you get some sleep while I think through my plan a little more thoroughly. Let me know when you wake up. Surely there's some way we can utilize our special communication."
She laughed. "I'd love to. You've done so much for me. Now it's my turn."
"We aren't playing games here, Sunshine. These people mean business. I really walked into a hornet's nest with this one. Now, go get some sleep."
Jennifer checked the door to be sure the chain was on and the lock secure, turned off the television and snapped off the lights. He was right. She would have to get some rest. If Chad felt he could wait until morning, then she'd try to get a few more hours of sleep.
She had a hard time quieting down her mind once she crawled into bed with Sam curled up behind her drawn-up knees. After all these years, she now had the chance to meet Chad in person.
Chapter Two
Contents - Prev / Next By nine o'clock the next morning Jennifer was driving her five-year-old Toyota toward Las Vegas.
For the past five years Jennifer had been living and working in the Los Angeles area. She was pleased with her job, her apartment and her life-style. To be more precise, she was content to stay in the shallows of life, never tempted to seek out the depths and excitement that others seemed to crave. Chad had a lot to do with her way of thinking. He had spent many hours talking to her about some of the trouble young women could get into if they weren't careful, especially if they were trying to prove something, to either themselves or other people.
Jennifer realized she didn't have such a need. She was content to be who she was and live her own rather unexciting life.
Therefore, this would be her first visit to Las Vegas.
Jennifer wasn't particularly looking forward to arriving there. Her attitude could be traced back to the fact that Chad had been less than forthcoming about what he wanted her to do.
Following his instructions, she had immediately hopped into the shower as soon as she awakened, quickly donned her clothes, then contacted him.
He immediately responded.
"How are you?" she asked, more out of concern than politeness.
"I feel a little groggy, but that's to be expected," was the reply.
"Have you been drinking?" she asked, surprised.
"No. But I got a fairly hard clout to the head last night."
"They've made it clear that I have offended their sensibilities by being so nosy. They have a very physical way of showing their displeasure."
"Who are 'they'?"
"I can't give you a positive ID at the moment, Sunshine. Are you still willing to help me?"
"Oh, of course. What do you want me to do?"
"Go to Las Vegas."
"Las Vegas? What are you doing there?"
"I'm not in Las Vegas. I want you to contact a man there for me. You'll have to see him in person and he's tough to reach. I would say almost impossible, as a matter of fact. But you've got to try. He's the only one who might have an idea how to find me."
"Who is he?"
"His name is Tony Carillo. He owns the Lucky Lady Casino."
Jennifer could feel her heart leap in her chest. "You want me to go find a gambler?"