“I told you your mummy and daddy were home” she had laughed.
“Did you get everything you went for hon”
She had breezed as Kelly not able to speak had nodded, seeing as Marc had moved over to take his son into his arms, much to Max’s delight. She had mumbled some excuses before being able to escape up to her room to try to pull herself together, to stop her body trembling.
In the safety of her room images of his long dark lashes barely concealing the soft darkness of those wonderful eyes had made her moan. Why did Marc have such an effect on her she had chastised herself. Coming down stairs she had met Beth who once again was carrying Max.
Frowning slightly she had asked where Marc was
Beth had looked none to pleased when she responded
“Got a phone call from Olivia Prentiss” she had almost spat out the name, as Kelly raised an eyebrow in surprise
“That one has been after Marc for years, thought he was smart enough to stay away from that kind of trouble”
“Oh” Kelly had said “What’s wrong with her”
“I don’t really like to talk badly about people” she said a look of distaste on her face
“But there is very little nice things to say about her. Believes herself to be very much better than anybody else”
Kelly had lifted Max giving her a reassuring smile
“Well he is a big boy Beth”
The older woman had nodded, with a sigh.
“That’s the problem. Women like that one know exactly how to behave around big boys like Marc”
And with that she left to return to the kitchen
“Dinner in half an hour. You want to have yours with Max hon”
Kelly had said yes before she had disappeared. Holding Max by the hands and helping him to walk she had tried to understand the sharp stabbings in her stomach, as she kept thinking of Marc with Olivia Prentiss. Was he kissing her, touching her with those firm hands? Were his eyes making meaningless promises to her? Kelly had shaken herself, and with a shock recognised that what she was feeling were the noxious pangs of jealousy.
With a small laugh she had told herself, that it was nothing to do with her if Marc De Santo wanted to chase every woman in Spain, nothing at all. However, the question still remained - why were the feelings eating away at her with every image of him making love to this unknown woman. She was nothing to Marc, and with a defiant tilt of her chin she had tried unsuccessfully to tell herself that he was nothing to her.
As she had lain in her bed not able to sleep she had finally heard Marc opening the main door as he returned home. Peering at the clock by her bedside she could tell it was nearly 3 in the morning, and savaging her lip she had been angry at herself for caring. She had always known what kind of man he was, known of his reputation with women, however, she had felt sore inside at the knowledge that he must have spent the whole night making love to Olivia Prentiss and inexplicably she had felt the hot burning tears sliding down her cheeks.
The next morning was Marc’s birthday, and he had knocked gently on the door during their morning routine, looking as handsome as usual she had thought to herself, wearing a casual shirt and jeans as he had smiled brightly at both her and Max, in high spirits as he had helped her get the playful child ready.
“Now we go down stairs and see what daddy got” he smiled into his son’s eyes
“I know that we haven’t discussed it, but daddy would really like a Ferrari” Despite her feelings about where he had been the night before Kelly couldn’t help but laugh at him even though she had known why Marc was in such a happy playful mood.
“Could you take him downstairs with you” she had smiled as he chuckled at the small boy
“Goody, mummy has something for daddy” he said in a loud conspiratorial whisper adding “Thinks I wont notice” before flashing her a heart stopping grin and disappearing down stairs.
Kelly did indeed have things for Marc, and collecting them she had moved downstairs after him. On entering the kitchen she had smiled seeing everybody once again gathered around the table as presents were already being handed out, Marc happily opening each and every one. His twinkling eyes had laughed at everybody and he had shown Max everything as he opened it.
Finally it was her turn, and retrieving the parcel from the hallway where she had put it she gave the large package to him.
“Oh, what has mummy got” he had asked Max
“Not telling huh” he said as his son just looked blankly into his eyes as he had begun to open it, carefully peeling back the paper. When the wrapping was completely off he and everybody else could only stare wondrously at the picture before them. It was the completed canvas of the villa which she had worked on for so long. It captured the setting of the wonderful building and the tranquillity, showing the sea in the background and the many beautiful plants which grew on and around the villa