My Son(3)
“Then I can only wonder why you are here at all” she had bitten back, anger finally taking hold of her
“The only reason I am here” he had stated “was because I knew Trudy and wanted to find out for myself. However, if this is some kind of attempt to get money then you will be one very sorry girl” he had finished coldly
Kelly had felt shaken by his words and confused. How could he deny that he did not know of Max, Trudy had promised her that she had informed him, not understanding his anger, or words of ignorance with regard to his son.
“I don’t need your money Mr De Santo” she had shouted back at him
“I would rather that you just left now and left me and Max to get on with our lives”
He had stood silently for a few seconds his brow furrowed before in a cooler voice asking
“Then why did I get a letter from your lawyer”
Kelly still inwardly shaking had sighed
“As the named father on max’s birth certificate you had to be informed” she had stated, raising her small chin in defiance
“But we don’t need anything from you”
Marc De Santo had looked at her for a long while, his eyes openly moving over her, taking in every detail from her honey gold hair which she had twisted into a bun and which was held firmly to her head by what looked like a pencil to her graceful slender neck. His eyes had flitted over her slim but curvatious figure, taking in the way that her young body stood rigid with anger, remembering her from the first time they had met. When she had first opened the door to him it had taken a great deal of self control to keep the surprised look from his face, and he was once more struck by how beautiful she looked.
Kelly had flushed feeling self conscious and hating the fact that she was wearing an old t-shirt which clung to every part of her body along with old leggings which were covered in paint. She had tried to tell herself that she didn’t care if she looked to him as though she had just been dragged through a hedge backwards; however, something inside her had cringed as he had racked her contemptuously with those dark eyes, and raising her chin she had met his gaze.
“Show me this birth certificate” he had finally stated, as silently with a last glare back at him, Kelly had turned and moved into her bedroom to retrieve a copy of Max’s birth certificate.
“How do I know if this child is mine…” a voice behind her had began, as she had gasped, not aware that Marc had followed her into her room, turning abruptly at the sound of his voice.
To her surprise he was stood transfixed at the door staring at a picture on the wall, a picture of a small boy who had the same dark eyes, dark hair and features of the man before her.
He had moved closer to better examine the picture in greater detail, before finally speaking, his voice a little cracked
“Who is this” he asked quietly his back to her, his body rigid, hands balled at his side
“Max” she had said quietly.
“How old is he” he had again asked as Kelly had once more answered, her voice softer looking at the picture of her beloved boy
“11 months”
Marc had muttered something incoherently under his breath before swinging around to face her, his dark eyes blazing brighter than she had ever thought would be possible
“Where is he?” he had barked out with barely contained rage, as Kelly had stepped back, a flicker of fear now entering her eyes he had noted with some small satisfaction.
“Where is my son?”
“I told you” she had cried back at him “he isn’t here and I don’t know when he’ll be back” glaring back at him with as much courage as she could muster, her trembling hands which were now wrapped protectively around herself giving her away.
“Is that his birth certificate” he had demanded, grabbing it from her fingers before she could stop him.
“It’s a copy” she had responded although aware that he was now intently reading the document, shock filling his handsome features before, again he had sworn angrily under his breath before waving the document before her
“Why?” he demanded “why did she never tell me”
Kelly had finally found the courage to stand up to him
“You knew” she had cried back, her face shining with the anger she had always held for him
“But you just left her to bring him up on her own”
Marc De Santo had stared back at her in disbelief
“I never knew. Do you think I would leave my son” he had looked around her flat again “…” he had said with no attempt to conceal his contempt
Kelly didn’t know what to say. She hated this man so much. How dare he look down on her and the home she lived in, and how dare he look at her as though she was dirt under his feet.