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My Most Precious One(75)


My heart was mending itself as he spoke, whether or not it was true, I no longer cared. I wanted to believe him, my heart believed him, my soul believed him but my mind still questioned him. I pushed it aside hoping it would go away. I reached for his face lifting it up to look at me, I could see the few tears that trickled down the side of his cheeks, he gave me a ghost of a smile and another tear fell. I wiped it away with my thumb. He closed the gap between us reaching for my lips, his tender kiss, easing the tension in my body. His lips moved purposely, his tongue swiping inside my mouth. His now not so perfect goatee made my lips raw, the skin of my face was tender but it felt oh so fucken good.

“Shower.” He said in between his lips as he kissed me. He pulled me from my bed taking me to my bathroom. My bathroom was not big like his so the space between us was limited. I smiled as I watched him try to move around. He smiled back and leaned into me, he reached behind me and turned on the shower, the hot water began to spray. Steam slowly began to rise filling the small space around us.

He turned me around making me face the mirror, my breath hitched. I looked away as he looked at me through my refection. “My Alexia.” He whispered in my ear. “Look at yourself, see what I see, you are you, my most precious one.”

He continued to kiss me leaving a trail of scorched skin. He pulled me into the shower and continued his punishing kisses, leaving me wanton. My hands found their way into his hair, I pulled and he growled. “Yes.” He grunted. He lowered his face to mine and kissed me, his lips demanding, pushing me for more. He pulled away, his eyes were full of desire and dirty thoughts, I smiled knowing I would love everything he was about to give me. He knelt down and lifted my leg putting it on the edge of the tub. He licked his lips and plunged his fingers deep inside me. “Hmmm, you’re still sore for last night.” He said as I winched. He smiled at me as I looked at him kneeling before me. I was completely high on the image of such a powerful and gorgeous man at my feet. “You like this?” He growled. “Yes.” I whimpered as he leaned forward letting his tongue find my swollen clit. I cried out.

God he felt so good, as he softly sucked and licked me. He swept over me, over and over again. I was lost in the feeling he was giving me. He always took care of my pleasure, of what I needed and wanted. He always gave and never once asked for anything more than my love for him. I could feel myself being brought to the edge. He always brought me there, either he pulled me, pushed me, yanked me, or carried me, any which way he used he always brought me to the edge. He knew how to play with my body like it was made only for him. “Cum.” He commanded. My body went limp and my mind blank, as I came. “That’s right baby.” He worked me till the very last spasm went through me. He stood “open your mouth, taste yourself.” He offered his fingers and l licked them clean, he moaned as he watched me. I could feel his length hard against me it was probing me, wanting to be inside. He turned me around; my back was now to him. “Lift your leg again.” He said in a low hoarse whisper. His voice made me lick my lips in anticipation. I raised my leg as he delved into me, no hesitation no warning. “Mine.” He grunted as he worked himself inside my swollen flesh. “God damn you feel so fucken good baby.” His words only heightening how wet I felt. My pussy tightened around him, he growled in approval. “Yes, fuck yes!” He said over and over again. His fingers digging deep into my hips, his movements were no longer hard and deliberate. He became lost in his own search for his release. “Baby I can’t hold on, play with yourself.” His grit out. I moved my fingers finding my clit. “God you look so sexy right now. Me riding you. You playing with yourself. Fuck baby.” His words only fueled my fingers to move faster, I loved it when he spoke to me like that. “Lukas” I muttered as I was about to cum. “Yes, yes, yes” He pushed himself hard into me, I clenched my wet flesh around him, he bit back a moan as he softened his thrusts, my pussy milking him to the very last drop.

I looked back to see him lost in his own ecstasy, his breathing coming back to normal, his body relaxing. He opened his eyes. A dark soft blue peeked through. He watched me attentively. He was the one for me, my most precious one.

We dried off and lied in bed for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I was back at work, I grew excited about it, till my phone rang, nearly waking Lukas up.

I saw the pic of Philip blowing me a kiss; I smile as I answered it.

“Yes love.” I said.

“Hey sweetie just calling to see how you’re doing?” I smiled the sound of his voice made me giddy. I couldn’t wait to get back especially now that everything between Lukas and I had been worked out.