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My Most Precious One(49)


“Why should I be brooding, this early in the morning?” He took his cup waiting to hear what I had to say.

“My sister wanted to see how you looked.” I examined the photo made sure it was good enough so my sister can see how damn sexy he was.

“Your sister?” He remarked putting his cup down.

“Yeah she older than me, my mom had called her and told her, her version of the story, which sorry to say babe you probably looked like an asshole. It’s normal for my mom to embellish.” I pressed send and waited.

“As long as she stops her match making ways we’ll get along just fine.” I laughed knowing that would be a Herculean effort.

Damn, want to switch??

“So what did she say?” He gave me a Chester cat grin waiting to hear the enviable.

“She said I could do better.” He rolled his eyes.

“Sure she did.”

“Face it Lukas, not everyone will fall at your feet. You’re not everyone’s cup of tea.” I slapped him playfully against his cheek. He looked affronted.

“Really and who’s your cup of tea?”

I sucked my teeth thinking. “hmmm…Darcy, Mr. Rochester, and Mr. Thornton and not in any particular order.” I waved my hand. “Well depends on the kind of day I’m having.”

“Darcy sounds familiar but the other two guys, I never heard of.” The duh look came over my face.

“Why would you, first off you’re not a chick and secondly you probably don’t read novels from the 18th century.” I pointed at my books.

“You’re right I don’t. It’s impossible for any man to live up to the fantasies of any woman author.” I shrugged he came pretty damn close.

He looked at his watch. “I need to leave to get dressed and head to work. I’ll call you later.” He dangled a set of keys “I’ll keep Roxi’s keys. I don’t really want her to have it anymore seeing that she could interrupt us.”

He reached over the counter and grasped the nape of my neck pulling me in for a kiss. It was tender and warm, his mouth opened just slightly so I could taste him, his supple lips teasing me, making my core hum. He smiled against my lips

“Even though I want a repeat of last night, I seriously need to go babe.” I whimpered.

“Fine. Go forth and make your millions, whilst I sit here with the raging wetness you’ve given me.” I said in an in British accent. He grinned and winked. I jumped off my bar stool and started to tidy up.

Wait for me, ill make sure i make it up to you

I’m so going to have fun with this.

I don’t think so babe, I’m going off to watch some porn and play with myself.

Dont you dare, you cum only for me!!

My fingers feel like they need the work, so…

You’re being a bad girl and ill make sure u pay for it. Now don’t touch urself!!!

Just before I could send Lukas another text my mother called, great whatever raging anything I had had now disappeared.

“Ela ma” I waited but she didn’t answer. She often did that. She would stay silent on the phone trying to listen if anyone was around me. “Ma!” I cried.

“You are coming tonight!” She insisted, I took a deep breath and was going to count to ten, one, two, three… “No!” I couldn’t do it.

“I have already invited him, what will he think of you?” I started washing the dishes.

“Well since he won’t know me, I don’t really care.” She stayed silent again. “Ma” I said again, knowing she was trying to piece together the sounds around me.

“What are you doing now? Is he there? Don’t you tell me he stayed with you?” Saying no to her was getting really easy for me.

“Mother.” Trust me in Greek is sounds worst. “I’m almost certain that you didn’t invite him just yet not trusting that I would show, so therefore I’m not coming. Don’t push the subject, I’m not interested.” She was quiet again, god it irritated me to no end when she did this. “Ok seeing that you’re not speaking to me or listening, I’ll call you later.” I hung up. That was the A typical I’m going to call you maybe never, well not never but more like in a few weeks. I fired a text to my sister.

Sorry ur not going to be happy with me, don’t pick up mom’s calls for the next two days.

She texted me back

Don’t be stupid just do what u want, ignore her. she only wants what best that’s all, even if its not what u want.

I stopped what I was doing and left to go to the gym. A work out always helped me after talking to my mom.

I spent the rest of the day streaming BBC movies. My fave right now was Jane Austin’s Persuasion. The actor who played Wentworth was hot as sin and the acting was just phenomenal. My mom didn’t bother calling me back and neither did Lukas, I figured he was busy making money and I would only get in the way, so I didn’t bother calling him or texting.