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My Most Precious One(28)


He held tight onto my bicep almost hurting me, I yanked my arm away; I gave him the dirtiest look I could and began to cross the street. He pulled me again but I reached back and punched him, he barely moved.

“Don’t fucken touch me!” I seethed. I waved down another taxi, but he wasn’t having it, before I could say anything to him I felt him move, it was Jaks. He had pushed him off me.

“Get your fucken hands off her!” He cried.

They both stood toe to toe Lukas a good foot taller towered over him. I felt the nerves inside me shake. I hated fighting, especially extreme confrontation.

“Stay out of this boy!” His threat was clear, Lukas’ presence was domineering enough and he didn’t need to yell or scream to get his point across.

Lukas didn’t move from his spot, Jaks rushed at him but Lukas easily took care of him. With two jabs and one cross and a knee to the stomach, Jaks was left on the ground.

“I told you to stay out of this!” Lucas growled. I looked passed both of them, to see Roxi and Kaci standing with Erik near the door of the bar we were at. Lukas reached for my hand holding tight and waved for a cab, he opened the door to let me in.

“Don’t make it harder on yourself. Just get in the fucken car Alexia!” He said as he pushed me in it. He told the cabby his address but I tried to protest but he didn’t hear me.

The taxi stopped in front of his condo building and let both of us out. Lukas went to punch in his code but I began to walk away, he ran after me and turned me around.

“Come upstairs with me.” He growled.

“No dice ace, I’m going home.” I snapped.

He wouldn’t let me go and I began to thrash away at him, he kept pulling me, when he saw there was no end to my fighting he threw me over his shoulder locking me tight against him. I kept hitting him from behind lashing out at him but he ignored me.

We walked through the elevators taking us to his condo, the doors opened and he let me down knowing I had no way of leaving if I didn’t have a key. My breathing was erratic, making me feel lightheaded. But it didn’t stop me from being angry.

I began to pound my fists against his chest. Not punching him hard but enough to get my anger and frustrations out on him. I wanted so badly to leave but he stood in my way. He finally took my hands and held them tight against me.

“Lukas I swear if you don’t let me leave I’ll call the cops. I want out now!” I grit out, nearly grinding my teeth to nothing. He simply stared at me.

“Oh fuck off with your stupid eyes! What do you want from me?” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

“You fucken left, no note, no texts, no calls, no nothing, you left and instead of groveling to me you expect me to fall to your feet. You’re an asshole. I told you to leave my little world and you ignored me, destroying everything!”

I slumped over, trying to regain myself. “Move.” I murmured. But he didn’t I pushed his hands off me and moved away from him. I began pacing around his condo which was pitch black but the city’s lights illuminated the room enough so I could see his kitchen.

I walked over to the fridge not caring if it wasn’t my home. I needed something to drink anything but all I saw were bottles of water, I took one and twisted the cap and guzzled it down. I could feel him standing behind me. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.

I let my head fall back and I became delirious with laughter.

“You’re sorry? Well that makes two of us.” I pitched the empty water bottle into the sink.

“What do you want?” I stood there watching him waiting for his answer. His features were dark, fuck, he was so complicated.

“You.” He said so quietly I barely heard him.

“You can’t have me.” I crossed my arms. “So what is it that you want from me?” I asked but he didn’t answer. I stepped away from him heading towards the elevator doors, my back to him I pressed the call button just in case it worked but it didn’t. I started to tap my shoe on his expensive dark wooden floors.

“Are you dating the boy?” He finally said something. I turned gave him such a disgusted look.

“Why?” My question infuriated him “So you’re seeing him.” He snapped.

“That is none of your concern Lukas!” I snapped back.

“You are my concern Alexia!” He screamed. He walked over to where I stood, his presence pushing me back onto the elevator doors. “That one night with you… it was too much for me, you’re so…” He combed his fingers through his hair; a very low fuck came from his mouth. “You’re so fucken real. You think I affected you? It’s you who affects me.” He said pounding his chest. “I don’t do well with things I can’t control. That night I stood outside your building waiting but you never came the need to be with you was too great for me I was pacing outside like a madman waiting, till I finally realized you must have been upstairs. When I knew you were there, it took everything in me not to break the fucken door down to get to you. I can feel your pull. Don’t you understand? You fucken own me. You own me Alexia!” He pushed himself closer to me caging me in. “I held you in my arms that night and for the first fucken time I felt at home.” He reached for me taking me in his arms gently holding me in his embrace. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.