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My Most Precious One(26)


“I didn’t get it at the same time but I felt like I needed it.” He told me as I traced it. Who would have thought that my prim and proper Suit would have these incredibly meaningful tats all over him?

“Enough I want to sleep with you in my arms and ravage you all night.” He leaned back and took me in his arms as I giggled to myself. I found my nook and laid my head onto his chest. He pushed my hair to the side and moved down my arm, drawing soft little circles with his fingers.

I woke up dazed, still tired but completely sated by my Suit. He woke me up twice last night, both times taking me further down the rabbit hole that was his life. I stretched wanting to feel his body but I felt nothing, I sat up and he was no longer in my bed. I put on my boxers and t-shirt and walked out of my room, I knew I was alone no longer feeling his immense presence. He had left.

I tried to not let this bother me. I stood still. The silence of my condo engulfed me. Fuck it bothered me. I quickly wiped the few tears that fell. In the back of my mind I hoped he left to get us breakfast or something stupid like that, but the sinking hole in my stomach told me it was a lie my mind was trying to tell me to ease the pain I felt in my heart. I felt so stupid. I looked around for a note or a message on my phone but nothing. I wasn’t going to take a shower today, but I felt like I needed it now.

Two days had passed since I last heard from Lukas. I gave myself such shit for falling for his crap. I knew it was too good to be true. Lukas proclaiming me to be his was a joke and I fell for it. Why would a man like him ever want with someone like me? The thing was I was irrevocably changed that night, the tenderness I felt with him, the raw power he had making me submit to him had changed me to my core, now I was left to pick up the pieces of hurricane Lukas.

Don’t Make it Harder on Yourself

So what do you guys want to do?” asked Kaci. She wanted us to get together to celebrate her little business she had started on the side.

“Hmm let me think?” I pondered. I spent the last few days lecturing myself on men and how stupid I was. I even went as far as calling my mother who had a few choice words about my distorted personality, that had I been a good daughter I would see her more often. Ah nothing like good Greek guilt.

Thursday morning came and I decided to no longer own my anger, I let it go so I said to myself. I barely filled in the girls on what happened. All I told them is if the Suit was to walk into the Bistro to act like normal but from now on they would have to serve him.

Morning came and went and the Suit didn’t show. The logical part of me was happy, the less I saw of him the quicker I could move on with my life. But the part he changed in me grew dark and isolated, feeling the pain of not being with him. I pushed it as far into my mind as I could. Letting it know it no longer had place with me.

We had decided to go out on Friday night, I was a little nervous since Kaci really wanted to go to a local bar that had crazy wild martinis and just as equally crazy music. They both promised me that they would look after me, knowing crowds made me nervous.

I met them outside the bar, it was already packed. You guessed it I wasn’t happy. I wore a pair of black skinny tuxedo pants with a tight fitted grey shirt and beautiful BCBG hot pink high heels. Kaci waved me down as I walked over to them. Roxi had brought Peter and a few of their friends, I smiled and said hello.

“So are we going in?” I asked.

“Not yet were waiting for one more.” Roxi said.

“Who?” I asked her as she smiled wickedly at me “you’ll see.”

She looked over me and started to wave. I turned to see who she was waving at. Jaks smiled as he walked over to us with his hands in his front jeans pockets. He looked hot with his fitted blue button down shirt and somewhat tight jeans.

“Now we could go in.” She winked at me “I called ahead and reserved us a table.”

We slipped through the crowd Roxi and Keri both flanking me, when we finally reached the table I exhaled. The waitress came over and asked us what we wanted all three of us cried out “VODKA!” She laughed and proceeded to take the orders of the rest.

When we got our vodka bottle, I began to fix our drinks “So you never said what happened with your Suit?” Kaci asked as I offered her, her drink.

“The Suit has nothing to do with me.” I said as I gave Roxi her glass.

“My ass, he has nothing to do with you, you haven’t spoken about him in almost a week. What the fuck happened on Monday at the staff party?” Roxi eyed me waiting while Kaci stood next to me not taking her glass. I took a long swig of my drink, thanking myself for taking extra money for the cab ride home. I looked at Roxi, with the look of ‘drop it, I’m not in the mood’.