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My Most Precious One(25)


“Don’t Alexia” I ignored him. I could feel my organism coming.

“You’re close.” He moaned.

I kept moving my muscles massaging him cock “Stop!” He commanded but I didn’t. He pulled out enough that I could feel the void inside me.

“When I say stop you stop!” He pushed one more time making me buck up, the pressure was too great. I could feel my orgasm coming. I pleaded with my eyes “You want to cum?” He asked as he brushed my hair off my face “Then cum for me.” Oh my god did I ever. My body erupted, my muscles milking him inside me. He thrust two more time before he came.

“Mine.” He growled again. He moved with shallow thrusts making sure all his cum was in me.

I lay limp on the counter trying to regain myself. His body glistened with sweat. He gave me a crocked smile as he gently lifted me up and held me close to him. Our bodies still joined. I could hear his heart beating.

“Are you ok?” He asked patting my hair. I murmured contentedly in my sated state, he laughed moving away from me and I murmured again but this time in protest, which made him laugh more.

He walked to where my bathroom was, I could hear the water run, when he came back he had a towel with him, he placed his hands onto my thighs and spread my legs.

“You sure I didn’t hurt you?” He asked. I watched as he began to clean me, he was gentle and careful, I could feel my heart swell up again.

“No you didn’t.” I reached for the towel but he gave me a stern look “I need to clean you up.”

I laughed “I could do it myself.” He shushed me.

“Mine.” He said again.

I jumped off the counter and gave him a chaste kiss and headed to the bathroom to clean up and to hide for a mere second. I closed the door behind me and anchored myself onto my sink and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Just follow his lead. I knew I was way over my head with him but my body wanted this so badly.

I walked back out half expecting him to be dressed ready to leave, when I couldn’t find him in the kitchen area. I headed to my bedroom. There he was laying down on my bed waiting for me. His naked body glowed from the street light outside.

“Come” he said as he reached out his hand to take mine. I reached out for his hand and he pulled me into his arms and held me. But I pushed away I could hardly see it in the dark but my Suit had a tattoo. With my finger tips I began to trace the side of his ribs. It was a Japanese tattoo of a tiger.

“I got it in Japan a few years ago, from an old master.” He watched me as I marveled at it. The tiger was about to pounce on his prey the tattoo itself was so telling.

“Irezumi” I murmured to myself.

“You know about Japanese tattooing?” He began to play with my hair.

“The plucking technique they use is amazing to watch” I said, he stopped giving me a ‘what?’ look. “YouTube” I answer “I’ve seen it on YouTube.”

He then relaxed and continued to play with my hair. “So the tiger is about to attack his prey, did you decided it or the artist?” I wondered.

He smiled pulling me into his chest. “Why?” He asked cupping and caressing my face.

“I’d like to know.” I shrugged.

“I did.” He finally answered I laughed.

“What?” He squinted at me.

“Figures” I said.

He started to tickle me “Why?” I began to move around not wanting him to tickle me too much I finally let up and told him.

“Your goal oriented, that’s what the meaning behind it is.”

He stopped his tickle attack and pulled me tighter. “I see you have a few of your own.” He ignored my answer and asked his own. I shrugged. Mine were only words, nothing big like his. He reached for the small lamp I had on my night table and turn on the light. The soft light lit my room.

He lifted me up and pointed to my lower back “This one?” I could feel his finger tracing it. “What does it mean?”

“It’s Greek for Love” I answered.

He moved to the side of my ribs. “That one is, Om in Balinese.”

Then he moved to my upper thigh. “Forgive in Latin.”

“They’re perfect Alexia. Just like you.” He began tracing the words on my skin.

“Thank you.” The tattoos I got were my own to see, my own to understand, but in that moment he made me feel so beautiful, like he understood me completely and saw past everything and saw me.

“I have one more you haven’t seen yet.” He leaned up and turned his back to me.

“Holy shit!” I reached out and on his back was a Japanese dragon, it was in soft grey and black moving along half his back.