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My Most Precious One(24)


I lowered my hand till I reach my pussy, slowly messaging my lips, I could feel how wet I was, how swollen my folds were, my clit ached to be touched but I wanted to delay the inevitable. With my other hand I began to massage my breasts, making my nipples pebble. I let out a small moan. I wanted this, I needed it. I dove my fingers deep inside feeling my warmth wrap itself around me. I brought my fingers to my mouth tasting my salty sweet essence. I wanted to continue this in my bed. As I turned the shower off I could hear my phone ringing, over Garbage’s song I Would Die For You. I wrapped the towel around me and went towards my phone, it was Lukas. He had called me over ten times. I stood still staring at my Iphone, when I was startled by a loud knock that came from my door making me drop my phone. I walked over to my computer and turned off the music.

“I know you’re in there.” He stopped.

“Open the door!” He barked.

I could hear his hand gliding up and down the outside of my door.

“Alexia” The way he called my name.

“Alexia” Like he was pleading for me.

“Alexia” Like he needed to touch me.

“Alexia” To feel me. “Please!” His low quiet plea, was my undoing.

I reached for the door and unlocked the deadbolt, I turned the knob but stood behind the door as I opened, knowing that this would be the last time I was me, knowing that this would be the beginning of my unraveling.

He took two steps inside looking for me. I closed the door behind him, he turned slowly to find me leaning against my door, his eyes were eating me alive, gone was the vivid blue color it was now replaced by a dark need.

No words were needed as he reached for my towel and yanked it off leaving me naked, bare for his eyes to see. Strangely I didn’t feel cold. My body was on fire, burning from within me. He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall our kiss was hard and fast making the intensity between us maddening. He released me from our kiss and began licking and biting my neck, I let out a low moan, when he finally stopped he moved away from me and began to undress himself. I reached to touch him.

“No, watch!” He ordered.

I watched as his fingers slowly undid the buttons on his shirt, revealing the most divine chest, not to muscular but two perfect pecks and soft pronounced abs.

“Play with yourself.” He commanded. I smiled and moved my hand down my stomach and back to my wet lips. I eased two fingers in and out leisurely. Two can play at this game. I could hear him swear under his breath, I began to work my clit moving myself closer to my orgasm. I grabbed my breast and squeezed. I closed my eyes letting my head drop back.

“No” he roared “I only make you cum.” He lifted me up in one fluid movement. I wrapped my legs around him kissing him as I began to grind my hips onto his hard stomach.

“Stop!” He commanded again and a quiet whimper escaped my lips, he threw me onto my counter.

“This time won’t be slow. This time is about me making you understand that you belong only to me.” He said bluntly as his eyes fused me in place.

I watched as he dropped his pants, oh my god, his cock was long and thick, a perfect mix.

“Are you on the pill?” He voice was hoarse, as he grabbed his dick and began to stroke it.

“Yes” I whimpered.

“Good, I’m clean and I need to feel your wet hot pussy on my dick, now look at me!” He ordered and I did, he gripped his penis and slid it up and down my opening teasing me.

“Please” I begged.

“No, only I decide.” He bit out as he slid it again this time all the way to my butt just barely grazing it.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head, I kept moaning and grinding my pussy wanting him inside me.

“Open your eyes!” He growled. I found what little strength I had and opened them to look at his marvelous face.

“Have you touched yourself thinking about me?” He asked low enough to make me weak.

“Yes” I breathed.

“Have you fantasized about me?” He growled.

“Yes” I murmured, lost in this overwhelming feeling.

He positioned his penis to my pussy. “Don’t stop looking at me.” With one hard long thrust he pushed himself into me, hitting my womb, his eyes all ablaze now.

“Do you feel me inside you?” He asked is voice hoarse. He moved his hand over my lower belly moving it slowly.

“Yes” I whimpered.

“This is me making you mine.” Thrust “Mine!” Thrust. “Say it Alexia.” He growled.

“Yours.” Thrust. “Yours.” He began to move faster and harder.

“You’re so fucken tight.” He said as though he was in agony. I started to move the muscles inside me.