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My Most Precious One(23)


“Lukas!” I hissed.

“Well it was nice meeting you Jaks.” He reached out his hand and shook it. I swear I could smell the pee all over me. I threw back my drink and stormed into the bistro.

The lights were still off. I knew he was following me. I kept walking till I reached the back of the restaurant where the small corridor for the bathrooms was I didn’t want everyone to hear us.

“What the fuck was that?” I asked.

“What?” He answered.

“Are you serious?” I asked giving him a knowingly look “Lukas you practically peed all over me.” He smirked.

“And?” He waited.

“So you’re my boyfriend now? You mind telling me when this happened?” I threw my hands up into the air letting them drop by my side.

“It hasn’t happened yet, but I’m not going to let some cocky kid get in my way.” He said gruffly.

“Oh. My. God. You’re insane” I huffed.

“Since I’ve met you? Yes I become insane!” He barked

“You make me fucken crazy, do you understand that? What did you think I was going to do just sit back and watch you flirt with that boy out there?” He pointed to the direction of the terrace.

“You are mine! Get that through your head already.”

I seriously think I could have heard myself blink. One blink, two blinks. I stood there stupefied. “Yours?” I whispered.

“Yes mine.” He growled. He plunged his two hands around me grabbing my ribs lifting me so I could be eye level to him. “Mine!” He bit out. His voice was so low, so desperate that it made my core quiver. He leaned his head in fast claiming my mouth.

At first it was a hard pressed kiss, but my body slowly loosened up under his immense pressure letting him in. My lips gradually parted and I had my first taste of Lukas. It was simple sinful, like I had been craving him all my life but hadn’t known it until I tasted him on my lips. His kiss was powerful and demanding, his tongue teasing and controlling. “Mine.” He growled against my lips. The kiss became frantic like he was making sure I understood him. My body naturally yielded to him, I could feel every single goose bump on my skin. My whole body was a live wire. He pulled himself away looking down at me, letting me slide down the wall slowly, his hands cupping my face.

“Breathe” he whispered “Just breathe.”

I lost all sense around me. “Alexia?” He whispered again close to my ear making my already weakened body wither under his intense voice.

“Lexi we need to set up for the dinner rush, can you help before you go?” I heard Philip call to me from the front of the store. I never raised my eyes to meet his. I lowered my head now and pushed him away from me.

“Alexia?” He whispered again, I didn’t look back the further I got from him the more myself I felt. I could still feel the heat of his lips on me, imprinting himself, like he was desperate for me to understand.

“Are you ok?” I heard Philip over my thoughts “Yeah I’m fine.” I stuttered.

Lukas came from behind me “I guess it’s my cue to take my buddy and go, have a good night tonight.” He spoke only to Philip ignoring me. I gave myself permission to look at him once. I knew it would be a bad idea. His heated stare only ignited the flames inside me, the flames he started. His gaze was telling me he was coming for me, telling me to wait and see how much I belonged to him. I tried to drop my eyes but I couldn’t he owned them now and nothing I could do could stop him.

I watched as he left, the further he went the harder it got to breathe. My mind reliving his last words, ‘breathe, just breathe.’ I wanted him. I needed him. No it was so much more than that, that’s why I fought him so hard, that’s why I fought with myself. I was lost now, now I was feeling what I dreaded the most. Fear.


I finished helping set up the bistro for the night rush. Jaks stayed far away from me while Roxi and Kaci only gave each other knowing looks but said nothing to me. I wished everyone a good night and headed home. I slid into my Mini, the night was warm and inviting, the air was caresses my already sensitive skin. I shuffled my iPod and Otis Redding came on with Rock Me Baby, great even the iPod conspired against me.

I decided to take a long drive to clear my head before I got home, thank god that Daft Punk’s Too Long came on and for the next ten minutes I blissfully listened to heavy beats making me forget what had happened. Well not really.

I finally reached home and parked in my spot in the back of the condo. I used the building’s key to let myself in from the back door. Once in the house I turned on my computer needing my music as I was about to take a shower, the song Lotus from FM Belfast started to play. I walked into the shower making sure the water was nice and hot and began to lather myself up. I could still feel his touch on my ribs, holding me tight when he had lifted me up. I started to touch my sides, his heat still emanated there.