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My Most Precious One(22)


I hadn’t seen him clearly at the bar the last time I was there. He was very good looking, he had shaved his head till he almost had no hair, but you can tell he was blonde. He had blue eyes but nothing like the Lukas’. He smiled and it made him all the more endearing. He had an athletic body, very lean and tight little muscles, no wonder Philip was drooling.

“Yeah, well Roxi said the place was great to work at.”

I smiled “I’m…” He cut me off.

“Lexi, I know Roxi told me.” He grinned.

“OK then, I’ll let you get back to work.”

I opened some beers for everyone while I made a glass of sangria well more like a pitcher it was a hot day and I wore a white loose V-neck t-shirt with jeans and white and black fedora and yes my customary converse, only because I hadn’t had time to get a Pedi done.

The sound system was up and Philip couldn’t help but put it on, all dance and 80’s. He loved a local group called Chromeo and blasted their song Fancy Footwork, that man was crazy, but I loved that song, if you love music you loved to dance and damn could I ever.

“Come on girl!” Philip cried out hooting and hollering, giving me the come hither finger to join him. The terrace was on the side of the bistro so one side faced the side walk. Philip had built a stone wall to mimic the walls of the store, so I couldn’t help it as I jumped up onto it and started my moves. Roxi and Kaci joined me and we started to dance. Put us three together and give us a pole and we would make you rich, that’s how we rolled.

By the end of the song all three of us turned and did the jersey turn pike. We laughed and I was about to jump down when someone grabbed onto my leg. As an instinct I turned to give them a side kick that I learnt in class, Lukas stopped it without a flinch. He nodded to everyone and crooked his finger to me; I didn’t budge so he yanked my jeans making me fall over. He grabbed me and slowly eased me down onto the sidewalk. He looked gorgeous today, he wore a black and grey plaid shirt that he rolled up to his elbows with black jeans, my eyes were too busy feasting on him to notice he had his friend next to him.

“So this is Alexia?” He friend said, he was just as tall as my Suit but leaner with longish blonde hair and a devilish kind of smile.

“Lexi to you.” Lukas said to him.

“This is Erik. He just flew in from Sweden.” I nodded to him.

I hadn’t notice till I realized the music had stopped. Roxi was next to the sound system smiling. Kaci was at the edge of the stone wall and winked at me. Fucken girls.

“Would you like to join us? That’s unless you’re working or something?” Philip walked over to help me out of my predicament, but not really since he invited my walking wet dream to our party.

“Or something” Erik said, as he jumped over the wall.

“Sorry my friend seems overly eager for a drink.” Wow laughing casual Suit took my breath away.

“No it’s all good, come. Beer or Sangria?” I offered.

Before I could jump over he lifted me up onto the wall “Thanks” I bit my inner lip.

“I said to stop doing that.” I rolled my eyes to him.

I gave him and Erik their beers as they sat next to the wall of the terrace. I started to walk away but he slipped his fingers into my jean belt loop and yanked me to him, making me sit on his lap. I could see he wasn’t looking at me so I followed his line of vision which was right at Jaks. The moment I saw Jaks he busied himself with something.

“Who’s that?” Lukas asked.

“That’s our new bartender, Jaks.” I tried to stand up but he wouldn’t let me, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Stay!” He ordered. I heard Roxi gasp in the background somewhere. “I don’t want you to hang out with him.” He added.

“What? How the hell am I supposed to do that? I work with him.” I had enough of Lukas but being in his arms felt so right, I shook my head and stood up getting myself another glass of sangria. Jaks had walked over to me and started to pour it for me.

“Thanks” I said.

“It’s nothing.” He set the pitcher down.

“So you guys can really dance.” He grinned, ah so cute!

“Yeah well, we know how to shake our hips.” I was taking a sip of my sangria when Lukas appeared next to me, his sheer presence made Jaks back up a bit.

“Hi” Lukas offered the new bartender, “I’m Lukas, Alexia’s boyfriend.” I nearly spit out my drink.

“Oh” Jaks said “Well it’s nice to meet you.”

Lukas smirked at him “Can you do me a favor and keep an eye out for her, just in case, you know?” Lukas winked at him. Jaks only nodded.