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My Most Precious One(16)


“You’ll know when you see him, the guy is a magnet. Even I’m attracted to him!” We laughed hysterically at his comment.

“Bathroom?” I stood off my barstool.

“Down the hall” Roxi pointed and continued her conversation with her brother-in-law.

Kaci grabbed my arm “Do you want me to go with you? Crowds.” She nudged her head to the back of her.

I smiled reassuring her “It’s ok, it’s not too bad.” It really wasn’t it was a sit down bar nothing to wild or crazy but Roxi and Kaci always made sure I was comfortable where ever I was.

I started to head towards the bathroom to freshen up, when a slimy little guy who was shorter than me blocked my way. You have to be kidding me. He had black hair that was gelled back but was hard like a helmet. He wore a thick gold chain, his outfit scream rip off of the Night at the Roxbury.

“Hey there pretty lady?” Oh Jesus, I thought that these places had bouncers for these types of guys.

“No comprendo!” I said in the little Spanish I knew from college.

“Good.” He murmured.

Great! I’m going to have to get into a fight with a loser at my friend’s brother-in-law’s bar in my awesome dress and my fuck me high heels. This was so not the type of guy I was hoping to get. I tried to move but he blocked me again, making me extremely angry.

When I finally passed him he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. “Where are you going baby? I’m not done talking to you.”

I truly hate it when a man calls me baby and it’s for this exact reason, I turned to twist my arm to get it free and punch the fucker out but all I heard was a hard shove against the wall. My body moved with him since he still held onto me, I hit the wall hard and almost fell over when he finally let go of me.

He was being held off the floor by at least four inches.

“Apologize to her!” That voice, it was Lukas. He had on a form fitted white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of jeans.

“Apologize or I’ll rip your fucken head off!” He roared so loudly that I’m sure the whole place heard him. Roxi and Kaci were now at the other end of the hall, watching all this unfold. The guy finally spit out a sorry and Lukas let him hit the floor, hard. The bouncers showed up and yanked him quickly out the door.

I straightened my dress before passing by Lukas. He didn’t bother to move as I walked by him.

“Could you be more careful next time?” He asked, well more like demanded. He stood with his hand on his waist again, breathing heavy.

“Have you any idea the kinds of things these stupid men think about when they see you wearing something like that?” He strained his words, trying to keep calm.

“I know exactly what men think, that’s why I wore it!” I snapped back.

Lukas and I were back at our staring match. A silent calm stood between us as we glared at each other.

“Okay time to get back to drinking!” I heard Roxi sing to Kaci. I knew they would be watching this non verbal match between us.

“You stupid girl, you came dressed like this for what?” He pointed at me, oh no he didn’t. Keep calm and cool, the less angry you get the better you control the argument, this was my mantra right now.

“I came dressed like this to prowl, sir Lukas. I’m here to find someone to fuck and last time I checked you were a customer at the bistro I work for not my father, not my lover and most certainly not my husband.” I said in low hushed voice. So you know. No man would tell me how I should dress but I needed him to know there was no relationship between us for him to act this way. His jaw locked making the muscles of his seething sexy face move, his eyes were crystal blue, the color was so sharp it could cut me.

“To fuck?” It almost came out as a whisper.

“To fuck?” He said again.

I knew I wasn’t going anywhere with this conservation, I took a deep breath and exhaled trying to calm myself down.

I turned to leave but Lukas had other plans. He walked past me to the stool I sat at taking my small black clutch that matched my shoes. I stared at him as he came at me. In one fluid motion he lowered himself and threw me over his shoulder and proceeded to walk out.

“Ah hello?!” I was calling to my girls but all I saw was Roxi reach over to Kaci to stop her from helping me.

Roxi then yelled “HAVE FUN!”

Hateful bitches.

He walked with me over his shoulder for what seemed like a good two blocks. I tried fighting but all he kept saying was .“Don’t bother.” The streets were filled with people starting to enjoy the early summer we were having, terraces were open and people were outside smoking and drinking and everyone was staring at us. I could seriously kill someone now and I wouldn’t be convicted.