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My Most Precious One(115)


“Why wouldn’t you be?” He asked throwing the ball back into my court.

“Tell me how I got here?” He narrowed his eyes.

“You fainted.” He noted.

“Yes thank you for informing me but I already knew that.” I still felt dizzy and slowly found a wall to lean on.

Lukas never once took his eyes off me. He watched me closely.

“What is it?” I asked. I hated that look like as if I did something wrong, it was as though I was some child and that I was going to me scolded at.

“I heard Kaci call out your name, that’s when I saw you on the ground.” He said grimly.

“So… you’re mad at me for fainting?” I asked disbelief.

“I’m angry for a lot of reasons but one of them is that yes.” He snapped. “It’s good to know.” I shook my head mocking him.

“Well if we’re done with this little tête à tête then I can thank you and make my merry way home.” I faked smiled and started to make my way back to the elevator.

“Alexia!” Lukas barked.

“What?” I cried out.

“You just fainted, you’re not going anywhere!” I watched as Lukas encroached on my space and completely overwhelming me as he picked me up and carried me to his couch in the living room.

The song All Mine from Portishead began to play, I had introduced them to him and he’s loved them ever since.

“Lukas Blakk I swear to god I want to leave here and nothing is going to stop me.” I snarled upset that he still affected me. I wanted out so badly, why couldn’t he understand that? He was with someone else now, so why torture me this way?

“Why did you faint?” He asked still holding me down on the couch.

“I don’t know.” I gritted my teeth knowing full well as the image of him with another began replaying in my mind.

His breathing became erratic as he stood up and began pacing around the room. “Why can’t you take care of yourself? Why must you make me worry about you every damn day?” He shouted.

“Make you worry? Oh please Lukas you haven’t thought of me since the day you left my condo. So don’t give me this bullshit.” I stood up from the couch.

“Haven’t thought of you since I left?” He said incredulously. “Are you in your right mind? All I have ever done these past months was only think of you!” He yelled. “Don’t you understand? I watched you from afar waiting till it was the right moment till I could try to rebuilt what we lost. I wanted you to rebuild the wings I promised I wouldn’t break but…god Alexia, I missed you so fucken much.” He began pounding on his chest.

“Lukas?” I said meekly, I was at a loss for words.

“I missed you every damn fucken day that passed. I watched you build your bar. The look on your face was worth all the pain I felt just to see you so proud of yourself. Fuck Alexia I even moved here, I will never ask you to choose. This life that you have built for yourself, can I now please be a part of it? Please tell me you found what you wanted because I can’t anymore, I can’t be away from you, not anymore not ever again.” He moved so quickly that I scarcely saw him as he grabbed me and held me close. He lowered his head to mine and waited.

“Alexia?” He said quietly.

For the first time in almost a year I felt my body relax and ease up. he lowered his face and our noses barely touched. Lukas’ lips found mine and instantly the world around me blurred. His soft lips melted away all the pain and hurt I had inside me.

Tears began to flow as Lukas deepened his kiss. He stopped and kissed away my tears, he looked into my eyes, not one word was uttered between us as he lifted me up and carried me back upstairs. I lay my head onto his chest hearing the sounds of his beating heart. My Suit was nervous. He made it to his bed and he slowly eased me down. I pushed back as he began to crawl on top of me. I lay back down as Lukas found my mouth again and began kissing me.

The tenderness of his touch as he feathered my skin ignited my soul. He rose up above me and took off his shirt; I reached up and began touching his tattoo. I felt my Suit shuddered at my touch. He then reached down and took off my top exposing me to the cold. He slowly touched me till he reached behind me and unclasped my bra. My breasts sprang free and Lukas’ hands found their way there as he gently began to knead them. His simple touch made my body quiver in ecstasy. He pushed me back down and I could feel him taking off my pants. He deliberately took his time as he watched me look on. He stood at the foot of the bed and looked down at me.

“So beautiful.” He uttered under his breath. Once he was free of his jeans, I could finally see my Lukas. His body was everything I dreamt of these past months.