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My Most Precious One(101)


“Lexi?” I heard Mike call me as I stood frozen in front of the building.

“Hmm.” I grunted. “

I’ll be here when you need me.” He offered he seemed wary of my recent change. “I should be out soon so don’t go far.” I offered him a faint smile.

I proceeded through the building showing my identification to security. Do they know how I got the job? I walked down the hall to where my office was and saw some girls talking among themselves. I couldn’t help but wonder if everyone was talking about me on how I had my rich fiancé get me this job.

I could feel the tears coming but I pushed them back. I continued past my office till I reached the door to the man who had all the answers. In big black letters on a gold plaque was the name of my boss, Mr. Simon. I knocked once and waited.

“Come in.” I heard from behind the door. I reached for the doorknob; my heart was beating so quickly I could scarcely hold my hand steady as I opened the door.

“Ah Lexi I’m glad you’re here, I need you to help me catalogue some of the new acquisitions I just received. I can’t tell you how happy I am. This year we were able to get more than we thought we could.” I ignored his request to help him and sat down in front of his desk.

“It must have been all the money that Lukas has given you.” I said plainly. Mr. Simon’s face stilled as he eyes darted back and forth.

“How much?” I asked calmly.

“Lexi I don’t know what you are talking about.” He said nervously as he sat slowly down at his desk.

“I found the letter Mr. Simon. So how much did Lukas pay to get me this job?” He intertwined his fingers and lowered his head.

“Under no circumstances were you to find out.” He said quietly.

“Were those his terms?” I asked the hard lump forming in my throat began to burn.

“Yes. He never wanted you to know.” The tears I held back began to slowly spring out but I quickly wiped them away.

“Was I really that bad of a choice?” I breathed my voice sounding meek.

“It wasn’t that you were bad Lexi it was that you had no true experience and for us that’s a big obstacle. We weren’t even considering you until Mr. Blakk intervened.” I nodded my head.

“Then how did Lukas find out that I didn’t get the job?” I asked.

“I had called you on your phone but Mr. Blakk answered. I told him the news and that’s how it all began. I’m truly sorry Lexi it wasn’t my intention of ever letting you know. I was glad that I’m able to work with you. You are bright and quite smart. It’s a blessing to have you come here.” He continued trying to make me feel better.

“It was a blessing.” I corrected.

“What?” He asked.

“I’ll clean out my desk and take my things and go.” I stood up from my seat and held out my hand waiting to shake his.

“It was a pleasure working for you Mr. Simon.”

“Lexi please you have a future here with us. I would be glad to have you stay.” He stood up trying to back pedal.

“Good bye Mr. Simon.” I walked out of his office and walked over to mine.

I picked up a box that I had near the window and began throwing all that belonged to me in the box. I was on autopilot, I felt nothing nor did I care. I began to make my way through the same hall I came in from and found the large garbage bin. I threw the box to the side of it and left. I passed security and gave them my card. Still on autopilot, the security guard tried to gain my attention but I neither cared nor wanted to speak to anyone unless it was necessary.

That moment that I walked through the doors of the museum I knew that my lifelong dream was over and I needed to get back to reality. I walked down the steps to a waiting Mike, who was surprised to see me.

“Lexi?!” He said in a huff as he held the door open.

“I told you I would only be a few minutes.” I said in a serious tone not bothering to look at him. He closed the door behind me and quietly drove me back to the penthouse.

I looked out through the tinted windows of the Q5 and lost myself in the classic images of what made New York City famous. The busy looking suits running around the streets while tourists pointed up at various famous landmarks. I almost laughed out loud remembering that I was pretty much the same when I first got here. God I was stupid. I freely fell into this world thinking I was a part of it.

Once we reached the penthouse, Mike let me out of the car.

“Could you do me a favor and stay here while I get something from inside?” I asked knowing full well what I was about to do.

“Yes of course.” He answered quietly still looking at me wondering what was wrong.