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My Cocky Cowboy(A Steamy Older Man Romance)(8)

By:Mia Madiso

I check her out from under my brim and discover her looking at me with the same intensity. This time I read it as lusty desire and I know I’m in deep shit if I let myself be alone with Dallyce for more than a minute. There's something about her that's driving my wood hard. Right now it could hammer enough nails to build a barn and my balls are turning all fifty shades of blue. This little filly is an intoxicating ride.

Chapter SIX


I kick my horse's flanks to catch up to Shea when he takes off out of the barn. I don't know this mount but I don't care. I want to show him I'm not afraid, not of a new ride or an older man.

I'm still shaking through every nerve ending from his heavy hand sitting on my upper thigh. I need more of Shea Butler and I'm positive he wants the same. He's just acting the strong silent type because of the age difference between us. Like that ever stopped the path of true lust.

He doesn't much like talking about himself and I see his jaw clench as I try to insist that years mean nothing. Asking him about a wife doesn't lighten the mood at all. And he's even resistant to my best flirting.

“Dallyce, you're a beautiful little girl, but you're too young for a guy like me. Nothing's gonna happen.”

“I'm not a little girl. And who said I want anything to happen? You really are a cocky bastard.”

He shakes his head with a wry lop-sided grin and we ride in silence after that. I can't tell if he's mad but I sure as hell am. I hate being dismissed like that. He's written me off without even getting to know me. Asking me a few questions about being a princess, like all I'm interested in is beauty pageants and his big cock.

It's only been a day and he's already ingrained in me. I've never known a man like Shea. Powerful and in control, with a great sense of humor. Not to mention the handsome gritty face and those stepped abs have never left my mind. How does he manage those ripped muscles when there isn't a gym in the vicinity?

I soon discover.

We come upon one of the escaped animals and the bull looks about as pissed as Shea. In moments Shea has his rope off his saddle and kicks up his horse to ride circles around the stomping animal. I get the feeling he's distracting the angry beast from charging at me, keeping all the fury directed at himself. He pulls out the knot in the rope then swirls it up above his head in a perfect circle before throwing it out to lasso the brute first time.

Then it's a battle of man and beast as the bull bucks and thrusts in a rage. Shea and his horse work as one, but it's the man who's in charge and although I've seen a ton of roping displays at every stampede event we've attended, there's nothing like observing a masculine animal in the wild. His gritted focus, the power exuding from his arms as he forces the bull into submission, his thick thighs gripping the big black horse as he holds her with one hand.

Every little hair on my arms stands up as goosebumps travel down with a shiver. I watch with a kind of awe as he dominates two huge animals and when he's done, the bull on the ground, my jeans are soaked right through with the juices flooding from my pulsating pussy.

We ride back to the ranch and Shea makes sure to take up the rear with Rafe. I'm left to ride with Modesty as she chatters about Rafe shooting a rattlesnake and tossing it in the sack attached to his saddle. I get the feeling Shea is doing everything to avoid me and when we arrive at the stables, I've barely dismounted, before I'm ambushed.

“There you are. You two know you aren't supposed to go out alone.”

“They were quite safe with me Ma'am,” Shea tips his hat to Nissa, our chaperone, with his usual politeness but his voice is tense. I'm sure he's not used to being ordered around by a woman.

She rounds on him about to tell him what's what and I brace myself for the tornado.

“Oh, I'm sure,” her voice slurs all soft suddenly. “I'm Nissa Reynolds, the association's chaperone.”

“Quite a task you've got for yourself I imagine,” Shea lifts his hat again.

If he shakes her hand I'm going to walk away. He can't see me get into a jealous state over the woman set to watch out for my virtue.

“It can get tricky with the younger ones especially,” she replies.

Er hallo, standing right behind you.

“That’s not to say the ranch hands are any kind of angelic,” Shea says with a glance over Nissa's shoulder at me. His grin is all mine.

“Say is there a place to hang in the evenings?” Nissa simpers at him. “Once I've got my girls tucked up in bed, it's good to decompress with a few beers outside the ranch.”

She flips her blond hair back over one shoulder and I swear, shoves her big tits out more than is decent. He can't fall for something so obvious, can he?

No. He's not even meeting her provocative stare as he replies.