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My Cocky Cowboy(A Steamy Older Man Romance)(4)

By:Mia Madiso

Every year the royal threesome seem younger. Not literally, but their maturity remains the same as the contest is only open to girls aged nineteen to 24, while I get one year older every time they show up. I must seem like a real old dude to her.

I cross the yard to my own house, wearing only my hat, boots and the towel strapping my hips, with nothing but Dallyce filling my mind. That one will sure be a hot little mare to handle for some lucky fucker. Kicking my door shut behind me, I shake my head at the overwhelming lust running through my veins for a girl I just set eyes on. My cock is raging hard again and tenting out the towel even though I relieved the bastard barely ten minutes ago.

I tear the towel away and remember to take my boots off for once before falling into bed. But I lay on my back, one hand supporting my head while I run my thoughts up and down across Dallyce's delicious little body. My dick stands pointing straight at the ceiling and I imagine her lifting herself up with her firm thighs to set the tip in her pussy mouth before sliding all the way down my length.

“Fuck,” I groan with the vivid realization of the imagery.

My balls are in bruised agony just thinking about her tight pussy surrendering to my wide pole pushing into her slickness. It's more than I can bear. Add her full round tits bobbing up and down in front of me in time with her rhythmic thrusts down on my dick and I have to take myself in hand once again. Jesus in heaven, this next week of the stampede princesses being around every day is gonna be hellish.

I grip my cock and rub the iron rod harder than the first time, feeling the heat more intensely now I’ve got a face and the sexiest body I've ever seen filling my head. I come ferociously with Dallyce in my mind.

“Thank fuck it's nothing but a forbidden fantasy and she has no ideas of the filthy things I'd like to do to her delicious curves.”

Completely spent, I drop off at last, sprawled on my back with my hat tugged down over my face locking me in my secret world with little Dallyce.

“We missed you last night at McDools,” Rafe joins me as I leave my house to head up to the ranch for breakfast. “Lots of new faces in town.”

“For the rodeo this weekend,” I grunt, not even wanting all those strangers to be staring at my Dallyce.


I wish I could keep her only to myself for the week she's here. Get to know every inch of her with my fingers and tongue.

“Princesses still in bed?” I ask Juanita, the maid when we step into the vestibule.

“No, already taking the breakfast,” she replies in her heavy accent.

“Whoa, princesses are here,” Rafe bellows. “That got anything to do with you going awol last night, you dirty dog?”

I relate the story of being caught butt nekkid by the two little virgins, making sure that I don't give any inkling of my demonic lust for one of the women. There's no more time for joshing as we come into the large dining room with windows looking straight out toward the new paddock. The one Old Jock built this year to satisfy his only daughter's sudden fixation with dressage.

“Mornin',” I lift my hat and head straight for the hot plates.

“Good morning,” Dallyce says with a tiny tremor in her voice which is nothing compared to the quake raging through my legs.

I hope she's not still offended by finding me in the buff. The other one, whose name I forget, is bound to be all vexed, having mentioned harassment. Shit, I don’t want the boss to hear about this. I've been here long enough that he wouldn’t mind me using the only bath tub for miles, but he might draw the line at corrupting teenagers.

“So what have we got planned for today?” Dallyce asks when I sit down across from her at the table.

Her eyes bore straight into me with a glint I can't decipher. Both girls are lightly pink in the cheeks and looking at me and Rafe all smiles.

“I'm sure Mr Foxworth will have your events planned,” I tell her, holding her gaze captive in mine for a shade longer than necessary.

My dick is already twitching in my jeans and I can't adjust the bastard right at the table in front of the ladies.

“He said he'd be here at lunchtime with Violet,” she informs me.

“Violet? Good name for a saloon girl,” Rafe says as the other guys come in and introduce themselves. I notice a clench in my gut that they're looking at my girl.

“So you're to take us out for a ride,” Dallyce continues, speaking directly to me.

“No,” I bark, making the other girl jump half out of her seat.

I meet Dallyce's stare and she licks her bottom lip slowly even though there are no food remnants lying there. My cock unfurls again, even more uncomfortably and she looks like she knows what she's doing to me judging by the repressed smile on those lips.