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My Cocky Cowboy(A Steamy Older Man Romance)(3)

By:Mia Madiso

I repress a chuckle at the large tent he's now sporting without the slightest embarrassment. I love a man who's proud and comfortable in his body without being a cock about it. So to speak.

“Excuse me, Ma'am,” he says in a voice of molten sand as he lifts and lowers his hat. At least he's polite even if he is standing there nude from the scalp down. “I feel a bit naked without my boots on.”

I can't help laughing out loud and his face lights up in accordance with my mirth. No one's ever called me Ma'am before now. Certainly not a man wearing nothing but his hat.

“Your boots won't cover up the offending article,” I say, with a teasing tone I hope is flirty.

I guess it worked as I'm rewarded by him grinning harder. One side of his mouth turning up higher than the other.

“Well goddarnit, Ladies, I'm sorry to be offensive,” he burrs and steps toward us, blocking his passage in the hallway.

He has the deepest blue eyes, that seem more vivid in the leathery tanned face. Closer up, I see small wrinkles form rays at the edges that only add to the perfection. He's older than I first thought. Looking at his lean ripped body, I'd have placed him in his prime, around my age. If early twenties even is the prime of life for a man. They say it is, while it's closer to forty for a woman, but looking at this tall gorgeous cowboy, I'd have to disagree. Yummy thirties all the way.

“He—this is—harassment,” Modesty squeaks from beneath the palms covering her mouth.

“He just got out of the shower,” I say, rolling my eyes at him as a sort of apology for her and receiving a nod in return.

“I didn’t think anyone was here,” he gruffs in a voice from the barn. “You must be the queens from the stampede. We didn't expect you 'til tomorrow.”

By the way he grits out the words, it seems to be a huge effort to spit out that many all at once. I get the idea he's a bit of a loner, don't ask me why. Wishful thinking maybe.

“We came out in the car before the others,” I tell him because sure as hell Modesty is even more tongue tied. “Modesty here is afraid of heights.”

“Flying,” she squeaks, correcting me.

“Heights and flying so she couldn’t take the private plane Mr Foxworth brought to meet us.”

“Too bad. It's a nice ride from the city,” he says, with a terrible glint in his eye as he catches mine.

I can't work out whether he's completely relaxed in his body enough that he doesn’t care two complete strangers have seen his impressive cock, or whether he's such a cocky douche that he thinks it funny. Especially Modesty's complete humiliation over the massive member and its ongoing thrust to freedom.

“I'm Dallyce,” I say and stretch out my hand before immediately yanking it back.

Holy shit, I was inches away from that thing. Just a tiny bit more reach and I'd have been making its personal acquaintance. Withdrawing it that fast, I hope he didn't notice. But that swaggering grin has returned, so I guess he did.

Well, screw that, I don't want him to get the idea that there are two prim virgin princesses in the house. “Sorry, I don’t know the protocol for introductions with a naked cowboy,” I blurt out.

Modesty gasps beside me and I feel her gaping in shock at what must seem brazen. I guess I should have taken her back to her room already but I'm loathe to part from the eye candy.

She'll never submit to a guy now. She's going to have nightmares about ever taking a beast like that inside her and her virginity will remain intact until she's too shriveled to even give it away. I must remember to reassure her that to my knowledge there are very few cocks that huge in the world. Which is probably why he's so sure of himself.

“I'm Shea Butler, at your service, ladies.” He lifts his hat again as he steps past and Modesty pulls back like he's a stick of dynamite. “Welcome to Foxworth Ranch,” he calls as he struts away from us.

We both trail him with our eyes, watching his magnificent round haunches flexing with every step.

“Sweet dreams,” he chuckles and as he heads down the staircase, still as exposed as the day he was born, the guy actually starts whistling.

Once he's gone, Modesty turns to me with the shock still plastered all over her face.

“Well I know for sure what dreams I'm going to be having tonight and they're far from sweet,” I say.

My thighs are damp and now he's gone I notice the persistent throb in my core.

“I wonder if he meant he was literally at our service.”

Modesty's eyes widen and I burst out laughing. She immediately follows suit.

Chapter THREE


Holy shit, but that was a feisty little filly. I've been around a while and seen the stampede queen and her two princesses pass through every year. But there has never been one like Miss Dallyce. Those sizzling curves, the beautiful eyes full of promise. I could hardly give her a real hard eyefuck while I was standing there naked. But if the little frighted mare hadn't been there, I might have given her a good seeing to up against the wall.