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My Cocky Cowboy(A Steamy Older Man Romance)(23)

By:Mia Madiso



The weekend of the rodeo is over and everyone says it was the best ever. Even the TV cameras came to broadcast some of the fun. Not that I give a holy crap about that, but Boss says it's good for business. I'm herding the cattle alone today, far out on the range with only the sound of mooing and lowing to keep me company. The other cowboys were set to taking down the fencing and stands and general clean up to return the ranch to normal.

Sitting high on Cinders looking out over a sea of honey brown jostling hide gives me the opportunity to think about my sweet angel.

I never did get a chance to be alone with her again for more than a few snatched minutes here and there. She drove me insane with lusty desire to be embedded between her soft lips and I grabbed any moment to pull her behind a stand and encircle her pliant eager body in my arms as I claimed her mouth. I gotta say Dallyce returns every bit of the vigor I kiss her with, scouring her tongue against mine with fierce hunger. I claimed her for the square dance every other song.

“You're a great dancer, cowboy,” she said as I led her around the wooden floor Abe built under the stars. “Is there anything you don't do well?”

“Yeah. Wait.”

Becoming more possessive than I thought possible when any other guy wanted to dance with her was the indicator of the strength of my feelings for her. If I needed any.

This morning she came hurtling out of the house as I was riding out early, dashing across the yard to stop me. I leaned down to wrap my arm around her and haul her up on Cinders back then settle her between my legs.

“Shea,” she whimpered. “Someone will see us.”

“I don't give a shit. I want everyone to know. What's up, Angel?” I asked, after a swift kiss on her plump lips, noticing her eyes were glossy with tears rising.

“I'm leaving today, Shea. We're going.”

“I know.”

“What's going to happen? Will I ever see you again?”

“Of course. You don't imagine I'm letting you go. You’re mine now. Only mine.”

“But - how do we manage that?”

“I'll be back at lunch. We'll talk then and I'll tell you what we're going to do.”


“I'd cross my heart if someone hadn't stolen it.”

She laughed and took my face in her small hands and planted a steamy kiss on my mouth to send me off with. Going to work like that every day is gonna make my life complete.

I've been on edge all morning. And Cinders is skittish as though echoing my sentiments.

“I know, girl. We're about to take a huge jump but the prize is worth the risk.”

I could hardly storm into the ranch house at dawn to inform Boss and that chaperone I was taking a consort and keeping Dallyce with me, to be my woman. But I have every intention of claiming her at lunch. Her rodeo tour is almost done and I'm sure they can let her off the last weeks. When time comes to head for home, I send Jessop and Lakin up front of the herd while I bring up the rear. Making sure none escape is the senior cowboy's task.

It's dusty work riding back and forth, keeping the cattle moving. Right after bringing a calk back into the fray, Cinders almost stumbles then begins to limp. I climb down immediately and lift her shoe to take a look, soothing her all the while.

“You're okay, girl. I've got ya.”

Shit. A nail has lodged beneath the metal. Most likely some idiot dropped one during the construction and she picked it up as we rode out this morning.

“Did you muddle through for me half the day, even though you were hurting?” I ask.

Cinders tosses her head like she knows what I'm saying. I smooth down her mane telling her she's the best steed a cowboy ever had. The horse turns her huge eyes on me with gratitude and love. I've only ever seen such love in one other pair of eyes and the thought of them overwhelms me now.

It would be cruel to ride Cinders back to the ranch. I lead her on foot and use a whip lasso to keep the herd moving.

“You let me know if you're struggling, Girl and I'll bring out the horsebox to chauffeur you.”

I only hope we make it back in time to catch Dallyce.

“Shea, we were wondering what happened to you,” Rafe rides up at a clip and rears Pegasus. “One of those girls was making a real to-do about seeing you before leaving.”

“Get off that horse and take care of Cinders while I ride up to the house and deal with it.”

“No problem, they're gone now. Almost had to rope tie her though, to get her to go she was squealing like a pig and insisting she was staying. You had a close escape there.”

“Shut your mouth, Rafe. Don't ever speak like that about her again. Don't even refer to her as a problem. Ever.”

“Sorry, Shea. Did you -?”