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My Cocky Cowboy(A Steamy Older Man Romance)(15)

By:Mia Madiso

Chapter ELEVEN


“Whaddaya got to say about that, Girl?” I chat with Cinders like always, as I remove her bridle and smooth down her coat.

The horse lets out a snort that I take as approval. She knows as well as me it's been way too fucking long since I had a woman in my bed. And longer since I had one in my life. Not that I can think of Dallyce in that way. Which is what makes this whole shebang even more indecent.

She's leaving in a couple of days and it's unlikely our paths will ever cross again. It feels all wrong to take her for a quickie or two and say goodbye.

“It's more than wrong,” I tell Cinders. “But I'm glad you're not jealous.”

There have been times that my horse has steered me away from some woman I've met. Letting me know by turning her head away or even snapping at one that I later discovered was a real user. It's true what they say about animals having an inner vision or sixth sense. And Cinders has been closer to me than anyone.

As I cross the yard from the stables to my house, I'm certain I must be walking with the cowboy's bow-legged strut, my balls are so swollen. For the second night in a row, I sprawl flat on my back across the bed and stroke the desire to ravage Dallyce out of my burning dick.

No sooner has my climax subsided than she's on my mind again. Nothing will substitute for being hugged and milked by her tight pussy. I need to be inside of her, all the way deep inside her and claiming her as mine.

But how fucking long is that going to satisfy me? I get the idea that once is never going to be enough. Once I've made her mine, I'm not going to be able to lift my hat as she heads down the dusty trail. It may be nuts, but as soon as I claim her, there's no way I'm letting her go.

I'm up at five and after grabbing some chow, I saddle up Cinders again to head out and check the herd. Some of the guys took to working with the fancy stud horses Boss bought when Chloe came back from Europe, demanding her father add a dressage paddock to the ranch. She wanted to make some swanky school where people could come for vacations and shit.

“You in trouble with Abe after last night?” I ask, when Rafe gallops up on Pegasus, a massive shit-eating grin spread across his face.

“Nah, why would I be?”

“For leading the princesses into sin and McDools.”

“The chaperone hawk was a bit miffed when we got back but she sweetened up. You stole the other one away before she got herself in trouble.”

His smirk widens and I get the sudden urge to slam my fist into it.

“Nothing happened with the little one,” he continues, still as smug. “Though she's damn sweeter than cherry pie.”

“You should have watched out for them. You were so absorbed with Cherry Pie, you let Dallyce get in a mess up.”

“She's a big girl.”

“The woman needed your protection. You let me down.”

“You got to ride in and save the day. No need to get all het up over nothing.”

I heel Cinders' flanks and take off at a gallop, getting away before I deck him. Rafe and I are buddies but sometimes he loses his shit when a cute woman rides across his horizon. The fact that he wasn't keeping an eye on Dallyce's safety has me pissed as hell. The guy at the pool table wasn't much of a threat but just the way he was ravaging her with his eyefuck gaze got me riled up as a bull in a pen seeing a hundred red flags.

If she was mine, no man would ever fucking look at her like she's a juicy steak laid out on a wooden platter. That would be a treat only I'd get to devour.

I rein Cinders up now I've placed the whole herd between Rafe and me. I just wanna be alone with the thoughts that are frankly driving me over the edge of the precipice. It's insane. How can I have spent barely a half hour with my tongue buried inside a woman and become addicted to the sight, sound and smell of her? But what a woman. The sweetest and most feisty, with curves that spell danger.

My dick jabs out against my jeans just recalling how she writhed on my tongue and clawed her fingers into my shoulders. I may have planned to stay well away and bury myself in building the stands for the rodeo instead of thinking about being buried inside her tight pussy. But I know it ain't gonna happen. There's no way I can have Dallyce this close and not keep her at my side for every moment.

“Soon as you're done here, head on back and make a start on the food stalls,” Abel, the ranch manager rides up and dislodges my filthy thoughts of being balls deep between Dallyce's tender thighs.

“Will do, Boss,” I nod. “I got all day.”

“I know you'll get it done,” Abe says. “Boss is getting edgy s'all.”

Old man Foxworth is boss to both of us and although fair, he's a hard perfectionist never satisfied with standards.