“Alright, I’ll work it out,” Wick said. “Gimme, I dunno, an hour?”
“You can have forty-five minutes. Less if someone comes knocking,” Gamble said. Cass had always admired Gamble, but she’d never really seen her in this role before. Watching her bring a plan together was truly impressive. “Swoop, what about gear?” Gamble asked.
“How many days?”
“Pack heavy.”
“Might be tough if the compound’s all stirred up.”
“You can take food and drink from here,” Mister Sun said from across the room. He was standing in the doorway of his side room. Kit was behind him, looking over his shoulder. “Take all you need.”
“Thank you, Mister Sun,” Gamble said. “That would make things a little easier.”
“Anything is yours, my friend.”
“Alright, Swoop, Able, get back to the compound, strip out what you can. You don’t have to empty the cage, but think long-range profile.”
“You got it,” Swoop said.
“There’s no telling how long we’ll be out there. Where’s Mouse?” Gamble asked.
“Out on watch,” Swoop said.
“Round him up and take him with you. I want to keep Finn and Sky posted up until we leave.” Swoop nodded. “And I don’t think you should come back here. We’ll have to rally up somewhere.”
We’ll take the tunnel, Able signed. Meet you outside.
“If you can do it without compromising it, yeah.” Gamble held up one finger to her teammates and then said, “Sky, you have your linerunner with you? Alright, check.” And then she was focused on the group again. “Alright, yeah, plan on that. If you’re sure it’s clear, take the tunnel out. We’ll go over the wall and rally up. Wick will find us a spot, and let you know. Questions?”
Cass surveyed the team; they were all switched on, ready to move. It didn’t seem to faze them in the slightest that they were talking about heading outside the wall for some unknown length of time. They were just focused on the job. Not a single one had asked why.
“Alright, let’s roll it up. Check with Finn and Sky to see what they need, and then get out of here. I want to be outside the wall by… oh-three-hundred GST. Forty minutes.”
“On it,” Swoop said. He and Able swiveled and headed towards the back room.
“Thought I had forty-five,” Wick said.
“Less every minute you fuss,” Gamble replied.
“I’m just going to sit back there,” Wick said, pointing to the far back corner. He moved to a table, and Cass saw him throw a little wave at Kit as he passed by. Kit didn’t wave back, but she smiled a little and looked at the floor.
“Governor,” Gamble said, “Painter, and Miss Cass, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get your help pulling some supplies together.”
“Sure,” Cass said, “of course.” Wren and Painter both just nodded.
“This way,” Mister Sun said. He headed towards the back room and motioned for them to follow.
“What about me?” Kit said. “Do I need to stay?”
Gamble stopped and looked back at her. “Yes, ma’am, I’m afraid so. Just until we’re gone.”
“What do I do in the meantime?”
“Keep Wick company,” Gamble said, flashing a smile.
Sky watched the streets below with an anticipation that bordered on nervousness. Patience usually wasn’t a problem. But knowing they were planning to leave made every minute they had to wait seem that much more painful. Each extra moment they stayed inside the city brought a chance that they might be discovered, and the way things had been going lately, there was really no telling what might go down if that happened. He’d never had to hide from his own people before. And the thought of things going sideways, of having to shoot their way out… he shook his head. It wouldn’t come to that. He wouldn’t let it.
He checked the time. 02.48 GST. Gamble had said she’d wanted to be outside the wall by oh-three-hundred, and unless she was planning to make them all sprint to the closest point, they were running late.
“Sky, Finn,” Finn said over the channel. “How’s your angle on the east side of the building?”
Sky checked. He didn’t have a full view, due to an overhang from another building. “Partially obstructed. What’s up?”
“Maybe nothing.” That didn’t sound promising. “Just picked up a little traffic spike from somewhere out that way. I can’t see anything over there though.”
“Alright,” Sky said, “stand by, I’ll check it.” He drew up his rifle and swept the area with his optic. As far as he could tell it was clear. Ever since the three-man patrol had quit poking around and moved on, they hadn’t seen another soul in the streets. “I can’t see anything down there from here, Finn. You want me to reposition?”