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More Than a Rescue(6)

By:Amy J. Hawthorn

Each time he stared into those blue eyes, he felt as though he was getting drawn into cool, clear, waters on a hot day.

His mouth opened before he realized he was going to speak. "That'd be great. Do you have plans next weekend? We could take them on a playdate." Well, hell. Might as well roll with it. "I'd like to see you again." Daisy brushed against his legs, giving him an idea.

When Olivia smiled brightly he knew he was on the right track, not for a single date, but for much more. Possibly a lifetime's worth. "Okay. We'd like that. When?"

"Next Saturday? We'll pick you up around three." Already an idea formed.

She tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear then looked down at the dogs circling their legs. "Do you want me to bring anything?"

"Nope. I'll take care of everything."

She met his gaze. "Sounds good." When her long lashes fluttered, he was done for.

Screw it. Unable to contain his desire to know if she still tasted as sweet as he remembered any longer, he stepped in, put his hand on the small of her back. He laid his mouth on hers, intending to keep the contact light, brief. When her mouth opened on a whisper soft sigh and the tip of her tongue touched his, his plan burnt to cinders.

Their mouths merged, reacquainting one another. Memories came to life, evolving into a fresh and somehow more intense reality. Desire simmered, brewing a heady, addictive elixir he'd crave for the rest of his days. Potent, delicious, he'd never get his fill.

He forced the hand on her back to stay in place. He allowed the other to rest lightly on her hip when in reality he wanted crush her against the wall and let his hands have free range over her body. Shaken, he drew away. Patience. He wanted to snarl at the little halo-topped creature on his shoulder whispering in his ear.

Kiss swollen and pink, her shaky smile made him yearn for more. The slender fingers resting on his chest trembled.

Six days was far too long a wait.

Olivia clipped the leash to Boomer's collar and looked around. Wanting to surprise her, Caleb had driven them out to the lake where they'd met all those summers ago. Lush green forest surrounded them on all sides. A narrow winding path led from the parking lot toward the lake. She could see glimpses of water between a few gaps in the trees.

She hadn't been back in ages, but the park remained much the same as it had been then. Eager to explore, Boomer vibrated with excitement, ready to jump out of his skin.

The driver's side truck door shut with a thud behind her. "Slow down, girl. Heel." Caleb and Daisy came around to meet them at the path's start. She laughed at Daisy who appeared torn between her desire to be a good girl and taking off in a mad dash for freedom to explore this new wonderland.

Instantly, the week's stress faded away. With just a few clouds in the sky and a cool breeze caressing her face, the weather gifted them with the perfect day for an easy hike. "Where to?"   


Caleb swung a backpack over his shoulder. "Trust me?" When he took her hand in his, the urge to follow him anywhere came over her.

"Yeah." She really did. Despite the years they'd missed out on, she couldn't deny that many of the same feelings she had then for Caleb remained. When she'd told Michelle that Caleb was one of the very best guys, she'd meant it. "I do."

"Come on." He looked down to Daisy. "All right, pretty girls, let's go."

They walked hand in hand down the path to where, just under the tree line's start, it split into three trails. The one leading to the right would take them to the resort where she'd worked. The middle one would lead them down to the lakeshore and a small dock. The third led them toward a couple of picnic shelters and hiking paths to cabins. Caleb took them down the third trail.

They walked in a comfortable silence, concentrating on keeping their dogs on the path. Occasionally they stopped, letting Boomer and Daisy smell their fill. Eventually, they came to a numbered sign at the trail's edge. The marker pointed down a dirt path through the trees. Caleb led them into new territory for her. They walked down the gradual slope and to a picnic table a short distance from the lake's edge. The wide section of beach lay before them, leading into shallow, clear water. Perfect for wading or playing with the dogs.

Boomer looked from the water to her and back to the water. Then he repeated the doubletake, as if unable to believe his good fortune. "Okay. Let's go get you a drink, big boy." She slipped her hand from Caleb's and led Boomer to the water's edge.

Caleb led Daisy to do the same, letting her splash and play to her heart's content.

Once both dogs were tired, he took Boomer from her and exchanged his leash for a longer lead. He anchored both dogs to one leg of the picnic table. They lay side by side and sighed almost in unison.

As the sun sank, seeming to dip into the lake's far side, she leaned back, resting her bottom on the side of the table to watch. Caleb mimicked her pose, his side just touching hers. "I packed food, if you're hungry."

She looked into his eyes, liking what she saw. "Maybe in a bit. I'm happy right where I'm at."

He tilted his head as if curious. "A penny for your thoughts."

"There's nothing earth shattering going on up here." She pointed to her temple before checking the sun's progress. "Sounds silly, but Boomer and Daisy have made me do some heavy thinking over the past week. Dogs are only given a few short years to live, and they spend their lives living as if every minute counts. They find the pleasure in the simplest things and enjoy it, as if it might be their last day on the planet."

Caleb looked down at the dogs. "Daisy greets me every morning with that tail wagging so hard, it's a wonder that she doesn't hurt herself with it."

"Exactly. They've done a pretty damn good job of reminding me to stop and smell the roses, to appreciate what's right in front of my face."

Caleb turned until he stood directly in front of her. "What do you see?" He took one of her hands in his.

The words caught in her throat. She swallowed, but couldn't break them free.

"Do you want to know what I see?" He took her other hand in his, his thumbs rubbing soft circles over the backs of her palms.

She nodded, the lump in her throat still stuck.

So very serious, Caleb met her eye to eye. "I see a kind, beautiful woman that any man would be a fool to let walk away. I'm no fool."

Despite the seriousness of his tone, she smiled. "You're not?"

"Nope. A decade ago I was. I let one of the best things that ever happened to me walk away. I'm not going to make the same mistake again." His words slipped into her heart, warming her. "I'm hoping like hell, that the feeling is mutual."

She twined her fingers with his and squeezed. "And what would you do if she's not ready?"

"I think she is, but if she's not, I'll just have to keep trying to convince her until she sees reason."

She pulled her hand free and cupped his jaw. "Dare I ask how'd you get her to see reason?"

He stepped closer, nudging her legs farther apart. "She'd find out I'm not afraid to think outside the box to get what I want. If I have to, I'll enlist some canine help."

"If that doesn't work?"

"If that doesn't work, then I'll have to play dirty." He turned his head, dipping it to kiss the palm she held to his jaw. Then he lightly nipped the pad of flesh below her thumb.   


Thankful she had the table to lean against, otherwise her weak knees might give way, she whispered, "I'm afraid to ask what that might entail."

He stepped in closer, his outer thighs brushing against the insides of her legs. "Here. Let me show you." Mirroring her hold on him, he slid his hand along the line of her jaw. He wrapped his arm around her back, anchoring her to him. The hand on her jaw moved to her nape.

Breathless, she waited.

And Caleb didn't disappoint. He laid his lips on hers, teasing her mouth open. Feather soft and decadent, he melted into her. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth then released it with a soft pop. "How am I doing?" It took a moment for her to process the gruff whisper.

"Good." She moved her hand to grip his belt, holding on in the tilting world. "Very good."

"What do you think? Would that work?" Surrounded by nature's beauty, she couldn't see anything past his mouth as it quirked in a knowing grin.

She released a shaky breath and fought to focus on the conversation as she asked, "Work on what?"

"On the woman I'm going to claim. How do you think she'd respond?"

Oh my. Somehow, impossibly so, his words held more power than his kisses. One hand tightened on his belt while the fingers of the other tangled in the hair at the base of his skull. Somehow, she found a few words that made sense. "I think she'd be a fool not to give him-give them and all the possibilities that lay before them-a chance. Life is too short. When you find something good, you should hold onto it, enjoy it to the fullest."

He dipped, gripped the backs of her thighs and set her on top of the table. Loving the feel of him there, she wrapped her legs around his waist. She wished they could stay in that moment forever.

He touched his forehead to hers. His broad shoulders heaved with a sigh. "That's what I hoped she'd say." Holding her close, he set fire to her world with a kiss she'd remember for the rest of her days. Not even the glowing sunset had enough power to eclipse it.