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More Than a Rescue(3)

By:Amy J. Hawthorn

He shook off memories of long summer nights filled with young love and forced his attention back to driving. "Not right now. Probably won't be long until I end up with one. I've had several dogs over the years, but my last one passed away about a year ago. I just haven't had the heart to replace him yet." He thought about the pups they'd found out in the hoarding situation, thankful a neighbor had called them in time. There was one in particular that he couldn't forget. She was an utterly goofy and adorable girl. He made a mental note to ask Kate about her when he dropped off the food.

"He's my first and, other than a few friends, he's my only family here. Chris, my fiancé thought I should get rid of him, but I refused. We're a package deal."

He barely refrained from telling her that her intended was an asshat. "That's the way it should be." He remembered Olivia was an only child. He hated that she was alone now.

He turned into the church lot and pulled up to the front doors. Before he could shift into park, Olivia jumped out with her bags. "I'll be right back for Boomer!" She hurried up the front steps. As she neared the top, the front doors opened, revealing an angry man in a tux.

"Really, Olivia? You're almost forty-five minutes late, and you're not ready. You're making me look like a fool." Chris's face turned red as he raked a hand through his perfect hair.

Olivia made it to the top step. "Give me ten minutes. All I have to do is grab Boomer, find a safe place for him, and change."

"You brought that stupid mutt? Are you crazy? We don't have time for this."

She hitched her tote higher on her shoulder. Didn't he realize that by arguing, they were wasting time? "I know it seems odd, but it's not safe for him at the house right now. Why didn't you answer my calls or texts? I needed you to come get me. My car ran out of gas just ten minutes down the road."

He stilled for the briefest of moments. If she wasn't mistaken, the corners of his eyes pinched before his mood suddenly shifted to placating. "I turned my phone off so there wouldn't be any distractions for the ceremony." His answer made sense, but …

"You answered when I first told you I was running late. Why wouldn't you wait until after you knew I arrived safely? My car is still on the side of the road."

His exasperated words hit her like a blow. "Look, just get your damn dog and let's get on with this ordeal." He didn't look the least bit relieved to see that she'd made it in one piece. He hadn't offered to help her with anything in the past week, not even the packing. He'd left everything for her. Even when she told him that the only way she could get everything accomplished was if she didn't sleep for the week, he hadn't offered to help with a single thing.

Upset and angry, she shook her head. Then she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Curious, she turned and looked back at the truck. Caleb grinned as he watched Boomer lick the back window, decorating his heart out with dog slobber graffiti. Once Boomer was satisfied he'd blessed poor Caleb's truck, he sat in the seat and decided to munch on the top of the seatback. Caleb tapped him on the nose with a finger. She could read the single word No on his lips. Boomer huffed then turned and sat down. He stared at her with those big brown eyes.

Her heart swelled.

How sad was it that her dog generated more emotion than her soon to be husband? She turned to face Chris. "Answer me one thing. Do you even want to do this? Do you really want to marry me, or is this," she made air quotes around the word "ordeal something you're going through just to make your mother happy?"

When he paused, taking a long, heavy moment, she had her answer before he opened his mouth. "I don't know, Liv. I just want to get it over with."

She realized with a sinking feeling that, sadly, his words didn't even hurt that much. If he were meant to be her dream man, they would have cut her to the core.   


The engagement ring she'd worn for the last two years felt heavy on her hand, reminding her that marriage wasn't supposed to be about convenience or to make a parent happy.

Caleb was right. Marriages were supposed to be the start of a happily ever after, not pain.

She slipped off her ring and held it out.

Before she could say anything, Chris asked angrily, "What's this? Are you dumping me at the altar? Really?"

"Chris, think about it. This should have made both of us happy. It's done anything but. Here."

He took a deep breath and held out his hand. "What the hell am I supposed to tell my mother?"

And that's the problem. If he was more worried about his mother's response than the end of their relationship, she had absolutely made the right decision. She dropped the ring in his hand and instantly felt lighter.

Without another word, she turned her back on him and walked down the steps. She scanned the small parking lot and didn't see Michelle's car anywhere. She dug her phone out of her tote just in time to see a picture text appear. Two pairs of heels sat on the floor with the text caption, A or B? I think A matches better, but the higher heel on B will make your legs look a million miles long. Hurry and decide, woman! There's no line! Get dressed and put on your foundation. I can be there in ten minutes to do your eyes if I don't hit any red lights.

She typed a response, picturing her friend's angelic face going nuclear as she read it. Put them both back. Wedding is off. Seriously. Don't worry about me. I'll call you later. Feeling like a heel but unable to handle any more, she powered her phone off and dropped it in her bag.

But as she walked back to the truck with the weighty decision behind her, she was surprised by how much lighter she felt. And almost happy, for the first time in … she didn't know how long.

When she put her hand on the door to get in, Caleb spoke, rocking her world. "Do you want me to watch him during the ceremony? We can go for a ride or take a walk by the lake. I don't mind." Such a simple offer. It was one that-though Chris wasn't a bad guy-he wouldn't ever think to make, even if it saved a bride a little piece of her sanity.

"No, thank you. It seems I need another favor, if you don't mind?" She climbed up and held her things on her lap.

"Not at all. Where to, Peaches?"

She shut the door. "Peaches? I haven't been called that in years." A flush of warm nostalgia flowed through her. He'd taken to calling her that because her favorite lip gloss had been peach flavored. She and Caleb hadn't dated long, but the short few weeks had been some of her happiest memories. "I guess a gas station and back to my car. Then I'll be out of your hair."

He started the truck and pulled out of the lot. "Sure. After we get your car on the road, how about we grab a bite to eat? You used to love Pop's Pizza, and it's not far out of the way."

He still remembers my favorite food. "I can't tell you how tempting that is. I haven't eaten there in ages, but … " But what? What did she have to do, other than see to Boomer? She looked at her watch. She was supposed to be attending her reception.

"It's not a big deal, not a date or anything like that. I figure you probably haven't eaten much today, and I haven't had anything since breakfast. We can eat out on the patio, so Boomer can come. Margie, the manager, is my aunt. She won't mind."

Her stomach must have grown ears and heard his mention of food, because it chose that moment to rumble. "Okay. I'd like that."

Boomer showed his agreement by leaning over and licking Caleb on the cheek. Caleb wiped his face on his shoulder. "Okay. We'll figure out something for you to eat, too. Down, boy."

Chapter 2

One month later …

Caleb looked down at the mess in his kitchen floor and bit his tongue. Sitting right in the middle of the garbage pile, Daisy stared up at him with a shameless, goofy grin capable of melting the devil's black heart. He'd adopted the bloodhound beagle mix from Riley Creek Animal Rescue as soon as she'd been cleared by the vet.

He'd known before he brought her home that hounds were ruled by their noses. A responsible owner should keep trash, food, or anything scent-rich locked up and out of reach.

Truer words were never spoken.

Combine that scent obsession with a puppy's curiosity, and it was a recipe for disaster. He pointed and frowned as he scolded, "Bad dog." Daisy just sat there grinning at him as if he were Superman and The Pope all rolled into one. When he'd gotten a call from his mother who'd needed a ride to the emergency room after a fall, he'd grabbed his keys and run out the door. Daisy had been gifted with access to the entire house for a couple of hours.   


He retrieved the broom and dustpan from the laundry room and debated the even bigger dilemma. How could he ask anyone to take on such a huge responsibility for the weekend? His mother had planned to keep Daisy, but he'd just dropped her off at home. No matter what she said, she wasn't up to dog sitting. She'd sprained her ankle and, though she denied it, she couldn't keep track of an active, curious monster, no matter how adorable she might be.

He was supposed to be at the airport in two hours for a flight out of town for his college roommate's wedding. Caleb was the best man, so he couldn't back out. He couldn't take Daisy with him and couldn't leave her home. He wouldn't have a house to come home … to.

An image of sun kissed cheeks with a sprinkling of freckles and damp blue eyes came to mind. Olivia. He hadn't seen her since he'd followed her home after her canceled wedding. After they'd gotten her car back on the road, they'd driven to Pop's for dinner. They'd enjoyed their food and each other's company, taking their time catching up. Afterward, he'd insisted on following her home just to be sure she didn't have any more trouble. He taken one of her bags and Boomer's leash and walked them to the door.