“We’ll probably be facing something like a giant octopus.” I frowned.
We were brainstorming ideas when the doorbell rang. I excused myself to answer it. As I opened the door, a wave of light hit me—dark sparkling energy floating in on a wave. I backed into the living room, knowing exactly who had arrived.
One by one, they took their places near the fireplace. First to enter was Derisa, the High Priestess of the Moon Mother from over in Otherworld. And then Titania, the Queen of Light and Morning. Next came Aeval, the Queen of Shadow and Night. And finally, Myrddin, the Merlin and High Priest of the Moon Mother, joined them.
“Well met, Camille.” Aeval’s greeting gave her away. This was a formal visit.
I curtseyed as the others filed in from the kitchen. Aeval smiled, her frost-laden eyes flashing like prisms in the ice. She was a tall and terrible beauty, with hair as black as mine, and her dress sparkled with beads, the deep indigo of the night sky.
“Do you know why we’re here?”
I shook my head. “No, Your Majesty, I don’t.” I usually called Aeval and Titania by their first names, but tonight, it didn’t feel right. With Titania, Myrddin, and Derisa in tow, I knew something big was up. “To what do we owe the honor of your visit?”
“Trenyth contacted me,” Derisa said. “He told me the last spirit seal has been located and you will soon be searching for it.”
I nodded. “We just found out.”
Aeval straightened her shoulders. “The moment you have the spirit seal in hand, you must journey to the Tygerian Mountains and seek out the Keraastar Diamond. The time has come for you to gather the Keraastar Knights.”
Chapter 3
MY HEART SANK. I knew this was coming, but I hadn’t expected it so suddenly. But then again, my ascent to the throne was less than two weeks away. I couldn’t show fear, and I couldn’t show my dismay, so I parked my expression in neutral.
“As you will, Lady.” I curtseyed again.
The formalities over with, everyone relaxed. Well, as much as you can relax in a room containing two Fae queens, a High Priest from antiquity, and a High Priestess of the Moon Mother.
Vanzir shyly approached Aeval. Vanzir wasn’t usually shy around anybody, but the sudden blush on the demon’s cheeks was both unexpected and cute. Aeval held out her hands and pulled him to her for a gentle kiss before she sat down in the rocking chair. Her pregnancy was starting to really show. He really was going to make a strange babydaddy.
The others spread themselves around the room. Merlin leaned against the mantel over the fireplace. Titania greeted Iris with a brilliant smile that told me somehow the two had managed to become a little chummy. And Derisa watched me carefully as she accepted a side chair from Trillian.
“I take it this journey’s not going to be a walk down the yellow brick road?” I knew better than to expect a clearly defined route with happy Munchkins along the way, but I was hoping that for once in my life, I wouldn’t constantly be in danger.
Of course, Fae nobility loved crashing hopes to the ground.
Aeval snorted. “I’m aware of that reference. First, there’s not going to be any Glinda to guide you. And second, you aren’t going to be linking arms with a scarecrow and a tin man, either. I also recommend you leave your pets at home.” She paused, catching my gaze. I started to sweat. There was real concern in her eyes. “The problem is, we don’t know the route. We only know that it’s somewhere in the Tygerian mountains.”
“Of course, because we need the Maharata scrolls to find out exactly where the diamond is.” I frowned. The more we talked, the less fun this sounded.
“Right,” the Merlin said. He held up a talisman that flashed brilliant blue. “Get ready, you’re about to have more company.”
“Great,” Menolly said.
A moment later, the air began to shimmer. Smoky and Shade suddenly came to attention. I froze as two more figures appeared in our living room. One was a woman who stood almost seven feet tall. Her hair was the color of silver moonlight and her skin, so pale she made snow look grungy. Smoky’s mother. And with her was an old friend we hadn’t seen for some time. Venus the Moon Child.
Our home’s becoming Grand Central Station, I thought. But I stood and graciously welcomed them to our house.
“Vishana, welcome to our home.” I curtseyed to my mother-in-law, grateful we were on good terms. Having an MIL who was a dragon powerful enough to kill everyone in the room was enough to cow anybody. “And Venus…you wily old shaman.” My smile broadened as he stepped forward to give me a warm hug.