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Mayhem:Federal Paranormal Agency 7(14)

By:Olivia Black

Closing his eyes, Emmett took a deep breath, pulling the night air into  his lungs. He categorized each scent within seconds. He knew what kind  of soil was beneath the grass under his feet, and he could identify  every animal in the surrounding area.

He knew the exact moment Dylan opened his eyes. He could sense him.  Dylan was looking for him and soon made his way outside. He walked  toward Emmett. When Dylan came to a stop beside him, Emmett leaned  toward the other man, letting their shoulders press together. Having  Dylan close made it easier to breathe. It was as if the man himself was  able to change Emmett's moods with his presence alone.

"Why do I have this overwhelming need to be near you?" Emmett asked. "I  was attracted to you when we met, but now, I can't imagine my life  without you in it. I don't want to be separated from you. It's like … " He  paused, trying to find the right words. "You own my heart, and I can't  get you out of my head. All my thoughts are consumed with images of  you."

"That's because we're meant to be." Dylan's deep voice washed over him,  sending a shiver down Emmett's spine. "You're my True Match."

Emmett couldn't help it. He smiled, a big, goofy grin spreading across  his lips. With the final puzzle piece in place, everything finally made  sense. When he'd first spotted Dylan standing in the doorway after he'd  become a vampire, he felt it. He knew they were meant to be together,  but it took Dylan's confirmation to make him realize that he could trust  his instincts.

"Why didn't you tell me when we met?"

"I wanted to tell you," Dylan said, his tone low and sincere. "But the timing wasn't right."

"Yeah." Emmett couldn't argue with that. They were both federal agents.  Solving the case came before their personal life. "That's true."

"Do you want to test out some of your new vampire abilities?"

"What kind of abilities do I have?" Emmett asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Let's keep it simple."

Dylan took his hand. Emmett couldn't believe how smooth the man's hand  was against his own. It was like touching marble, strong and soft but  still warm. He started running, darting around the property, and Emmett  remained by his side. He knew they were moving faster than any human  could ever hope to run, but the view was crystal clear, his eyesight  perfect. Dylan took him around the property, miles and miles of lush New  Orleans greenery.

The wind, generated from the speed of their bodies, blew through his  hair like phantom fingers combing back the strands. The cool air, which  would normally require a jacket, felt warm and comfortable against his  skin. And even though he was barefoot, the gravel from the driveway was  soft against his soles.         



He could feel the change within his body. Strength and power shot  through his limbs, catapulting him forward. He wasn't out of breath. He  wasn't tired. His muscles didn't burn from the effort. If anything,  Emmett felt free. It all seemed so simple.

"What are we doing?" Emmett asked when they stopped beside the pack's massive house. He wasn't ready to go inside.

"We're going to jump up to the roof."

Emmett pursed his lips. It was a three-story house. How was he supposed  to jump onto the roof from the lawn? It was at least thirty feet high.  "Will you go first?"

"Of course."

Dylan let go of Emmett's hand. Emmett took a step back and watched each  move the other man made. Dylan bent his knees and then pushed up off the  ground, launching himself into the air. Dylan landed gracefully on the  roof without making a sound. It was impressive.

Now that Emmett was standing on the ground alone, he started to feel a  little anxious. Not about falling or getting hurt, but about making a  fool of himself in front of Dylan.

"Emmett?" Dylan called out. "Do you want me to jump down so that you can watch me again?"

It wasn't necessary. Emmett knew what to do. He needed only to jump.  Taking a deep breath, Emmett cleared his mind, pushing all the fear  away. He bent his knees and leapt, flying up into the air without much  effort. He focused on where to land, but it didn't seem to matter. His  instincts took over, and he easily landed beside Dylan.

Emmett instantly froze, impressed with his newfound talents. Electricity  ran through his veins, making him giddy. Glancing toward Dylan, he  asked, "How was that?"

His True Match grinned. "You did great."

"What should we do now?"

"Do you want to watch the sun rise?"

Emmett looked out toward the horizon. He could already see the sky  starting to change colors as the dark tones of night gave way to the  bright rays of sunshine slowly awakening.

Emmett nodded. "Sure."

Dylan sat down, and Emmett did the same. He moved closer to his vampire,  and Dylan wrapped his arms around Emmett, easily maneuvering him so  that he was sitting on Dylan's lap. He leaned his head back against  Dylan's shoulder and sighed.

Time didn't exist.

It didn't seem to matter how long he'd known Dylan. The ties that bound  them together kept Emmett from floating away. Dylan was his universe and  everything moved around his True Match. It was strange and new but  exciting and real.

"I have to say that I'm really impressed with the way you're handling all of this."

"I wanted you to save me. If it took transitioning into a vampire to survive, it was the right choice. I wasn't ready to die."

"And I wasn't ready to let you go."

They fell into a comfortable silence. Emmett didn't feel the need to  fill the empty space with meaningless words. Being in Dylan's presence  was enough for him. Although he still had questions, Emmett waited and  watched. The sun slowly rose above the horizon, lighting up the sky and  sending shards of light out across the property.

"Wow," Emmett whispered. "I feel like I'm seeing everything for the very  first time. I've always loved watching the sun rise, but this, this is  different. The colors are more vibrant. It's like they're alive and  pulsing with energy."

"You're going to notice a lot of changes," Dylan told him. "It might  take some getting used to, but you have nothing to fear. You aren't  alone. I'm here. I'll help you."

"Am I immortal?"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you can't be killed, so I would appreciate it if you didn't take an unnecessary risks."

"Can I still eat food? Or am I strictly on a liquid diet?"

"You can eat human food, but it won't provide your body with any  nourishment like it once did. You'll need to feed from me regularly  especially since you're a newly changed vampire."

"What about you?"

"I can only feed from you."

Emmett knew very little about the paranormal community. He'd heard that  vampires, once they found their True Match, couldn't drink from anyone  else. Having Dylan confirm the story was a relief.

"Do you really think it's a good idea for me to remain an FBI agent?"  Emmett asked. He turned around to face Dylan. "Wouldn't it make more  sense to join the FPA now that I'm a vampire?"

"Believe it or not, there are paranormals that work for the FBI. Your  life doesn't need to change because you're a vampire. We can stay in New  Orleans. We'll figure it out, together."         



"Why would you want to stay? Your life is in New York. I know how important being an agent with the FPA is to you."

"I've lived many lifetimes. You're my True Match," Dylan said with conviction in his voice. "I belong wherever you are."

Dylan cupped Emmett's face and pulled him in for a fierce kiss. When  their lips touched, Emmett moaned. Dylan consumed him, taking possession  of Emmett's lips as if he owned him. The vampire took what he wanted,  and Emmett was eager to give him more. Emmett wrapped his arms around  Dylan's neck, holding him tightly as their tongues danced and swirled  together.

Leaning into his True Match, Emmett melted, and everything else around him seemed to disappear.

* * * *

When Dylan pulled back, ending the kiss, Emmett's brows pinched  together, and he frowned. Dylan pulled his lower lip into his mouth in  order to hide a smile. He hadn't known how Emmett would react to the  change, but he'd surpassed all of Dylan's expectations. So far, there  had been no emotional outbursts. Dylan had to admit that he was proud of  his True Match. The other man was mature beyond his years and handling  all the new information about being a vampire remarkably well.

"Shall we head back inside?"

Emmett stifled a yawn. "Yeah, I could use a few more hours of sleep."

"You've been through a lot. Your body still needs to adjust to the change."

Dylan rose to his feet, and Emmett mimicked his action. He walked to the  edge of the roof and looked at Emmett. The other man grinned in  response. Dylan grasped Emmett's hand, intertwining their fingers and  pressed their palms together. They stepped off the roof and fell toward  the ground below. Dylan bent his knees to absorb the impact, landing  easily on the balls of his feet, and Emmett did the same.