Reading Online Novel

Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(94)

Maya’s eyes popped at that declaration.

Rachel shrugged and said, “Research! Everything is research. I wanted to know what they were like. I’m curious about what motivated them to read our books when stereotypically that’s not what we’d expect them to read.”

“Did the sheriff agree?”

“Oh, yeah. He brought his laptop into one of the visitation rooms and let a couple of the inmates talk to us. They think we are very bee-yootiful. I asked them why they were there, and after they filled us in and told us they were big fans, we asked a few questions and that was it.”

“That never would’ve happened if it weren’t for videoconferencing,” Grace said, taking a long drink from her water bottle as she stroked her abdomen. Maya could well imagine none of Grace’s men would allow her within a mile of a jail.

“No, indeed,” Rachel agreed.

“They have no idea where you are, do they?”

“No. Nor do they know our real names,” Rachel replied. “They know me as Jane O’Malley and Grace as Caressa MacFarland. Of course that could all change if those assholes with that blog ever get wind of our pseudonyms.”

“I’ll never tell. By the way, have either of you ever met Sophie Oak? I’m her biggest fan.”

Grace and Rachel laughed and sat Maya down to tell her a story about one of the previous year’s Romance Writers’ Conventions, which took place in New Orleans. The tale involved Ms. Oak, a riverboat, a bottle of tequila, and a bellhop’s cart from one of the area’s swankier hotels. Suddenly the nicknames they called each other by didn’t seem so unusual.

Chapter Twenty-five

Kendall sent up a prayer of thanks that the Divine Creek was deep enough for cannonballs along the stretch forming the property boundary between the JWB Ranch and the Divine Creek Ranch. It would’ve been a shame to miss Maya’s squeal of delight as she leaped from the bank, swinging on the Tarzan rope and landing in the water with a big splash.

The workday had just ended for the men. Boone and Richard had arrived at the JWB and helped him finish up chores so they could go see what Maya was up to. Now they stood inside the tree line watching her play in the water like a little girl, swinging from the rope Kendall had shimmied up into one of the tall oaks to tie off for their use the week before.

“Too bad we didn’t bring swimming trunks,” Kendall said as Maya swung into the water again.

Boone snorted as he undid his belt buckle. “You think she cares if we have on swimming trunks?”

“Good point,” Richard said as he did the same. One of their belts struck a rock as they dropped their clothes, catching Maya’s attention.

She held on to the knotted rope and swung back and forth, dressed in her bikini, and said, “Finally! Someone to skinny-dip with!”

She laughed as Boone shot down the bank and leaped into the water, creating the mother of all cannonballs.

When they were all in the water with her, drenched from head to toe and surrounding her, Maya said, “I went exploring along the bank before I got in the water.”

“Oh, yeah?” Kendall said as he kissed the sparkling water droplets on her shoulder. He slid his hands down her waist as she gripped his shoulders to steady herself in the water since the current kept pushing her.

She kissed his cheek and continued. “I found a nice, secluded spot that’s not so close to the path leading down here. It’s deeper than the one we used last time. You can still see anyone approaching from our side, but the trees and brush are much thicker. No one will find us unless we want to be found. I’m dying to try it out.”

Boone cupped her breast and stroked a single, callused finger over her tightly peaked nipple and said, “Right now.” He didn’t say it like a question but more like a statement, and she nodded, her cheeks turning a pretty pink.

“Yes. I brought all the stuff with me, just in case.”

Kendall smiled when he noticed she practically vibrated with excitement. Maya put her palm to his cheek and looked up into his eyes and over at his brothers. “I want it all.”

Kendall’s body started vibrating enthusiastically as well, especially below the waist. “You mean the three of us at once?”

“You sure, baby?” Richard asked, reaching out to caress her neck, beneath her left ear. “You’re not just trying to please us?”

Maya’s cheeks bloomed with a deeper blush and she shook her head. “No. I want all three of you to make love to me together.”

Boone lifted her hand and kissed it, then smiled at her. “Show us the spot you found, baby.”

Kendall lifted her slick, curvy body into his arms and waded for the shore. “We love giving our lady what she wants, don’t we, guys.”