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Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(92)

By:Heather Rainier

Grace came down the steps, escorted by Jack, who kissed her cheek and waved to Maya before getting in his own black SUV. Grace looked as gorgeous as ever in a gauzy, summer sundress that showed off her lightly tanned shoulders and arms.

Kendall and Boone had returned her rental car the day before, and all three had helped her unpack what could fit in the house, and everything else was stored in a rental unit for the time being. She appreciated how careful they were with her things, especially her playroom furniture.

She knew Boone was anxious to get house plans underway and was willing to bet there was a playroom planned for their new house, with her padded play furniture front and center in it.

Grace broke into her thoughts. “What do you think about a beach theme for Saturday night? I suggested ‘Margaritaville Night’ and Ethan liked it.”

“No exotic dancers? That would outrage the Divine Morality brigade and probably have them picketing and protesting outside the club.”

“Ace and Kemp want to catch whoever was video-recording us on the dance floor. If there are male exotic dancers, only women would show up and vice versa. We want to leave it wide open so they feel like they can disappear in the crowd. Ace and Kemp aren’t going to let that happen.”

Once again, Maya was intrigued by these two mysterious men. “Are they going to rough them up and threaten them with cement boots?”

Grace giggled. “Oh no. Nothing like that. They are good at giving bad people reasons to leave good people alone. It’s thanks to the two of them Teresa’s little boy Michael has been fully adopted by Angel and Joaquin and now bears their last name. Michael’s paternal grandparents were monsters and would never have allowed it, except that Ace and Kemp gave them and Michael’s biological father compelling reasons to relinquish all rights to him. Those men are good at gathering information, too. They have resources the average joe doesn’t have access to. Did you get unpacked yesterday?”

They chatted on the way to Discretion as the Cadillac ate up the miles and Kenny Chesney crooned “Somewhere With You” in the background. Grace’s phone signaled an incoming call, and she reached into her purse for it.

“Hello. Hi, Nell! I’m fine. How’s Henry? You’re not out protesting with him?” There was a long pause then Grace chuckled. “All right. I’ll get with you as soon as I get to the shop. Rachel, too? Okay. See you in a few minutes.” She ended the call and put her phone back in her purse. “I’m glad I brought my laptop with me.”

“What’s up?”

“That was an author friend of mine. Actually, she and her husband write together, under the same pseudonym.”

“A husband and wife team. How cool. What do they write?”

Grace snickered and replied, “Erotic romance. Same as me.”

“Can I ask what their pseudonym is?”

“Sure. They keep it under wraps at home, but when they’re at conventions they let it all hang out. Have you ever heard of Willow Fields?”

“Oh my gosh! I loved the Blessed, Colorado series! Especially The Waitress and Her Twin Trouble.”

“Me, too! Yep, that’s them. She said she and Henry want to video chat with me and Rachel about something.”

Maya turned into Discretion’s parking lot and parked next to Rachel’s jet-black four-door Toyota Tundra.

“Good, Rachel’s here.”

The herbal scent of lavender hung lightly in the air as they entered the shop, and Maya noted the source at the spa and aromatherapy counter.

Rachel was helping a lean, good-looking man in his mid- to late-forties make a selection. She conversed quietly with the man and had a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke to him, leading Maya to think Rachel must know him.

His dark hair was flecked with silver all over, and lines from smiling and squinting in the sun were etched around his eyes. He was deeply tanned, and Maya wondered if perhaps he looked slightly older because he spent so much time outdoors.

Rachel led him over to the sales counter where she tallied up all his purchases, a rather substantial-looking collection of bath and body products in the relaxing lavender scent.

“Chance, I think she’ll love these. The foot cream will feel so good after she’s been on her feet all day. You’re a sweetheart to get all this for her. How’s Clayton doing?”

Maya smiled at the man’s West Texas twang as he replied with good humor, “He’s holding the fort down. He suggested I come see you ladies and let you make the selections. Cowboys don’t know a thing about girlie stuff.”

Grace gave Chance a hug and said, “You can trust us to steer you right around the girlie stuff. Does this mean you have someone to buy for on a regular basis? We can help you out with whatever you need.”