Reading Online Novel

Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(79)

“But it was definitely an invitation.”

Glad they were on the same page, Maya lifted up and put her arms around his neck. He positioned his cock at her slick opening and sighed blissfully as she slid down on him.

“I can’t describe to you just how good you feel, Maya.”

“Do you like my pussy?”

Richard groaned as he thrust. “I love your little pussy.”

She reveled in the feel of his strong hands gripping her hips as he guided her up and down on his cock. She kept her eyes focused on Richard’s face. He rubbed his thumb gently over her clit, and the orgasm blossomed within her, fluttering and growing. It would overtake her in seconds.

“I feel it coming. I’m so close, Richard,” she crooned triumphantly.

“Me, too, honey.”

Resting her cheek on his shoulder as they continued moving together, she closed her eyes and imagined how the two of them looked right now with her astride him and his cock sliding in and out of her drenched pussy. He was so thick and hard. It must be a wonderful sight.

The orgasm slammed into her, and she threw her head back and screamed in joy. His arms tightened around her as he thrust powerfully several times before becoming motionless with a growl. He held her tight, and his body practically vibrated with his orgasm.

When he finally spoke a few minutes later, Richard said, “You let me know if there’s anything else you want me to try, okay?”

Maya had to suppress her laughter. “I’m so glad you’re good with kinky.”

They rested together in the chair, his arms holding her securely. Once again he rocked her gently. The feeling was so peaceful and calming she wanted to stay that way, still intimately connected all afternoon. Eventually he did withdraw, needing to ditch the condom. He helped her up and put her in their bed.

“I’ll be right back.”

Richard returned a few minutes later balancing a tray and two bottles of water. The tray held sandwiches and fruit he’d hurriedly cut up.

“You made us lunch in bed.” She propped up the pillows against the headboard and took the tray from him as he climbed into the bed still gloriously naked.

He cuddled her to him and said, “I figured you had to be hungry and thought you’d like a picnic.”

He popped a grape in her mouth and handed her a sandwich, then opened her bottle of water for her.

“Maya, can I ask you something?”

“Anything,” she replied before taking a bite of her sandwich.

“Are we wearing you out? Physically, I mean? Are you making love with us this often because you’re trying to keep up?”

Maya smiled at him and said a silent prayer of thanks for the way he blessed her heart. After swallowing, she replied, “I don’t feel worn out, or put-upon, or any of those things, Richard. I see the love in your eyes and I…just want you. I experience the way you three sweethearts take care of me, and I want to be with you, all over you, loving you, touching you, and doing my best to devote all of me to you. I can’t look in your eyes and not desire the loving care you give me.”

“So you’re not just doing it to keep us happy.”

“Of course, I want you happy. But I do it because it makes me happy, too.” She ended her statement with a yawn. The temperature outside was blazing, and that plus their playtime made her want a nap in the cool air-conditioning. Good, hard orgasms did that to a girl.

“Well, right now it looks like you need a rest.”

They finished their lunch and he returned the tray to the kitchen. When he climbed back in the bed, Maya noticed he was almost fully hardened again.

“I think you should nap,” he said when she reached for him.

“We have all afternoon. I plan to nap, but first I want to play some more. I really, really missed you.”

He chuckled and pulled her under him. “You’re insatiable.”

She giggled and replied, “The love of a good man will do that to a woman.”

He sheathed his cock quickly and groaned when she wrapped her legs around his waist. His solid weight felt indescribably good above her. She moaned when he flexed his hips and nudged her with the tip of his cock. It was pure bliss the way he entered her, stretching her slowly and filling her to practically bursting.

Richard and Maya made love with slow, leisurely strokes until they were both consumed in a fiery burst of ecstasy. After they’d recovered, Richard left the bed to dispose of the condom. When he returned she was already drifting toward sleep.

He got into the bed and pulled her on top of him, her legs splayed on either side of his thighs and pulled the sheet up to her hips.



“Loving you has healed me. Thank you.”