Reading Online Novel

Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(54)

His smile was a pleasant change from the dark scowl Brenda and her harangue had put on his face during their walk back to the vehicles.

She swiped her fingertip through the dust coating his chest and said, “Well, she definitely put a damper on our romantic little getaway. I hope we can take a picnic out there again, soon.”

Boone bent over and lifted her over his shoulder and said, “As long as we get you for dessert, Maya.” She giggled and squealed when his big hand landed with a pop on her ass.

Chapter Fifteen

Driving back to the Divine Creek Ranch foreman’s house, Boone wouldn’t have been a bit surprised if he looked in the rearview mirror and saw horns sprouting from his head, he was so horny for Maya. The moment he’d been looking forward to had been ruined by that mouthy bitch, Brenda. She’d always had impeccable timing.

He knew his thoughts should be centered more on what Brenda was up to in Divine, but all he could think about was getting Maya home and out of her clothes again. His balls felt heavy and ached with the pressure of denied release. Judging by Kendall’s intense stare out of the windshield and the way he shifted in the passenger seat, he was probably feeling the same.

Maya was no shy, inexperienced flower. She enjoyed sex as much as he did. Boone was fairly certain she would’ve expected more than just anal sex from him that afternoon. She didn’t hold back much, and he knew they would’ve given her a threesome or a foursome if she’d asked for it.

He glanced in the rearview mirror and barely held back a lusty growl. She was sitting beside Richard, who was kissing her neck and feeling her up, but she was staring at Boone as she responded to Richard’s touch. She smiled when their eyes met.

Hot damn! The afternoon’s not over yet!

Boone had been a little worried Brenda’s arrival would fill Maya’s mind with questions that demanded answers before they could move forward. He hoped their reaction to Brenda’s surprise visit was answer enough in itself.

Kendall glanced back at them and murmured, “Doing okay back there, Maya? Looks like Richard’s not quite through with you yet.”

“Well, it just so happens I’m not quite through with any of you yet, either,” she replied. Her voice was a throaty whisper that sent an animalistic surge through Boone’s body, and he loved the fact she did not shrink from asking for what she wanted. Hell, he wanted to pull over on the side of the road, find a shady, secluded spot, and give it to her.

He listened to the sounds they made in the backseat of the truck as he drove them home. Richard had groaned deeply several times and Maya was panting lightly by the time the truck pulled to a stop in the driveway. Thankfully the truck’s windows were tinted and there was hardly anybody else around the barns, otherwise they might have seen Maya, who was now straddling Richard’s lap, kissing him passionately as he fingered her under her bikini bottom. The scent of her wet pussy in the enclosed truck cab was intoxicating.

Boone noticed Kendall’s hands were shaky as he reached for the door handle. Boone turned to the two of them, so wrapped up in each other they probably didn’t know they were home already.

“Why don’t we take this inside,” Kendall said.

Maya and Richard came up for air and damned if she didn’t look about ready to come right then. Boone’s cock jerked and twinged as he took in the sight of her beautiful, flushed face. He opened the door and took her hand as Richard released her, and helped her climb on wobbly legs from the truck.

Richard got out behind her, looking ready to tear someone limb from limb if he didn’t get inside her again soon. They hurried inside the house, and she stripped her bikini off like a woman on a mission. She held up two fingers to them.

“Get the condoms and the lubricant. Give me two minutes to rinse off in the shower. Boone, come with me, because that bitch covered you in road dust, and I don’t want it all over me.” She didn’t say it in a bossy way. She stated it like it was an emergency.

He followed her beeline to the master bathroom and stopped her when she would’ve jumped in under the cold spray coming from the shower.

“No cold showers for you, tiger,” he murmured as he dropped his jeans on the floor and embraced her from behind as the water warmed up.

“I need you, Boone. I need you all again. I’ve wanted this, needed this for so long. I almost can’t stand to wait. I’d let you fuck me dirty, but she put that there and I need it gone.”

Maya was on fire this afternoon. He could see the desire burning in her eyes and he hardened further, ready to give her what she wanted. Needed.

“You’ve had anal sex before, I hope.” Boone planned to be careful with her the first time, but he wasn’t sure he could go slow like she would need him to if she hadn’t done this before.