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Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(39)

By:Heather Rainier

Kendall observed Maya with little Eleazar in her lap as Michael approached and leaned against her. He couldn’t hear what Michael was saying, but the look on Maya’s face and the twinkle in Michael’s dark eyes told him the little cowboy must be flirting with her. Like fathers, like son.

“Hey, Angel, I think your boy is making time with our woman,” Kendall said with a chuckle as he nodded his chin in their direction.

Angel and Joaquin looked over at the exchange. Both of them laughed and Angel replied, “Michael’s skills with women rival even our brothers’, Luka and Matthias. We’re gonna have hell to pay when he’s a teenager.”

Joaquin guffawed as he proudly watched his sons and whispered, “Oh, damn. They’re tag-teaming her, Angel.”

Kendall had to suppress laughter as he watched little Eleazar gaze adoringly at Maya and reach out a pudgy hand to caress her cheek. Maya was obviously enthralled by the two miniature Don Juans as they worked their charms on her. She glanced up at Kendall, a blush on her cheeks, and blew him an air kiss.

Ethan laughed and said, “The phone is going to be ringing nonstop when they’re teenagers.” He held up his pinky and thumb to the side of his face and said in a reedy, high-pitched voice, “Is Michael there? Um, er, um, can I talk to him pleeeeease?”

The men all laughed as they continued to give Angel and Joaquin a hard time over their flirtatious sons.

Boone elbowed Kendall and said, “She fits right in.”

Kendall’s eyes were on Maya as he murmured, “She does. I’ve been wondering…”

“About what?”

Kendall lowered his voice significantly as Richard joined the two of them. “She said earlier that she felt good. I feel like making love to her tonight.”

Maya glanced up at him and smiled when she caught them all watching her. The blush in her cheeks deepened a bit more then she was distracted by a question from one of the girls. She looked at the men again as she answered, probably curious to know what they were talking about.

Boone’s tone was guarded and tight. “You want time alone with her tonight?” Kendall looked over at the two of them and shook his head. Sure, a part of him would like to have her undivided attention, but he didn’t want to start down that road this early. Later they could each have her all to themselves whenever the need or desire struck, but right now it was more important to share her love and lavish her with attention.

“No, Boone. I want to blow her mind with how good it’ll be between the four of us.”

Richard’s voice was so low they could barely hear him. “Do you think she can handle all three of us in one night, right off the bat?”

Boone replied, “If we put her in the driver’s seat, she’ll let us know if it gets to be too much.”

Maya laughed at something one of the girls said, and the melodious sound made Kendall’s heart perform a sappy little somersault. His cock was signaling interest and he willed it into submission. It wouldn’t do to walk around with a hard-on the whole evening.

“God, I can’t wait,” Boone said, most likely speaking for all three of them, judging by the bulges they were all sporting.

Kendall was trying to think of something to distract himself when a noxious odor filled the room. Ash groaned as he stood holding his sleeping seven-month-old son, Will, to his chest. “Dude.”

Evan and Wes snickered and moved away from him as Will punctuated the odorous aroma he’d created with a prodigious toot.

Wes laughed and waved his hand in the air. “Damn, Ash. What did you feed that boy? Broccoli?”

Ash chuckled and said, “It was just as awful-smelling going in as it is coming out, too.”

The men all burst into laughter as Ash grabbed the diaper bag. Juliana was away at market in Dallas with Margot Heston, Summer’s sister, so Ash had baby duty.

Grace must’ve overheard them and came to Ash’s rescue, taking the diaper bag from him and then relieving him of the baby. “Don’t worry, Ash. I’ll take care of him. You’ve had your poor hands full with Will for two days.”

“You sure, Grace? I change him all the time. It’s no bother.”

Grace smiled and replied, “It’s good practice for me.”

She cooed to the auburn-haired baby as she walked away, and Kendall noticed the smiles on her men’s faces as they watched her. They were goofy in love with her, and that was the truth.

After ascertaining that the women were caught up in their conversation, Jack finally told the men what Kendall had been waiting to hear about. They’d already done some digging about the offensive blog site that listed Grace, Teresa, and Rosemary by name.