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Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(34)

By:Heather Rainier

“Oh, Boone.”

Her husky whisper set his blood to boiling as he slid his finger up and down her slit, the sounds of moist flesh parting audible even over the merrily gurgling creek. She lifted a thigh and gave him greater access to her wet pussy, and he took full advantage.

He caught the elastic of the G-string with his fingers and pulled it from her, revealing her blonde curls and the slick, glistening evidence of her arousal to him. She was dripping with her juices and looked like the right touch would make her come on the spot. Lucky for him he was the one doing the honors. He couldn’t wait to hear what she sounded like.

Mindful of the rough surface she sat on, Boone reached for her towel. “If I’m going eat this sweet little pussy, I want you comfortable while I’m doing it.” He spread the towel on the rock and patted it for her to move onto it.

He helped her get situated, aware of the way she now panted. She leaned back on her elbows and watched him as he slid a hand up her torso and carefully tucked the lace of her bra beneath her breasts so he could reach her turgid little nipples. A strident moan escaped her lips as he pinched them and tugged before rolling each between his fingers.

The whole time his lips were mere inches from her creaming cunt. She surprised him when she slid one hand down her torso and spread her lips for him, revealing the damp, pink delicacy between them. Her fingertip slipped downward and lifted the hood over her clitoris, exposing the small, engorged jewel to him.

“Good girl.” His words had a visible effect on her. With her spread like that, he could clearly see her pussy clenching and convulsing with need.

He lightly slid the tip of his tongue straight up the center of her wet flesh from bottom to clit, and her body tensed as if she were a bowstring. He paused and watched as her breathing became erratic, and she moaned in anticipation.

He repeated the motion with relish as her back arched and her vocal response echoed at a higher pitch. He lingered slightly in the stroke over her engorged clit, and her pussy convulsed. The waves of her orgasm rushed over her, and he felt each pulsation on his tongue as he slid it into her cunt then upward to her clit.

Her ecstatic cry was like music to his ears. He went deeper and suctioned the flesh between his lips and flicked her clit mercilessly, enjoying her scream as she came again. Her juices dripped from her pussy, and he licked her thoroughly as he listened to her recover. Every little hitching sob and sigh was gratification itself.

Chapter Ten

Pleasure vibrated through Maya’s throbbing pussy as she caught her breath. Her heart pounded, and she quivered as he continued to lick and stroke her.

Raising her head from where it hung back, she looked down at him, poised between her thighs. Where did they go from here? He must’ve seen the questions in her eyes because he spoke up before she could even form a query in her mind.

“Don’t worry, Maya. The guys and I have talked about this. There’s no pressure on you to reciprocate right now. We wanted this all to happen naturally, at its own pace.” He backed up his statement with a sexy smile and another long, leisurely lick straight up her center.

“O–Oh! I thought maybe you would all expect to be together the first time we did anything like this.” He grinned when her breath came in staccato pants of pleasure. Boone had excellent oral skills.

“We were open to however it came about. It just so happens I’m a pushy bastard and got to the head of the line today. Kendall and Richard will not be upset with you for allowing this. They’re both waiting for their chance.” He stroked her pussy one last time with his fingertips in a caring gesture and helped her to sit back up.

“What about you, Boone? You have to be aching by now.”

“Maya, I want you so badly it’s painful, but I understand if you need to slow down.”

She was grateful he’d backed off a little but wasn’t prepared to let him get away just yet. It deepened her feelings for him that he was trying to think with his big brain right now instead of going for what she’d offered and his cock clearly craved.

“For a rough-and-ready cowboy, you’ve got a gentle streak about a mile wide.”

“Don’t let that get out, or I’ll never live it down.”

“Don’t worry, Mister Dominant. Your secret is safe with me.” She released the clasp on her bra and laid it aside with the G-string, popped off the rock shelf and into the water beside him.

Her wet flesh slithered against his as he held her to him, and she said, “Why don’t you sit on the edge and let me take care of this great, big monster of yours?”

“Why thank you, baby,” he replied with a chuckle as he backed to the rock ledge and lifted himself so his ass was perched on the edge. His thighs were rock hard and covered in dark curly hair. She bit her lip in admiration at the way his cock stood up straight and proud from a nest of dark hair as he positioned his hands behind him and leaned back slightly.