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Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(33)

By:Heather Rainier

She blessed him with a luminescent smile a moment before she planted her other foot on his shoulder and pushed him back into the water. He laughed for a second before he went under, not so much from the force of her push but because he was as much in the mood to play as she was.

She laughed as he surfaced and then became serious as her blue gaze wandered down his torso. Where he stood on a rock, he was only waist-deep. A faint blush came to her cheeks as she looked at his cock, which was only barely submerged in the water. If she kept staring, his cock was going to keep swelling until it made an appearance above water as well.

She laid her book by her towel and sat up. “The cold water doesn’t seem to bother you much.”

“Not when what I’m looking at makes me this hot, Maya,” he replied as he stepped closer to her.

A fish swirled around his ankle as he stood in the cold water. She parted her thighs and watched him as he took advantage of the move and drew closer still. He could see her pulse pounding at the base of her throat, and his dick twitched when she licked her lips as she looked him up and down again. Her hands moved from where they rested on her thighs, and he wondered if she was considering putting them on his cock. He sincerely hoped so. Her breasts filled the transparent lace bra to perfection, and he had every intention of playing with them before he left this rock.

“H–How was your day?”

“Long, hot, and sweaty. How was yours?”

“Positively decadent.” Maya skimmed a fingertip over his tattooed bicep and traced the marking around his shoulder and said, “Turn, I want to see all of it. Oh, Boone.” Her voice was an expressive whisper as he turned so she could see his back.

He’d added to the original red-and-black tribal art on his bicep so that it now encompassed one complete shoulder and crossed the top of his back. Her fingertip descended his spine as she traced the twined red-and-black fiery dragons, done in the same tribal motif, whose tails ended at his lower back. His cock surged as her fingertip traced all the way down.

“Did it take a long time?” she asked as he turned back to her and drew close enough to place a kiss on the upper swell of her breast, right above the lace she wore.

“Yes. Several trips.” He switched to the other side and was gratified by the shakiness of her breathing.

“I wish I could’ve watched.”

“Next time I’ll take you with me.” He traced the tip of his tongue through her cleavage.

“Do you like my new bra?”

A leisurely smile crossed Boone’s lips and he murmured, “I was just admiring it. It looks beautiful on you.”

“It has a matching G-string.”

Hot fucking damn! Dreams do come true. “Any chance I might have the opportunity to peel said G-string off of you?” Please let her be wearing it beneath these cutoffs.

Her breath caught in her throat, and she bit her lip before smiling. Her only response was a nod. With dripping hands he pulled her to him, gripping the back of her head in one hand as he slid the other up her thigh to grip her hip. She fit his hands perfectly, everywhere.

He kissed her hungrily and savored her taste, thrusting his tongue between her lips and enjoying the feel of her silken mouth. He groaned when her smooth fingertips slip around his bone-hard dick.

He fumbled with the fly and zipper of her cutoffs, and she leaned back a little to give him greater access. He jerked the faded denims down her hips and legs and laid them aside as he hungrily took in the sight of her. Her quiet moan had his dick bobbing impatiently and seeping pre-cum. He couldn’t wait to have his mouth filled with her pussy, to taste her cream.

Her gaze never left his face as he touched the patch of transparent lace over her mound. Her scent rose to him in the balmy air, and he hazarded a guess she was very wet.

“Very pretty, Maya. You look good in lace.”

Her only response was a little high-pitched exhalation as his fingers slid over the narrow elastic string that ran over her hips.

“And what’s this? A lovely bit of body art.” He traced a fingertip over the delicately inked tattoo at her left hip. The duo of roses was deep red and intricately detailed, one fully opened and the other a tightly closed bud. Their stems crossed at her hip so it would appear they were held there by her waistband.

“I want to add to it someday.”

“What would you add?”

Her breath stuttered a little when he stroked it with a light tickling touch.

“I think I’d add a colored ribbon and have the artist ink something special on it. Maybe a phrase. I haven’t decided yet.”

Gently, he hooked his finger beneath the lace and growled at the feel of her silky skin. Maya waxed her pussy. Boone couldn’t believe his good fortune. A small, soft thatch of curls grew in a narrow strip above her slit, which was his true destination. Her head fell back as his finger slipped fluidly between her drenched lips.