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Mate Set (Mating Heat #1)(30)

By:Laurann Dohner

“Tell that to the redheaded, naked woman in his shower who told me he called her.She said her name was Megan, his girlfriend.” She refused to cry in front of them so she fought the urge. “I told him if he cheated on me while we were together that I was leaving so he knew what would happen.”
Elroy sniffed the air and his face darkened with anger. His gaze slid to one of his sons, standing next to her. “Where is Grady, Rave?”
“I assume he’s on his way here to get her.” The man shrugged his broad shoulders.
“That’s where I’d be if she were mine.”
“Am I the only one scenting her?” Von was staring at Mika. “She’s in a lot of pain.” Elroy nodded. ”I’m aware. My son has some explaining to do.”
“Your son doesn’t want me. I wish he did, but I’m human. He’s got a problem with that. Please just let me go. He wants a werewolf woman and he called her to be with him.”
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A door slammed and Von stepped back as Rave also moved away from her, both of them turning to stare down the hallway. Mika looked over her shoulder to see two men walking side by side toward them. Both of them looked similar to Grady and she knew these were his other two brothers. They stopped feet from her, two sets of dark brown eyes locked on her.
“He tried to use another woman to get him through mating heat.” Elroy was pissed.
“No wonder he called us for help to find her. She,” Elroy glanced at Mika, “found the other one in his apartment naked. She stated she told him she’d leave if he touched someone else.”
The brother on the left, who had just entered the room and appeared to be the oldest of the four, frowned, stared at Mika. “She’s human.”
“No shit,” Elroy spun away, walked to the pool table and leaned heavily against it as he faced his sons again. “I guess he didn’t learn from my mistake of getting involved with one of them.”
The brother watched his father and then his dark gaze zeroed in on Mika. “I’m Anton.” He jerked his head at the man next to him. “He’s Braden.” He paused. “Why did you run from my brother?”
“He doesn’t want me,” she said softly. “Trust me, my leaving is for the best. I’m human, he’s got a big problem with that, and after he bit me he destroyed my bedroom in a fit of rage. He called a woman to be with him after he left me at my house.” She paused. “Then I overheard him say if I tried to claim him he was willing to kill me.
Please just let me go.”
“He bit you?” Anton sniffed loudly.
“It was an accident.” The men all looked at each other but no one said a word. 
Frustration and anger had Mika on edge. She decided to try again. “Please just let me go.”
A door slammed and Mika wanted to whimper when she saw Grady storm down the hallway looking half wild, his hair messed up, clothing disheveled. The snarl he uttered was enough to make her knees go weak. Rage made his eyes appear to be two orbs of pure evil as he kept coming at her, never even glancing at his family, and a louder snarl tore from him as he lunged for her.
Mika cried out when she saw claws swipe at her but Grady never got to touch her.
Rave jumped in Grady’s path, preventing him from reaching her. “Don’t,” he snarled.
“Move,” Grady snarled back. “Mine.”
“Calm,” Elroy was there instantly, standing next to Rave to block his son from Mika. “You’re out of control.”
“Move,” Grady snarled, sounding even scarier.
Von suddenly grabbed Mika around her waist, lifting off her feet to hold against his body as he backed away. Her purse dropped from her hands, hitting the floor hard. His voice was soft as he spoke.
Mate Set
“You running sent him over the damn edge. He’s not himself. He won’t mean to hurt you but like this, he will.”
A howl of rage shattered the room and Mika watched, horrified, as Grady attacked Rave, throwing his brother aside as easily as if he were a feather pillow. The big man flew a few feet to crash to the floor and Grady tried to lunge again at Mika. Elroy moved, grabbing him, and they struggled. Anton and Braden were in the mix in the blink of an eye, each man grabbing Grady’s arms and hauling him away from their father. Elroy roared out in rage, glaring at Grady.
“Control yourself.”
“Mine!” Grady’s face wasn’t quite human anymore as he snarled at his father, struggling to break free from his brothers.
Elroy shook his head, backing up a step, and shot a look at Rave when the man got to his feet. “Get the chains and the dart gun now. Move.”
“Fuck,” Von hissed. “Are you happy now, human? Look what you did to him. He’s totally out of his damn mind because you ran and left him to go nuts. They are going to have to chain him down and drug him to calm him now.” Mika snapped. She was horrified, terrified, and tired of taking the damn blame. She elbowed Von hard, hitting him square in a soft spot under his ribs, making him hiss out in pain and drop her. She moved away from him and then looked at Grady. He was fixated on her, those terrifying eyes of his never wavering, and he struggled, snarling again, trying to reach her.
“Knock it off,” she yelled at Grady, moving closer to him. “I’m not yours.”
“Don’t provoke him,” Von ordered her, rubbing his ribs. “The drugs will calm him down enough for you to be safe with him.”
Provoke him? All she’d wanted to do was leave town. This was Grady’s fault, not hers. He was the damn jerk who kept breaking her heart. She glared at him when he snarled at her again, fighting the hold his brothers had on him but unable to break free.
All her pain turned to anger and she encouraged it.
“Mika,” Grady snarled. “Come here. I need to hold you.”
“Fuck yourself,” she yelled at him. “That’s what you want from me, right? That’s all you want. Why don’t you call Megan again?”
He snarled, tried to bite one of his brothers, and fought but they held him. Mika inched closer, not caring what kind of danger she was in—too angry.
“I’m okay, by the way. Not that you give a damn since you left me bleeding and scared in the spare bedroom while you tore my damn room up. Do you have any idea what it’s going to cost me to fix that?” Hot tears filled her eyes and she didn’t care anymore who she cried in front of. “I was worried so I went looking for you. How stupid was that? I told you if you slept with someone else I’d take off. I am so damn tired of you hurting me.”113
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He stopped struggling, just watching her as he breathed heavily. Mika shook her head at him.
“Then you have your brothers come after me.” She jerked a thumb toward Von.
“He told me you were hit by a damn truck to get me to leave the airport. I was worried about you, terrified you were going to die, and I left with him to rush to your damn side. Again, really stupid. I’m done, Grady. You’ve hurt me for the last damn time.” He was breathing hard, his chest rising rapidly. “I didn’t call Megan to fuck her. I owed it to her to tell her face-to-face that it was over.”
“In your shower?”
He growled low. “I didn’t know she’d let herself in.”
“And I heard you say if I tried to claim you that you’d kill me.” He struggled to break free again but then stopped fighting. “I was talking about Megan. I’d kill her if she tried to claim me. She could only do that if she challenged you and killed you. I was protecting you when I said that.” Some of her anger eased because she really wanted to believe him. “It doesn’t matter, Grady. You never wanted me and it was an accident when you bit me. I just want to leave and go back home.” She wiped at her tears. “I can’t and won’t take this anymore.”
“You’re mine,” his voice was deep but he wasn’t growling or snarling anymore. “I did bite you and you’re my mate.”
“I’m nothing to you, Grady. You’ve made that perfectly clear. I’m leaving.” He went insane, howling, and hair started growing out on his arms. Elroy was suddenly in front of his son, grabbing his face in his hands, his voice deep when he spoke.
“Don’t. Hold your skin,” Elroy ordered him.
Grady stopped changing but he was hairy as hell, his mouth was extended, his nose wider, and his eyes… Mika had to look away. They were narrower than they should have been, shaped differently, and pure black. Those eyes scared her as growls tore from him.
Rave rushed forward with chains draped over one muscular arm and, in shock, Mika watched his hand rise. She saw a handgun and then she heard a soft noise.
Grady whimpered and her head jerked in his direction. A blue dart was sticking out of his chest. She stared at it and her gaze flew to his face. He was staring at her, showing sharp teeth, and then he slumped forward, his brothers having to hold his weight totally, Elroy helping them by holding his son’s head.
“He’ll be out for about an hour. Let’s get him secured quickly.” Elroy was furious as he turned his head, glaring at Mika.
“I can’t scent that you’re his mate but if he bit you then it’s just a matter of time. 
You are going nowhere.” He released Grady’s face carefully, allowing his head to slump, and then he bent. “I got him.”