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Mate Set (Mating Heat #1)(20)

By:Laurann Dohner

She gasped when Grady suddenly grabbed her and then gently laid her flat on her back. He dropped to his knees and moved her legs so he was crouched between her spread thighs.
Grady softly groaned. “So damn hot. You are bare for me.” His finger slid chocolate downward over the sensitive area and spread it lower to her clit, then back upward. “So damn sexy and soft to the touch.”
“Until it starts to grow out and I have stubble,” she teased.
His eyes locked with hers and he blindly reached out for the fallen bottle of chocolate syrup. He smiled as he turned the bottle over and let chocolate drip on her breasts, down her stomach, to her shaved mound. He tossed the bottle somewhere to the side of them.
“I knew there would be chocolate on your body.” He winked at her.
Laughing, Mika lifted her arms and curled her fingers over the back of the couch so her arms were stretched over her head. She arched her back, pushing her breasts at him.
“Only because you put it there.”
“It won’t be there for long.” He lowered his body and licked at the chocolate on her skin between her breasts.
“That feels so good,” she murmured.
Mate Set
Mika loved the way Grady removed chocolate from her body. He took extra care to taunt her nipples as he sucked on them to clean off the chocolate. He moved lower, wiggled his tongue inside her bellybutton and caused her to laugh. He chuckled and continued down. His hands gripped her ankles and he put them over his shoulders.
“Oh God,” she moaned as he spread her sex wide with his fingers and started to lick at her clit.
She didn’t last long at all. Giving him head had turned her on to begin with and his exploration of her body as he’d cleaned off chocolate had put her in desperate need to come. When his tongue and lips sucked and licked at her clit, she didn’t stand a chance of not coming. She cried out his name as pleasure tore through her.
Grady growled—a deep, gruff sound. Mika opened her eyes and watched Grady move her legs from his shoulders. He lifted up and then crawled over her. His eyes were pitch-black and his teeth were extended. He was really turned on.
“I need to fuck you. Roll over for me. Hands and knees…now.” She didn’t hesitate. With him crouched over her it made it a little hard for her to find the room to roll over in the cage of his body but she did it. She had barely risen to her hands and knees when he entered her from behind. One of his arms grabbed her around her waist to hold her in place and his other arm reached up and grabbed the back of her couch to hold his weight. He started to pound into her. 
Mika braced her arms. She had to, so he didn’t pound her into the back of the couch headfirst from the hammering he was giving her. He was thick and hard inside her. It felt amazing. He moved even faster and harder. Pain and pleasure slammed her.
Growls tore from his throat. Mika came again in minutes. Pleasure tore through.
She heard fabric ripping. She looked up to see Grady’s hand clawing her couch, the material being shredded by claws that were extending. Her gaze flew to his arm and she saw a hell of a lot of hair. Behind her Grady snarled and jerked violently inside her as he came.
“Fuck,” he snarled in an unusually frightening and deep voice.
Mika was shocked as Grady suddenly tore out of her body and left her on her hands and knees on the floor. She turned her head in time to see him stumble away from her. It wasn’t just his arm covered in hair. She saw it on his other arm too, his legs, his back, and even his ass was covered in fine black hair where just skin used to be.
She sat down hard on the carpet as Grady disappeared into the kitchen. Realization hit her as she sat there. He’d started to change into a wolf when they were going at it.
That’s why he’d sounded so unlike Grady at the end and that’s why he’d fled the room.
Mika was shaky as she forced herself to her feet. She winced as she stood up. She was going to hurt a lot more later because of how hard Grady had taken her. Even now she felt sore and tender between her thighs. As good as it had felt, he’d been rough. She swallowed and walked to the kitchen to find him.
She wasn’t prepared to find a big black wolf lying on the floor on the rug in front of her sink. He was beautiful but Grady was one hell of a big wolf. That wolf was almost 75
Laurann Dohner
big enough to ride. Her uncle was a lot smaller in his wolf form. Grady lifted his head.
Black eyes stared at her and she thought she saw him flinch as she stared back at him.
He was panting, mouth open, and his eyes were locked on her.
Mika only froze for a moment and then walked farther into the kitchen. She let her gaze run over his furry body. He really was a beautiful animal. If she didn’t know it was Grady she probably would have been terrified at finding a two-hundred-pound-plus black wolf in her kitchen. As it was, she just walked over to him and slowly sat down next to him. The cold wood floor felt good on her overheated flesh.
“Are you all right?” She was proud that her voice didn’t quake.
He just looked at her.
She bit her lip and reached out slowly. He didn’t pull away so she touched his fur on the back of his neck. His coat was thick and soft. She ran her fingers into it and loved how satiny he felt. Uncle Omar had a rougher coat of fur and he didn’t feel as wonderful to touch as Grady did.
“Do you need some water?”
He hesitated and shut his eyes. He laid his head on her thigh. She guessed that was a no or he wouldn’t have pinned her down with his head. She hesitated and then kept touching him. She stroked his fur and used her nails to scratch him. He turned his head a little and relaxed more with his head on her lap. They sat that way for a long time.
Mika wondered how long he’d be in wolf form. Her uncle said sometimes it could take a while to change back if the person shifting was highly emotional or if they were tired. She wondered what had triggered Grady’s change. She sat there waiting and then realized he'd fallen asleep.Instead of moving him, she shifted her body a little and curled around his back so his head was still on her thigh and she was lying on her side against him. The rug in front of the sink was a thick one that pillowed her head. She shut her eyes and lay there with the big black wolf. Her lover was currently sporting enough fur to make her a nice coat and he had a tail, four paws, a cold nose, and he couldn’t talk to her as he was.
Her life was seriously strange. She lay there petting him as he slept. Her mind was going over how she probably needed some therapy because she didn’t seem to mind that she’d just had sex with a man who was now a wolf. She had no desire to ever make love to him when he had a tail but she knew she should seriously be freaking out over after-sex cuddling with a wolf.
Her life was seriously fucked up. She was cuddling with a freaking big wolf on the kitchen floor after hot sex and she didn’t even mind. She was living with and in love with a werewolf. Hot tears filled her eyes but she fought them back. The fact that she could never turn into a wolf would always stop him from accepting her. He’d never mate her. The entire situation hurt. She didn’t want to be with a man who couldn’t give back as much as she was willing to give. She’d gladly adjust to anything for Grady but he’d never do the same for her.
Mate Set
In less than two weeks she’d leave. He’d go find his little phone buddy and play chase tail in the woods with her. He’d forget about Mika. She’d just be another woman he’d fucked.
She’d go home and never forget him. Life wasn’t fair. She forced herself to shove the painful thoughts away. Her fingers gripped his silky fur. He smelled like Grady even as a wolf and she loved how he smelled. She kept hold of his fur as she drifted to sleep.
* * * * *
Mika woke up when Grady lifted her into his arms. She opened her eyes and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. It was still light outside and Grady was back in his skin. He carried her out of the kitchen. Her body ached and was sore. She wasn’t sure if sleeping on the hard kitchen floor accounted for most of her aches and pains or if they were from the sex.
“Are you all right?” He didn’t look at her as he carried her into her bedroom and eased her down on the bed.
“I’m great. Were we asleep long?”
Grady straightened and glanced at the clock. “A few hours.” His gaze wandered down her body and he flinched.
She followed his focus and saw that she had a bruise on her hip where he’d gripped her during sex. She sat up and hid the flinch, she hoped, from him as she accidentally rubbed her tender flesh on the bedding with her movements. She was damn sore. Her sex felt swollen and slightly inflamed. 
Grady growled. “I hurt you. I’m so damn sorry, babe.”
“I’m not complaining.”
“You should be screaming at me after what I did.” Frowning, she watched him as he seemed to look at everything on the bed except her. “I’m fine. Are you all right? You didn’t mean to shift, did you?” His attention snapped to her and she saw his eye color go black. “Do you think I’d ever do that on purpose?” He spun and walked a few feet away, keeping his back to her as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I could have killed you or hurt you really bad.”
“You didn’t. I’m a little sore, I admit, but it was amazing. I came hard if you didn’t notice. If you were hurting me I would have been screaming in pain instead of getting off.”