Reading Online Novel

Mate Set (Mating Heat #1)(19)

She wished that were true. “So, what kind of stuff do you want on your pizza? I’ll order them if you start the tub.”
He chuckled. “Stuff you won’t like. That’s why I’m suggesting we get two.” He climbed off the bed and held out his hand to help her up. “Get up, woman. I’m hungry.”
Mate Set
Chapter Eight
Mika was so fucked. She knew that as she laughed. Grady was making her too happy and she knew how bad that was for her in the long run. He was making her breakfast when she found him in the kitchen after waking up in bed alone. It was as sweet as hell. Grady grinned back at her.
“What is so damn funny?”
She glanced at the mess. “You’re so banned from making breakfast ever again. You single-handedly destroyed my kitchen and how the hell did you get chocolate on your chest?” She walked up to him and studied the chocolate syrup on his bare chest to make sure it was what it appeared to be. It was.
“For chocolate pancakes.”
She laughed as she glanced at the stove. Dark, flat lumps were stacked on a plate and she guessed those were the chocolate pancakes. “I didn’t know werewolves loved chocolate that much. How much did you use?”
He grinned. “I love chocolate. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed. Did I make too much noise?”
She shook her head. “I rolled over and you weren’t there. That woke me up. Then I smelled coffee and your pancakes. This is so damn sweet of you, Grady. You didn’t have to make me breakfast.”
“I figured it was the least I could do. You’ve kept up with my sex drive.” He winked. “How are you feeling? Sore?”
She was but she shook her head. “I’m feeling pretty damn good.” He softly growled, his grin dying. “You can say that again. You are amazing.” She looked down at his boxers, the only thing he wore, and saw his cock straining against the material and pointing up. When she’d heard that male werewolves had high sex drives, she’d had no idea what that meant. After yesterday and last night, she knew for sure. Grady had taken her about a dozen times, starting right after they’d eaten pizza until the crack of dawn when he woke her up by entering her from behind while she was stretched out sleeping on her stomach. She was shocked she wasn’t limping or in a wheelchair.
“Can you take me again?”
Her mind was so there but her body nearly whimpered with a cry of tiredness. She smiled. “Are you always this damn horny?”
“Mating season. Too much?” A look of concern was instant. “Am I asking too much of you, Mika? You’re human. I’m so damn sorry. You are sore, aren’t you? Don’t lie to me.”71
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“A little.”
He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “It is okay, babe. Mating season is hell, even on us. It helps a hell of a lot that our women go into heat too. It’s not just the males. I swear, I’m not usually this damn bad. I have a high sex drive but even I’m sore.
Unfortunately my lower half doesn’t seem to care.” She chuckled. “Did you use all of my chocolate syrup on pancakes?”
“No. I saved a little so if you wanted hot chocolate I could make you some.” Mika grinned at him. “Where is it?”
He turned a little and pointed. She glanced at it and then him. Her fingers brushed down his body and hooked his boxers. She shoved them down to his thighs. Grady growled softly at her. She was learning his growls and she knew that one. It was one he made when he was turned on.
She went onto her tiptoes as she shoved his boxers down his legs. His erection was hot and hard against her stomach as she rubbed their bodies together. She only wore a half shirt and panties. She aimed for the chocolate on his skin and swiped at it with her tongue. A groan came from Grady.
“Don’t tease unless you aim to please. I take it you’re up for another round?” She chuckled. “Nope.” Her mouth and tongue traced his skin to his nipple and she teased it with her mouth.
“Babe,” his voice got deeper, a sign he was really turned on. She’d learned that too about him. His voice got damn deep when he spoke while they were making love. “It’s not nice to taunt me like this. I have no control.”
“If you put chocolate there, my mouth will so follow it,” she said after she released his nipple and looked up at him with a grin. Her hand reached between them and she gripped his hard-on, rubbing him. “Just please don’t grab my hair. I don’t like to choke.”
She saw his eyes widen. In a flash, he grabbed the bottle. She laughed and eased down from her toes. She backed up a little but didn’t release her hold on his hard flesh.
She did point his cock straight out at her and then started to kneel.
Grady gripped her arm. “Living room. The floor is hardwood in here.”
He arched an eyebrow. “Living room has a soft rug.” She sighed and backed up but didn’t let him go. She led him by his dick into the living room. Grady was grinning.
“This is better than a leash. Come on, boy.”
Grady laughed. “I’ll get even for that comment. Are you implying I’m a dog? I want you to know that I’m a proud wolf. I don’t fetch sticks or slobber.” 72
Mate Set
Mika stopped and turned, facing him. She lowered to her knees in front of him when she reached the area rug. She held his hard flesh and grinned up at him. 
“Chocolate please.”
Grady growled again and opened the chocolate syrup. “This is going to be messy as hell. You know that, right?”
“Do I look like I give a damn about that right now?” She squeezed his cock in her hand. “This is all I’m thinking about and how good chocolate would be right here.” Grady turned the bottle over and dripped chocolate all over his cock. Mika made a small “mmmm” sound and then moved in closer. She opened her mouth and licked at the chocolate on the head of Grady’s cock. She heard him take a deep breath and she smiled as he dropped the bottle of chocolate to the floor.
“Don’t tease me,” he said softly. “Seriously. Usually you could tease me forever but with mating heat, I could lose control easily. I’m afraid as it is that I’ll force more of my cock inside you than you can take if I thrust against your mouth.” She nodded as she took Grady between her lips. She wondered how different he’d be when mating season was over. Right now he was an aggressive lover with no patience. Teasing was out for the most part because within a minute he was ready to get down to serious sex with her when she’d tried taking it slowly. She took as much of Grady into her mouth as she could since he was so large.
Grady growled above her as she worked him with her mouth. Chocolate smeared on her lips and the taste of him and chocolate were two things she thought she could learn to love together. She licked and sucked on his hard flesh. If he were any thicker he wouldn’t have fit, no matter how wide she opened her mouth.
“Oh, Mika,” Grady almost snarled. “I’m not going to last, babe. Fuck. You’re good at this.”
Usually Mika would love to tease him and explore every inch of him with her mouth. She knew with Grady already on the sexual edge and with his lack of control, it would be a mistake. The idea of him losing control and forcing himself down her throat wasn’t good. She reached up and cupped his balls with one hand. He had heavy balls.
He jerked at her touch and growled low and deep. Her other hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock. She pumped him fast and hard with her hand while her mouth sucked and moved on him in time with her hand.
Grady tensed hard and she felt his balls draw up, tightening in her hand. In seconds his cock pulsed in her mouth and in her hand. He came, jerking slightly against her, as he poured cum into her mouth. She heard him almost roar as he came. She swallowed over and over again as his release spilled.
The taste of Grady and chocolate was good. She swallowed everything Grady had to give her. His body relaxed and she finally released him from her mouth. She licked her lips and backed away as she tilted her head up to look at him.
Grady grinned down at her. “Sorry. I came a lot, didn’t I?” 73
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She laughed as he reached down and tugged her up to her feet. He cupped her face with both his hands. He lowered his head and Mika was surprised when Grady suddenly licked the side of her jaw in one long swipe of is tongue.
“Mmmm, I do love chocolate.”
She reached up, smiling, and touched her face. Chocolate had smeared around her mouth, down her chin, and she even felt some on her nose. She laughed out loud.
“I bet I look funny.”
He chuckled. “You do…but damn sexy. You can suck chocolate off me anytime, anywhere.”
Mika stood still as Grady lapped every drop of chocolate from her face, chin. She shivered when he reached her neck. It felt incredible. She never thought she’d enjoy someone swiping at her with his tongue but it was erotic the way Grady lapped at her skin.“All clean yet?”
“Not yet,” he reached for her shirt and tugged it up. “I think I should search your body for any more drops of it.”
“I think you got it.” She grinned.
“I don’t think so. I’m sure there’s chocolate on you.”
“Do you smell it with your keen nose?” She let him tear her shirt off over her head and wiggled her ass a little as he shoved her panties down to the floor. She stepped away from them.