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Mate Set (Mating Heat #1)(18)

By:Laurann Dohner

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Sorry? Tears filled her eyes. She ached from how hard he’d fucked her, but worse, he’d left her high and dry sexually. It had hurt a little when he’d taken her that way but it had felt really good too. If he’d just touched her clit she would have come with him or if he’d just lasted a little longer she would have come. She turned without saying a word and walked on wobbly legs to her bedroom. She closed the door softly and then made it to her bed where she collapsed. Hot tears seeped out. She felt used and it hurt.
The bedroom door opened but Mika kept her eyes shut. She was curled up on the bed in a ball on her side. The bed dipped from his weight and then his large body curled around her back. She tensed but then relaxed as Grady pulled her tightly into his arms, holding her.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you,” he whispered. His lips brushed her neck. “I’m a total bastard.”
She sniffed. “I’m fine.”
“You’re crying and I can smell your pain.”
“I don’t like being used. That’s what hurts.”
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His hold on her tensed and then he pulled her firmer against his body, curling his more tightly around her. “I didn’t use you. I just wanted you too bad to have much control.”
“You used me. You fucked me and then couldn’t get away from me fast enough.
You didn’t even care if I got off or not.”
“I’m sorry I lost control and took you as though you were a wolf. When I realized what I’d done and I was horrified. That’s why I pulled back and why I stopped touching you. I’m so sorry, Mika. Did I hurt you inside? I was rough. Do you need a doctor? I know I’m too much for you when I’m like that.” She sighed. “Get over yourself. You didn’t break me. It was pretty damn great until you stopped.”
She heard him suck in air in surprise. His hands on her moved, massaging her hip and her arm. “Really?”
Mika opened her eyes and turned her head to meet his shocked gaze. “Really.” He softly growled and his eyes darkened as she stared into them. The brown turned to black. “Take off your clothes. I’ll let you use me this time.” She studied his eyes. “I don’t want to use you, Grady. I want to be with you. Be with you,” she repeated. “Share it all. Every touch. Every sensation. I want us to enjoy each other.” 
His breathing increased. Mika wiggled away from him and got off the bed. She opened her torn shirt and let it drop. Her bra went next. She kicked off her shoes and shoved down her destroyed jeans and panties, stepping out of them. Grady sat up and discarded his shirt and jeans. Naked, he sat on the bed watching her.
“Did I make you sore?”
“A little,” she admitted.
Grady held out his hand to her. She didn’t hesitate putting her hand in his and let him tug her back on the bed. He rolled her onto her back and stared at her. His long hair brushed her shoulder and tickled slightly.
“I can kiss it better.”
She grinned. “You didn’t use a condom. You’d taste yourself.”
“I don’t give a damn.” He reached for her knee. “I crave the taste and scent of us together.”
Mika stretched back on the bed, her gaze meeting his, as Grady shifted his body between her thighs. She spread wider for him. He slowly took in her body stretched out under him. Another growl came from his throat. He kissed her shoulder and then started to brush kisses down her body. He spent a lot of time at her breasts. His mouth was hot and wet. He teased her nipples into hard nubs. His mouth kissed lower, over her rib cage. By the time he pushed her thighs wide and fit his shoulders between them, Mika was hurting with need.
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“I wish you were totally shaved,” he rasped. “Would you do that for me? I think you’d enjoy my tongue tracing over bare skin here.” He rubbed his jaw against the soft, short hair of her mons. “Now I’m going to lick you within an inch of your life.”
“Just make me come. I need to. Fuck me.”
He growled and his mouth lowered to bury his face between her thighs. Hot breath touched her and then his tongue.
“Grady!” She moaned as he found her clit.
Mika clawed the bed. The man had the most amazing mouth ever. He sucked on her and licked her sensitive skin. Grady knew exactly what spot made her go crazy with pleasure. She moaned, arching her back to keep her hips still, and thrashed her head.
She came screaming his name. Grady growled, licked her one last time, and then he rose up. Mika opened her eyes and stared at Grady as he fit his body over hers.
He is beautiful, she thought. His hair was long and wild looking. His black eyes were burning with passion. His mouth was slightly swollen from what he’d been doing to her. She saw sharp teeth between his parted lips. His body was tan and muscular. She watched those muscles move under his skin as he positioned himself over her.
Her attention moved down to his flat stomach and to the protruding, hard flesh he was about to thrust into her. His cock was large, hard, and red with need. Her gaze lifted to meet his. He was watching her.
“Take me, Grady. Please.”
Mika cried out in ecstasy as Grady slowly entered her. She felt swollen there from his rough treatment from before. Swollen and hot and really wet. He pushed into her deep and let his large body settle down on her. He braced his forearms next to her and froze when his cock was buried to the hilt inside her body. He shifted to take both of her hands in his, one at a time. His arms braced his weight but his fingers were laced with hers, up by her head. Their gazes locked just as Grady started to move on her.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No,” she moaned. Her legs lifted and she wrapped them high around his waist to give him more room to move so her knees were at his ribs. Her heels rested on his ass.
“Don’t stop.”“I couldn’t if I wanted to,” he rasped. “You’re burning me up, Mika. You’re so damn sexy and you feel so damn good.” He started to slowly pump into her. In. Out.
Grady shifted his hips to change the angle of his cock inside her. A loud moan tore from Mika’s mouth.
“You like that?”
“Yes. God, yes, Grady.”
“You respond to me the way no other woman ever has,” he rasped. “You fit me so damn perfectly. You are so damn hot. You ready?”
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She wasn’t sure what he was asking her if she was ready for. Did it really matter what he was asking? She didn’t think so. Whatever he wanted, at that moment, she wanted to give him. She nodded.
He moved faster on her, doing a motion with his hips that made his shaft rub her clit as he drove downward. Mika had to close her eyes. She moaned, moving her hips frantically against him. The man was too damn good at this. He kept moving on her, making her feel, building her frantic need to come until she exploded. She gasped and then panted his name.
Grady’s response was to growl and drive into her a little faster and harder as her muscles twitched inside. Mika heard the snarl that came from his lips as he shot his release inside her. She looked at him then, needing to see his face.
Grady’s eyes were closed and she was stunned to see his mouth wasn’t quite human anymore. His lips and jaw were pushed out too much. Sharp teeth were showing, gleaming white. His nose even looked a little wider than normal. He let his head fall into the crook of her neck, hiding his face from her. Without giving it any thought she turned her head and gave him full access to her neck if he wanted to bite her. She almost wished he would so he’d be mated to her.
His sharp teeth grazed her skin. She didn’t tense, though she had to fight the urge.
She took a calming breath and forced herself to relax. Hot breath and teeth were pressed to the top of her shoulder, front and back, where his teeth gripped her.
Grady growled before he tore his mouth away. He turned his head from her neck and let his cheek rest there instead. They were both breathing heavily, their hands still laced together. Grady was still buried deep inside her and he wasn’t moving away this time.
Their breathing returned to normal. They lay there together for long minutes recovering from the hot and heavy sex. He smiled. He still didn’t break his hold on her fingers laced with his or withdraw from her body.
“We need a bath,” he finally said softly and lifted his head. “What do you say?
Does a bath sound good? I’ll wash you. We’ll order a couple pizzas so by the time we get out they should be here. I noticed you have cable. We could watch something together.” 
Mika smiled at him. “That sounds fun.”
He grinned. “It does. I’m not really one for going out. I kind of like sticking home with fast food and something good on television. We’ll have an in-home date night.” He was making an effort to get to know her. Mika saw it for what it was. He was moving their relationship from just sex to a little more and she’d happily take it. He released her fingers, easing his hands away and lifted up more from her chest. Mika couldn’t stop herself. She reached up and caressed his cheek. An emotion she couldn’t read crossed his features as he hesitated, letting her touch him.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
“For what?”
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“For making this more than just sex. It— I appreciate it.” His eyes searched hers. “You’re more than that.”