Reading Online Novel

Mate Set (Mating Heat #1)(13)

“We’re fucked,” he rasped.
She squeezed her muscles around his cock again. Grady’s eyes widened and then he pulled back. She thought he was leaving her body, withdrawing from her totally, and she had to halt the urge to cling to him to keep him there but she released her death grip around his hips with her legs so he could move away from her. Grady almost withdrew completely but then he drove his hips into hers, plunging his cock into her deep and hard, pushing her body into the bed.
Mika cried out in pleasure and her legs wrapped tightly around him again. Their gazes remained locked, Grady keeping eye contact with her as he drove in and out of her again and again. Mika couldn’t look away from the pleasure that was easy to read on his handsome features. She bucked her hips and she met him with an upward thrust.
Skin to skin felt unbearably good, too good, and her body tensed, muscles tightening as a climax built inside her.
Her nails bit into his shoulders. Grady’s eyes narrowed, the shape changing just a little, and when his lips parted, sharp, extended teeth were revealed. She screamed out Grady’s name as she came hard, ecstasy tearing through her entire body and watched as his eyes closed when his own release hit him. His mouth opened wider, his teeth grew longer, and she threw up her hand over his mouth, right as he lowered his face into her neck.
“No,” she moaned, still riding her pleasure.
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She could feel the sharp points of his teeth against her palm but then his lips closed over them. His face was buried in the crook of her neck, her hand trapped over his mouth as he panted. She shivered in the aftermath. The sex had been amazing. The only downside was that she’d seen him lose control and if she hadn’t been watching him he would have bitten her. He turned his face away from her neck and away from her hand.
She wrapped her arms tighter around him, holding him, and loved the way his heavy body pinned hers to the bed.
“Sorry,” he whispered. He lifted his head and stared down at her, their noses nearly touching.
“Never apologize for making me come that hard. That was mind-blowing. You’re amazing.”
He tensed on her and then relaxed. “If you hadn’t gripped my mouth I would have bitten you. You feel too damn good and make me lose my head.” She chuckled. “We’ll have to buy you a muzzle, honey.” She saw amusement spark his dark eyes. “I think they make them. I know this sex shop that carries all kinds of kinky shit.”
“Really?” She laughed. “I think tomorrow we should go there to buy one for you because I don’t want to use condoms with you.”His smile died. “You’re serious?”
She nodded. “Do you really want to use them when we don’t have to? Tell me that wasn’t damn good, that you don’t want to do it again and I’ll call you a liar.” The amusement left him. “It was too damn good. I could get addicted to you.” She ran her tongue over her lips. “You don’t want me for a mate, remember? You want a wolf.”
“Your life isn’t here anyway. Where do you live?”
“I have an apartment in Orange County, California.”
“What do you do for a living?”
“I work for the phone company as an information operator.”
“Whose house is this? I didn’t know Omar owned it.”
“He doesn’t. It was my parents’ house when they still lived here. When I was two we moved to Southern California but we’d always come here for a few weeks here and there so they kept it. When they died it was left to me. My mom was a wolf and my father was human but they were mated. They were childhood sweethearts.”
“It’s rare that a were-woman mates with a human guy. Most families wouldn’t allow it. They’d demand he risk his life to change so he’d be strong enough to protect his mate.”
Mika didn’t see any bias in his eyes. He just looked curious. “My mother never wanted to risk his life to attempt to change him. Mom and Uncle Omar’s parents were killed when they were in their teens and Uncle Omar grew up with my father too, so he 49
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didn’t protest when she followed her heart to marry the man she loved. Uncle Omar was just happy that my mom was happy.”
“Why did they leave here then?”
“The pack didn’t agree with their union   and Mom was worried about Dad’s safety.
My dad had family in Orange County so it was logical to go there.”
“How did they die?”
She glanced away as pain lanced her heart for a moment but then looked back at him. “When I was ten years old they went on a skiing trip and had rented a small cabin.
They left me with Dad’s aunt. There was an avalanche, it happened in the middle of the night and they probably never knew what happened unless the sound woke them before the snow hit the cabin. They were found in bed together when the rescue teams dug them out. The cabin was totally destroyed.”
“So Omar raised you?” He frowned. “I’ve never met you and you’d think I would know if a girl was in his house for all those years. I’ve been around long enough to have seen or scented you when you were younger.”
“No. My father’s aunt kept me. My life was there and Uncle Omar thought it would be safer for me to be with other humans. Every year I come for two weeks. It was always that way before my parents died and that was the agreement he made with my aunt. When I hit adulthood I kept coming every year. I have met some of the pack, of course, but for the most part, he keeps me away from them. I always stay here so it’s not like I live with him. The one time I stayed there since I turned eighteen was a nightmare I never want to repeat.” She laughed. “He and Minnie are very sexually active and loud so I barely got any sleep.” 
He chuckled. “We’re very sexual creatures.”
She smiled. “Lucky me, for the next two weeks.”
He grinned. “Have you ever thought about moving here?” She nodded. “The only time I considered it was when my ex and I broke up and I found myself suddenly homeless. Uncle Omar kind of made it known it was a bad idea.
He’s visited me in California often and always scouts out my neighborhood before I move into a place. I guess wolves don’t want to live in heavily populated areas. He said it was werewolf-free so I was safer living there.” Grady frowned. “You were married?”
She shook her head. “We lived together. He wanted to go do the quickie Vegas marriage thing but I said no way because I wanted to live with him for a year first to make sure we’d work out. It was a damn good thing I put my foot down because it’s a hell of a lot easier to pack up shit and move out than it would have been hiring an attorney to get a divorce.”
Grady withdrew from her body and rolled over, unpinning her, and totally not touching her anymore. He stretched out on his side next to her and propped his head on his hand so he could stare at her.
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“Why did you break up?”
She winced. “Well, I got off work early one day and I walked into our apartment to find him with someone else. He was literally nailing her in our bed. I was shocked. I trusted him completely and never saw that coming. There were no signs.” She shrugged. “I was hurt and really angry. Then he had the nerve to tell me it wasn’t what it looked like.” She snorted. “He was inside her. How can you misconstrue that? Not only did he betray me and hurt me but he insulted me by trying to treat me like a complete moron.”
Grady’s eyes twinkled and she could see he fought a smile. “What did he tell you it really was? I’m dying to hear this.”
She turned onto her side facing him. The pain had mostly faded from her ex’s betrayal but the anger remained. “She was his boss. He said he was trying to get a promotion so he would make more money so we could afford a house.”
“What an asshole.”
She nodded. “I told him he was lucky she didn’t fire his ass for incompetence.” A smile played at her lips. “When that sank in and he understood what I meant, he got pretty mad.”
Grady laughed. He had a great laugh. “Not too good in bed, huh?” She shrugged. “He was okay but it was nothing compared to this.” She glanced down at his body. “Not even close. He made me laugh and I thought I was in love with him. I was more pissed off than hurt when he cheated on me. We got along well and it was comfortable living with him. We had the same interests.”
“You settled for him.”
She didn’t look away from Grady. “I guess I did. I probably should be happy he did cheat on me. I told him if he ever did it that I’d never take him back and I wasn’t kidding.”
“Did he try to get you back?”
She nodded. “He still tries. He calls my cell phone every few days and he’s sent flowers to my work half a dozen times but he’s wasting his time. I delete his messages without listening to them and every time he sends me flowers I give them away at work.”Grady reached out and rubbed her hip with his large hand. “He was stupid. If I were a human guy, I’d do everything to keep hold of you.”
“But you’re not one. Not fully.”
“No. I’m not. Ready to get some sleep? It’s been a long day.” She nodded. Grady released her and rolled away. He stood and walked around the bed. Mika turned onto her back and tracked him as he reached down and picked up his discarded underpants and jeans. He walked toward the door of her bedroom and then paused but didn’t turn around.