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Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(62)

By:Raven St. Pierre

The room filled with the sound of heavy breathing and clothes being  removed as our need for one another became clear. I pushed my boxers  down mid-thigh as Brynn freed herself of her gown and turned her back  toward me the second the material fell to the tiled floor. She leaned  over the sink, planting both palms flat against the mirror. Her eyes  caught mine in the reflection and all I saw was desire there.

Standing behind her, I surveyed her body, trailing my eyes down her  spine. My hands gripped her, fitting perfectly at the bend of her waist,  in that space where beautiful hips flared outward, leading down to  parted legs.

I entered her rough, but only because that's the way she wanted it. She  pushed her hips backwards into me, forcing me balls-deep from the first  stroke. She whimpered with pleasure and I pushed inside again, reveling  in the wet friction as her tight pussy yielded to the curve of my dick.

In the mirror's reflection, large tits bounced and swayed back and forth  to my rhythm. Unable to help myself, I took one, feeling the heated  flesh against the palm of my hand as I sank my dick deeper inside her,  digging as deep as I possibly could.

The sound of the moisture between her legs reminded me of wet kisses and  I got even more turned on listening to it, listening to the evidence of  how much she wanted this. My balls smacked against her skin every time I  thrusted and this became the soundtrack that filled the cramped space.

Long lashes fluttered closed and her glossed lips parted. One hand fell  away from the mirror she used to brace herself and I watched as she  pushed it between her legs, moving her fingers in quick circles as she  played with her clit.

Why did she look so damn good touching herself?

The head of my dick tingled as a jolt of pleasure shot up my shaft. My  senses all became heightened in an instant and I was more aware of  everything-the dusky scent of her sex in the air, the sound of her soft,  breathy moans, the tiny beads of sweat forming on her back. I could see  them glistening even through the darkness.

Those once quiet moans grew louder and I squeezed her breast in my hand.  She worked her fingers faster between her legs and I watched, plowing  into her deeper, faster, harder as she came. Her juices soaked me and  the sensation was my undoing. I felt the moment my seed shot inside her  as her walls continued to constrict and release around me. It rendered  me speechless and I could barely even move. The sweet, sexy cry that  passed through her lips rivaled the volume of the grunt that left mine.

I heard our conversation from earlier ring in my thoughts and it was on  the tip of my tongue to settle this once and for all. I was tired of  holding in how I felt. I was tired of holding back for fear of her  thinking I wasn't good enough. I was tired of not owning the fact that I  couldn't think of anyone else in the world I wanted to be going through  this with.

She turned to face me and my hands moved over her naked body, settling  at her waist when she kissed me deep, making me feel her all the way  down in my soul. Those words almost slipped out again, but this time I  was able to hold them in. There was a possibility she might not readily  say it back and that would only ruin the moment. I mean, I suspected she  felt the same way I did, but then there was always this sense that she  was holding back for some reason. That's why I didn't want to risk it.  That's why I chose to keep my feelings to myself.

So, for now, I let myself believe this was enough.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Several kisses being placed on my shoulder roused my eyes open a few  minutes ago. Waking up in the solid arms of a fully nude man, feeling  the heat of a bare chest pressed to my back, firm thighs warming the  backs of my own-it was almost enough to make me say to hell with  whatever plans I had for the day. However, that wasn't an option because  I heard movement in the bedroom down the hall where Naseem had crashed  the night before.

He had never been much of a drinker, so for Marco to find him so far  gone last night, something had to be wrong. And seeing as how we hadn't  spoken in nearly two months now, I hadn't the slightest clue what that  something might be.

Marco didn't try to hold me when I slipped out of his arms, but I was  sure he would've if he hadn't already known where I was headed. Our  evening ended with us showering together and clothes felt unnecessary  after that. Now, as I scrambled to find something to put on, I realized  that probably hadn't been the wisest thing. If Naseem had needed  something last night, neither Marco nor I would've been ready.         



The first thing I found to put on was a light-turquoise v-neck and  maternity jeans, the kind with the stretchy, cotton lining in the front.  Groaning a bit as I bent to slide my legs into them, I eventually  looked presentable enough to go see about Naseem.

"I'll be right back," I said, turning to Marco before I stepped out into the hallway.

A call came through to his phone just as I was leaving and it sounded  like business. The timing was perfect; he could handle that while I  dealt with Naseem.

As I left, there was nothing in Marco's expression indicating that he  took issue with me checking in on Naseem. I liked that he had confidence  in my judgment, my character. Considering that he knew of my  involvement with Naseem before he came into the picture, he could've  easily been jealous or suspicious that I harbored some type of feelings,  but I never got that from him. I never felt like he didn't trust me.

A string of words came back to mind-a string of words that contained  three short ones in particular that had me wondering where Marco and I  were really headed. In a roundabout way, he said he loved me, but the  ‘roundabout' part was where things got confusing. And on top of that, he  hadn't brought it up again to clarify, so I assumed I read too much  into it. Besides, love? There was no way he felt that way about me. We  weren't there yet.

At least that's what I told myself every time I felt that little tug in my heart at even the thought of his name.

That's what I told myself when he'd call just to check on me and I couldn't stop smiling.

That's what I told myself whenever we were together and his emotions,  whatever coursed through his veins, bled right through my skin and  seeped down into my bones. That's how deeply he touched me. That's how  deep my feelings for him ran.

Still, I'd been on a mission to stop letting myself believe that what we  had was more. Despite how easy things seemed to flow when we were  together, the truth of the matter was: Marco and I were complicated.

For one, I hadn't forgotten how he earned a good portion of his living  and I'm woman enough to admit that I'm still bothered by it-no matter  how good things are going. In a sense, the night I visited him at the  club had opened my eyes in many ways. It brought his reality right to my  face where I couldn't ignore the nature of his job. His dance was sexy,  it was alluring, it was …  a fantasy. A fantasy that didn't belong to me  alone.

That performance was almost two months ago, which means that, since me,  there had been at least one other woman in that seat on stage with him.  She'd been given a show, had been given nearly full access to the man  currently in command of my heart. I was sure that she, too, wanted him  and was made to feel like she had him all to herself.

Because that's what he does for a living. Making women want him was his superpower.

But the truth was …  no one truly had Marco Rios all to themselves.  Including me. And call me selfish, but I wasn't okay with that.

This was one hell of a pill to swallow.

Approaching the door, the sound in Naseem's room had ceased but I knew  he hadn't gone anywhere. For one, he had no means of transportation at  the moment-with his car and keys still being at the bar from last night.

When I knocked at the door, it was so soft and I thought he might not  have heard, but then a somber, "Come in," let me know I was wrong about  that.

I entered with my head down because, despite being angry with Naseem  when everything happened, I also felt like this had gone on for too  long. And that was on both of us. We should've been better than this and  I had to take responsibility for not reaching out to him either. We  were both at fault, but maybe in different ways.

His hazel eyes appeared dim this morning as I looked into them. There  was something behind that stare when he glanced up from where he sat on  the edge of the bed. The darkness wasn't anger or anything of the sort; I  detected it was sadness.

"How're you feeling?" I asked, noticing the glass of water I left him last night was now empty.

Pursing his lips into a thin line, he shrugged, the tips of his loose,  black curls dusting his shoulders when he did. I came from around the  door completely and moved closer.

Naseem's gaze quickly drifted down to my midsection, most likely noting  how much more prominent it was now compared to when he'd last seen me. A  couple months had changed me a lot, but not just physically. For one,  while I still took Naseem's feelings into consideration, I was owning  the fact that Marco and I were definitely closer than before-although, I  admit to being unsure of what that meant entirely. However, if Naseem  and I were ever going to mend this rift in our friendship, I wanted us  to both be comfortable being open. So, if Marco and I did decide to be  more, I hoped Naseem could respect that.