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Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(46)

By:Raven St. Pierre

"So …  did that kiss change everything?" she asked.

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders as she parted my hair to oil my  scalp. "Yes and no," I answered vaguely, knowing the short answer would  drive her crazy.

Mona predicted that kissing Marco would fast-track us to a relationship,  but I begged to differ. We were both all about moving forward slow and  steady. Had feelings deepened? Of course, but there still weren't any  titles being tossed around.

Using the section of my hair gripped in her hand, she tilted my head to  the side so she could look me in my face. "As nosey as I am, did you  really think that was gonna cut it? I need details and lots of ‘em."

She released me and continued to prep my scalp. At her words, I recalled  the last intimate moment Marco and I shared, a moment that had less to  do with anything physical and more to do with the emotional. The walls  were tumbling down quickly and I can admit to being nervous, admit to  having mixed emotions. Marco and I were no longer just making this work.  We were no longer just going through the motions. We were making  progress and …  it scared me a little.

Especially after our talk a couple weeks ago.

Truth moment: finding out what he does for a living was a minor setback  after I came down from the high of our connection that night. I stepped  back and started thinking about the long-term. Not jumping the gun, just  being realistic. Say things with us became solid, say we became more …   would I really be okay knowing that he takes his clothes off for other  women for a living? Would I be comfortable, for lack of a better word,  sharing him like that? I mean, no, it wasn't like he was sleeping with  them, but …  it just made me uneasy. There'd be too much room for doubt,  too much temptation, too much uncertainty. But the other side of the  coin is that I completely understood why he did what he did and I would  never ask or expect him to change for me. I guess Marco's profession had  become somewhat of an impasse.

At least for now.

"Why're you quiet?" Mona asked when I stopped talking. I didn't have it  in me to tell her what I found out, for fear of her passing judgment on  Marco without getting to really know him.

"I'm not," I replied. "Just thinking."

"Hmm," she said back before firing off another question. "What about  Naseem? You haven't brought him up lately. He still in the picture?"

Naseem …  we hadn't spoken since the argument and, honestly, I had no  desire to any time soon. The things he said hurt deep because they came  from him, someone I never expected to come at me like he had. From the  beginning, I'd been up front with him about everything. I was careful  not to string him along because the last thing I wanted was for him to  get hurt. However, despite my efforts, it happened anyway and now our  friendship hung in the balance once again. This time, the offense wasn't  on me. I wasn't the one who owed the apology.         



"He's around," was all I said, not wanting to get into it any deeper than that.

"Alrighty, then," she replied, getting the hint.

Wanting to change the subject, I asked what our final plan was for the  night, crossing my fingers that one of the ladies came up with something  better. Whatever happened to dinner and a movie being enough?

"Well, Pam said there's a spot she's been wanting to check out, so I  think we're just following her lead. I don't know much more than that,  though. She was being really secretive about it."


Mona and I talked each other's ear off until my hair was done. All was  right with the world again now that I had that taken care of. After we  cleaned up the mess the hair made, she did end up needing that nap after  all and I went to my room to do the same. It seemed like no matter what  time it was, I could fall asleep. If the fatigue was this bad in month  six, I could only imagine how much worse it would get by the end.

I popped my head up when Mona's soft knock hit the door. Already, it was  seven, which meant I'd been asleep for a couple hours. We were supposed  to take off at nine this evening, first to grab drinks at a local  bar-drinks I couldn't even have-and then we were off to the place Pam  mentioned to Mona.

"I'm up," I mumbled, feeling weak as I forced myself to sit upright.

"Okay, I'm about to hop in the shower," she called out through the door.  The sound of her light footsteps carried her back down the hall toward  the guest bath and I breathed deep, trying to fully wake myself.

I stood and walked to the closet to decide on an outfit. This week, I  ventured to the maternity store in the mall and came out with a few new  pieces I could mix and match with the items I could still fit. This body  of mine was ever-growing, so that would not be my one and only trip.

I stepped out of my closet with the cute, stone-washed jeggings I'd been  wanting to wear anyway, and an off-the-shoulder, white, cotton shirt  I'd pair with a matching tank underneath. I stood back, made up my mind  that this was the outfit, and then grabbed some silver accessories. The  only thing missing, the only thing I couldn't wear were heels. Not  because my doctor said I couldn't, but because Marco said I couldn't  before I even had the chance to run it by Dr. Rubino. He read somewhere  that they were dangerous at this stage in pregnancy. I smiled thinking  about how he seemed to know more about all of this than I did, thanks to  some book he picked up and Google.

I showered, did my makeup, and then took the curling wand to my freshly  done hair. Mona only beat me to the front door by a few minutes, but we  were still on schedule. We drove the truck she rented to Pam's house  where she and the other ladies were already waiting.

"Mona!!" Pam squealed, coming around to the driver's side of the truck.

Mona hopped out and hugged her cousin after spending several long months  apart. I was sure she missed having her here in Texas as much as I did.  Tasha and Hayley, the youngest of us, did the same, making it around to  embrace Mona. They chatted for a few and then Pam came to her senses  and her eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Brynn! I got so caught up, I almost didn't see you sitting there," she  said excitedly, coming around to my side next. I undid my seatbelt and  opened the door, forgetting that not everyone knew I was expecting.  However, the surprised look on Pam's face reminded me.

"Oh! Well …  Congratulations, girl!" She hugged me gingerly like most  people did since I started showing. "Wow!" she added, flashing a genuine  smile. "How far?"

I sighed. "Not far enough."

She laughed. "Don't I remember. I felt the same way when I was in your shoes."

The rhythmic click and clack of a set of high-heels off to my right made  me turn that way, zeroing in on the loaded stare of Tasha. The  half-smile on her lips let me know she had something smart to say.

"Girl, congratulations!" she yelled theatrically, leaning to hug my shoulders. "Mona didn't even tell me," she added.

"That's cause it wasn't any of your business," Mona laughed from behind the steering wheel as she re-clasped her seatbelt.

Tasha ignored her with a nonchalant wave and perched both hands on her  thin hips. "So, Brynn's having a baby," she reiterated, looking me over.  "I didn't even realize you'd gotten married?" she added, tilting her  head to the side.

None of this was her business, but I said I'd be on my best behavior. "Nope," I answered. "Not married."

She frowned a bit. "Really? I never pegged you as the type."         



Never pegged me as what type?

She must've noticed the look on my face because she bellowed a fake  laugh to break up the tension. "Girl, you know what I mean. You were  just always such a goodie-two-shoes," she added with a shrug.

Feeling myself getting angry, I remembered how I got worked up over the  argument with Naseem. I wouldn't let things escalate to that level. Not  tonight.

"Quit talking and get in the truck," Pam said playfully, shoving Tasha's  shoulder right after. I turned to get back in, too, considering the  idea of just having Mona take me back home. I could easily fake not  feeling well. However, I had to be a good sport for her. This was all  for her birthday and she deserved to have a good time.

Yeah …  tonight should be a blast.

I sat through three rounds of drinks, sipping nothing but water while  the others tossed back martini after martini-except Mona, who had to  stay sober to drive her rental. But on the bright side, I soon realized I  liked Tasha better with alcohol in her system. So, there's that …

"Make a left here, Mona," Pam instructed. Mona turned and we made it  maybe a few blocks before the long line appeared. I rested my chin on my  fist as we approached the crowd, feeling in my gut that this was the  place, which meant we, too, would have to stand in this long line.