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Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(45)

By:Raven St. Pierre

She shrugged. "I feel fine. I think a good night's rest was all I needed."

I shook my head. "That wasn't exactly what I meant," I clarified. "I was  asking if you've cooled off from the argument with your friend, Naseem.  Are you gonna call him?"

Her expression changed immediately and she looked up again. "Not sure."

There was an unsettled look in her eyes, enough that I knew she wasn't comfortable with the conflict between them.

"Have you all ever fallen out like this before?"

A deep breath left her mouth as she answered. "Never. We've always been tight."

And I believed that. From what she told me from the beginning, I knew  they had to have been close, even aside from them briefly seeing one  another for a while. Because of that, I knew this hurt her more than she  was letting on. If I had to guess, she was only holding that back  because she was talking to me.

"You probably should-call him, I mean. I think you'll feel better once  you do," I eventually added, encouraging her to smooth things out. No, I  didn't particularly like dude's vibe at the hospital, nor was I in any  way suggesting she give him another shot on a romantic level, but I  wasn't trying to stop their friendship. I'd never do that.

As long as he didn't lose his cool again, he and I wouldn't have a  problem. When and if Brynn and I became more than what we are now, which  I believed we would, I wouldn't be that guy who's so insecure his girl  can't keep her friends. From what I gathered, Naseem was just having a  hard time accepting that I'm in Brynn's life now-in any capacity. As  long as he could get on board with that, he and I wouldn't have any  beef.

She shrugged her shoulders and aimlessly stroked the back of my hand  with her thumb while unspoken thoughts passed through her head. "I don't  know," she said, finally responding. "Maybe the distance between he and  I is best for right now."

Yeah, she was definitely hurt. I could hear it in her voice, see it on her face. Whatever was said cut deeper than I realized.

My instincts told me she needed a hug, so I didn't hesitate to pull her  close using the hand she already held. She came willingly and nuzzled  her face against the front of my neck. My chin rested gently on top of  her head and I kept telling myself not to get too attached, not to enjoy  this feeling as much as I did, but it didn't work. Not even when I  reminded myself that this could all be temporary now that she knew more  about me. It was too late, though. She'd already gotten under my skin.         



I loosened my grip when I realized how late it was getting.

"We should probably get ready. I have to get you to your appointment with Dr. Rubino in a few."

"Oh, shoot!" she said to herself, sitting up immediately. "I almost forgot."

I'd already texted Pete to let him know I wouldn't be at the shop today  so I could take Brynn in for a follow up like the doctor at the hospital  mentioned yesterday. If she's given a clean bill of health, I wouldn't  bother suggesting that she let me keep an eye on her here again. I knew  she wouldn't be comfortable with more than one night, but I worry about  her being alone. It comforted me knowing she was having a houseguest  coming to stay with her in a couple weeks-her sister-in-law, Mona. She  mentioned it during the lighter part of our conversation right before we  dozed last night and knowing she'd have someone there under the same  roof to watch over her for a few days gave me peace of mind.

I watched as she left my bedroom, completely unaware of the fact that I  was even remotely concerned about where we stood now. She disappeared  down the hallway toward the spare room where her things were.

As I lie there staring at the ceiling, my father's words came back to  mind. He said that the desire of a good man's heart was always his  family. That resonated with me from the second he spoke them. Being real  with myself, I wasn't exactly sure how good of a man I was, but I was  sure of what I wanted. While I initially convinced myself that I didn't  need anything other than a relationship with my daughter once she got  here, I was slowly but surely starting to realize that I wanted one with  her mother, too. I wanted more than to get along with Brynn, more than  just an opportunity to co-parent with her. I wanted to be with her,  although I hadn't had the courage to fully admit that yet.

At first, I didn't entertain the thought because I wasn't sure of my  place in her life with Naseem in the picture. However, now that I had a  clearer understanding of how he and I had switched roles, a new dilemma  crept in and possibly stole whatever chance I might've had.

And this time it was on me.

I didn't dance because I loved it. I danced because the money I earned  allowed me to do for others. In years past, I tossed around the idea of  quitting, but then someone's car would break down, or someone would get  behind on a bill, or any number of other things. For that reason, I felt  like I had to keep going, but before now it never affected me  personally. Before I didn't care a whole lot about what anyone thought  or how they looked at me.

Now, there was a chance that what I do for a living might actually stand  in the way of me moving forward and …  well …  living. It came down to my  priorities. On the one hand, I couldn't be responsible for my family  falling on hard times simply because I wasn't able to provide. That  didn't sit well with me. But I also didn't see the sense in not giving  Brynn and I a fighting chance when, technically, she's family, too.

With my little girl on the way, I'd been feeling this strong urge to  change, this deep seated need to be better than I'd ever been before. I  owed it to her, to Brynn, to my family, to myself, to do the right  thing.

It's just that, with everything I had to consider, I think I lost sight of what that ‘right thing' was a long time ago.

Chapter Nineteen


The sound of my doorbell had me hopping up off my couch and readjusting  the towel wrapped around my freshly-washed hair. Mona didn't even get a  word in before I had my arms around her neck, squeezing her like I  hadn't seen her in years, although it'd only been months. She dropped  her bags and then took my hands in hers, looking me over with wide eyes.

I imagined the reality of me actually being pregnant was just hitting  her now, seeing me with her own eyes. I was six months on the nose and  there was absolutely no hiding it now.

"Oh my gosh, Brynn, you're like …  for real having a baby!" she screeched.  I laughed and let her touch my stomach when she asked permission,  although she really didn't need to. I wasn't surprised to see her  getting teary eyed. "It looks good on you, girl," she added.

I flashed her a cheeky grin. "Thank you."

She nodded as her gaze slipped down to my belly again and then she came in for another big hug.

"I'm so happy you're here!" I squealed.

"So am I," she said back. "I can't wait for Ced to see you, too, though."

At the mention of my brother's name, my heart broke a little. It  would've been nice to have him here this weekend, but he'd been in  litigation hell with one client in particular for months. The case was  huge, demanded all his time and attention. However, he sent Mona here  with his blessing, wanting her to celebrate her birthday with me and a  few of her cousins who live in the area-the same who'd gone out to The  Alibi with us for Mona's bachelorette party, the night everything  changed.         



To say that I was less than excited about the plans was an  understatement, but this wasn't about me. Since first having to endure  her in high school, I'd never been too fond of one of the three cousin's  Mona invited-Tasha. However, Mona had no idea I felt this way, nor  would she, because I didn't want to spoil her night. Tasha definitely  rubbed me the wrong way with her bad attitude and snobbery, but I could  tolerate her for a few hours.

Apparently, we were club hopping, which I wasn't looking forward to for  obvious reasons. Worst case scenario, I'd get stuck babysitting their  drinks and purses all night. The thought of it bored me to tears, which  reminded me not to leave here without charging my phone. I'd probably be  relying on it to keep me entertained.

"Okay, so come on and put your things in your room, rest for a bit, and  then I'm ready for you to get this hair together," I said, smiling as I  pointed to the towel I was currently sporting.

The plan was for Mona to redo my sew-in while she was in town, which  would save me from having to pay someone to do it this month. I was much  more mindful of my budget these days.

She waved me off. "I don't need to rest. That's all I did on the plane ride here. We can start now."

Sounded good to me.

I'd always been particular about my hair so I picked up a trick or two  to make it last longer in between appointments, but it was definitely  time for a redo. Mona took her things to the spare room and then met me  in the living room where I already had everything set up-hair, scissors,  needle, thread, and everything else I anticipated she'd need. We didn't  talk while she blow dried me, but after that, all she wanted to discuss  was Marco.