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Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(33)

By:Raven St. Pierre

I shook my head and took a step back, but my hands were taken, stopping  me from going too far. "Fine, you don't want me paying your bills? Then  come stay with me," he said without hesitation, but I think he knew I'd  back down from that challenge, too. "I have three extra bedrooms and I'm  not there most of the time anyway."

"You know I can't do that," I scoffed.

"Then let me help you," he shot back.

My head was spinning and I didn't really want to do this today. His  family was inside, probably discussing my life in great detail seeing as  how they now knew all my business. I just wanted to get this over with  as quickly as possible. With Marco still clutching my hands, I took a  breath.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked, wanting to move on. My tears  had dried and I could get through the evening without them returning as  long as no one brought up my situation.

Marco studied my face and eventually nodded. "Agreed, but we will talk  about it," he asserted. I didn't have a problem with that; now just  wasn't the time.

We went back inside and ate dessert with his family. No one brought my  drama back up except for Izzy, or Bel as the family called her, and  Marco was sweet about telling her not to keep asking questions. She  complied with a smile and turned her attention elsewhere.

I don't know if they were just trying to be nice or what, but there was  no judgment from the Rios family whatsoever once my business was out.  They were only concerned with getting to know me and asking questions  about the baby. The first meeting went so much smoother than I could've  ever hoped.

"It was so," Mrs. Rios paused to plant a kiss on my cheek as we hugged, "good to finally meet you!"

"Thank you for having me over," I answered, matching her smile and enthusiasm.

Izzy came to hug me next and I squeezed her tight. Stooping to her  height, I touched her cheek, letting it sink in that I missed my  students like crazy. "Be good for me, okay, Izzy?"

She nodded hard and her arms went around my neck in a second bear-hug  that nearly knocked me over. I laughed and so did she, both of us  ignoring Marco's gentle warning for her to be careful with me.

"Will I see you again soon?" Izzy asked, her words going into my hair as she held on to me.         



I nodded and assured her she would. After asking her to tell her  classmates that I missed them, Marco and I were on our way. The car ride  was quiet, but not uncomfortably so. There was just a lot on both our  minds, but overall, it was a good night.

We turned into my driveway and I yawned, reaching for the handle to let myself out.

"I'm coming around," Marco spoke up as he climbed out first.

Like I'd done when we left earlier, I watched him round the back of the  car. The door unlatched and a hand was offered to help me to my feet,  but, to my surprise, he didn't let it go like I expected once I was  standing. When he'd walked me to his parents' door with my hand in his, I  assumed it was just his way of letting me know he had my back. But now …   what was his reason for holding on?

Our steps were slow as we approached my porch. Marco watched closely as I  ascended, making sure I didn't hurt myself as usual. I smiled a little,  wondering if he sat at home worrying I'd shatter into a thousand pieces  somewhere without him watching over me. He noticed the expression and  smiled, too.

"What's that about?" he asked, bringing my eyes to his as we stood in  the darkness, reminding me I'd forgotten to leave my porch light on.

I shook my head, laughing a little. "I'm just wondering how you're going  to keep from giving yourself a heart attack when I go into labor if  you're already this worried about me."

His smile grew and his thumb aimlessly caressed the back of my hand.  "Promise I'll keep it together. I'm gonna be strong for you," he added.

The smile on my face was once fueled by amusement, but now it was  contentment. He made me feel …  I don't know …  safe. Whenever I was with  him it was like I was his number one concern. Nothing had his attention  more than I did-not other people, not his phone, not work.


The feeling was addictive, so I had to be careful not to let it go to my  head, keeping things in perspective. He was protective of me by default  because I carried precious cargo.

His head leaned to the side as he studied my face. "Did you have a good time tonight?"

I recalled the warmth and respect his family had shown throughout the evening. "I did. Thank you so much for inviting me."

Giving a nod, he licked his lips-a subconscious action that stole all of my attention. "Thank you for coming," he said.

Clutching my keys, I opened the screen and unlocked the door. When I  turned to face Marco again, there was this look I couldn't place. He was  thinking long and hard about something and the intensity of the  expression made my heart race. What was going through his head?

"Well …  goodnight," I stated breathily.

"Night," he said back as his heavy stare cut through me.

One foot touched the wood inside my house and I was sure I'd imagined  the energy shifting between us, but then my hand was taken and those  doubts were slowly erased.

My gaze fell on him again when I looked back and held my breath, waiting for him to speak.

"Can I get a hug?" he asked, posing the question innocently, but it was hard to interpret anything concerning him as innocent.

My eyes widened at the request he made, but not because I was offended  or put off by it, but because I was surprised he wanted that, surprised I  wanted that …  but I did. Things were changing rapidly. Into what, I  wasn't sure. But they were.

If someone had asked me months ago how I saw this all playing out, this  would not have been it. There had been so much animosity between the two  of us in the beginning; resentment, distrust. But now those things had  been destroyed by the understanding and mutual respect we had for one  another. I no longer viewed Marco as some deadbeat who would shirk his  parental responsibilities the first chance he got. Initially, yes, that  was my impression of him, but lately? He'd been there every step of the  way.

I finally nodded my head, but said nothing-a silent response to his  question. With permission, Marco drew me back in his direction by my  hand and I stood in front of him. Air rushed over my lip as I breathed  hard. A hug wasn't a big deal when it was shared between most people,  but for Marco and I, it was a huge step. A huge step that made me  question the deeper meaning behind it.

My mind went blank again when the firmness of his chest pressed against  the softness of mine. I was shamelessly aware of how sexy he was. Yes,  physically, but even his touch, the way he held me, his presence. My  arms instinctively went around his neck and I breathed him in deep, the  traces of cologne left behind after the long day. He didn't squeeze hard  because he was ever-mindful of my condition, but the feel of his arms  around me …  he had me swooning.         



After a few seconds, I leaned away, but didn't leave his embrace. The  change in temperature when the night air touched my face where Marco's  skin had just warmed it made me even more aware of him, of how he  affected me. My eyes naturally wandered to find his, but, as fate would  have it, I turned just as he craned his neck to place a kiss on my cheek  in parting. The end result was his lips catching the corner of my  mouth. The unexpected contact made him ease back and we both froze,  staring one another down.

I gazed up, shocked, dazed. Our arms were still around one another and I  couldn't make mine loosen no matter how hard I tried. It was like I was  stuck; like the accidental kiss made my limbs malfunction.

Marco's hands moved down my body, gravitating toward my lower back where  he gently drew me in closer. That safety I feel when he's around  shrouded my entire body and I felt untouchable. Without being able to  stop what was happening, or maybe not wanting to stop what was  happening, my eyes slowly drifted closed and I felt myself leaning into  him. I gave in as the heat of his breath cascaded over my mouth. Soft  lips hesitantly brushed mine again and my spine arched at the feel of  the almost-kiss. His teasing was unintentional, but it fed this hunger  inside of me that seemed to show up out of nowhere.

Short, velvety strands passed through my fingers as I ran them up the  back of Marco's head. At the feel of me silently inviting him to take  what he wanted, he tilted his head and kissed me again-this time on  purpose. The sensation of my lips being sucked and lightly nipped at by  his teeth could be felt all the way down in my toes. I parted my mouth  and he gave me his tongue, gently gliding it over my own in sensual  rhythm, making me ache in unmentionable places.

A suppressed memory from the night we met seeped into my subconscious  when the kiss unlocked it. As if we were still sealed inside that  cramped bathroom stall, I could feel the warm flesh of Marco's exposed  hips grinding between my legs, pulsating rapidly as he penetrated deep.