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Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(23)

By:Raven St. Pierre

We finished our walk and the awkwardness eventually melted away  completely. I answered the last few questions he had about Marco as we  made our way back to my porch.

I smiled at him. "This was nice. We'll have to do it again soon."

"We should," Naseem said, nodding in agreement. "I miss hanging out like we used to".

That statement brought with it a flare of guilt that quickly spread  throughout my entire body. I knew he didn't mean to make me feel that  way, but hearing the longing in his voice had done it-longing for the  simplicity we used to enjoy when it came to us, longing for whatever  future we might've had.

"Well …  I guess I should be getting inside," I announced, motioning toward the house.

Naseem's chin dipped once as he acknowledged my words, but there was a  vacancy behind his eyes as he stared at my stomach instead of meeting my  gaze.

Just as I turned to head in, he called my name. "Brynn, I … " He stopped  there, still staring at my midsection. When his eyes finally did find  mine, there was concern in his.

"I need to say something and I-" He paused, seemingly unsure as to  whether or not he should continue. "I don't want you to take it the  wrong way or question my intentions. However, at the risk of that, I  feel like I'd be less than a friend if I didn't speak up," he added.

Tilting my head to the side, I came down a step to listen. "Go ahead," I  encouraged, sounding nothing but welcoming in my tone. Whatever he  wanted to say, I was open to hearing it.

He took a deep breath and then glanced down at the pavement. "I suppose  this is more of a question than a statement," he started. "But I'm only  asking it because I'm concerned."

I raised an eyebrow. "About … "

Another heavy sigh from Naseem alerted me that he was flustered.

"I know you and I are not …  we're no longer moving toward a romantic  relationship," were the words he chose to explain his point. "But, I'm  curious. Does that mean you're closing yourself off to dating completely  due to your …  your circumstances?" he asked. "Or …  is it just me you're  keeping at arm's length?"

The question confused me at first, but I slowly began to put the pieces  into place. At least I thought I figured it out. It sounded to me like  he was asking about Marco. If I had to guess, finding out how involved  he'd been, and after the slew of questions Naseem had asked about him,  he now felt threatened by Marco's presence in my life.

My hand went to the back of my neck and I scratched there lightly,  feeling uncomfortable having been called in on the carpet. The question  was bold, straightforward, and I definitely didn't see it coming.

"I mean …  what made you ask that?" I inquired, wondering if Naseem would even say.

He cleared his throat, maybe not knowing how to answer. His eyes darted  back and forth for a second, as if he was literally searching for an  explanation, but then he spoke and I listened. "Our conversation," he  concluded. "Listening to you talk about him, I'm just concerned you're  going to let your guard down and-"         



He trailed off there and I imagined he was trying to choose his words  carefully. However, he confirmed what I suspected his motives were.

"I just don't want to see you hurt," he said to sum it all up. "The  truth is; if you're being honest with yourself, you don't know a whole  lot more about this guy than I do and I don't want him to take advantage  of you."

"If I'm being honest with myself?" I didn't like how he implied that I  didn't have my eyes wide open. At what point did I give him the  impression that I was lying to myself about my circumstances? In fact, I  was pretty sure I saw it in its entirety and had made some pretty sound  decisions thus far, considering how unfamiliar this all was for me.

"You took that the wrong way," he said, trying to clean up his statement.

"No, I don't think I did."

He let out a breath and thought to himself. "It's just that, from the  outside looking in, you're changing, softening toward this guy, and I'm  not totally sure that's the best thing. I mean …  Brynn …  he's already made  a fool of you once."

My mouth fell open and I blinked hard, trying to make myself believe I'd just heard him right. Did he really just say that?

I crossed my arms over my chest and gave up fighting the anger boiling inside me. "Good to know what you think of me."

Trying not to get upset, I did my best not to think the worst of Naseem  right now, but that was much easier said than done considering what he  just said to me. This was all coming from a place of jealousy, not out  of concern like he was trying to pass it off. Nothing I said should've  given him the impression that Marco was anything but trustworthy. And a  fool? I didn't look at myself that way and it honestly hurt that Naseem  did.

It hurt bad.

He took a step closer and I felt the corner of my eyes sting. There was no way I'd let him see my cry, though.

"I'm just saying that this," he started, gesturing toward my stomach,  "this isn't you. You're not the woman who ends up in this situation. The  Brynn I know is smart, on top of her game, and …  and …  doesn't let life  just happen to her."

He kept on with the verbal daggers, but with the gentle tone he used, I don't even know if he realized how bad this all sounded.

Aside from being hurt, I was disappointed that he'd pass his  insecurities off as something of substance. Yes, Marco probably did seem  like he came into my life out of the blue, but he and I were now tied  together indefinitely. Anyone who wanted to be in my circle would have  to realize that. Naseem included, although, right now I wasn't so sure I  wanted him around.

Getting involved with someone was nowhere near being high on my list of  priorities at the moment, but I wasn't about to promise Naseem that I  wouldn't change my mind about that. He was out of line to even bring it  up. Was I defensive? Hell yes, I was, but only because he backed me into  a corner.

Naseem ran a hand through his hair and wouldn't look me right in my  eyes, no doubt sensing that he'd upset me. "I didn't mean for the  conversation to go this way," he started. "I just felt like it would've  been negligent of me as a friend if I didn't speak up."

I folded my arms across my chest. "Well …  I definitely heard you," I replied. "Loud and clear."

"Don't you think it's possible that he knows you're vulnerable right  now?" he scoffed. "Isn't it possible he'd use that to his advantage to  get close to you?"

I heard enough. All I told Naseem was that Marco had been to my  appointments and that he was a nice guy. Those details didn't warrant …   this. And I definitely didn't deserve being the target of whatever  negativity seemed to be consuming him today. Contrary to what he seemed  to believe, I wasn't Marco's doormat. He wasn't taking advantage of me  in any way and Naseem had no right to make these assumptions.

"Brynn, all I'm trying to say is-"

I put my hand up, halting him. "I got what you were trying to say. I think you should go."

He had me frustrated and I wasn't blaming this on hormones. I had every  right to feel some type of way about him calling me out. The bottom line  was I'd pulled the plug on whatever we had going almost as soon as I  found out I was expecting. Mostly, I did that to avoid situations such  as these. I wanted the boundaries with Naseem to be clear, but mostly I  wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt. Therefore, he had no right to  question me on anything. Not even Marco, although there technically  wasn't anything to question me about.         



Bottom line: my business is my business. Not Naseem's or anyone else's.

The things he said hit me hard, so I made my goodbye quick and then went inside the house.

Maybe I'd been naïve to think this could all work out without me losing him.

Deep breath …

Deep breath …

The phone rang and I counted the seconds as I waited for my brother to  answer. The walk with Naseem had calmed my nerves a little this evening,  although the conversation afterward had gotten me riled up again.  Still, this talk with Cedric needed to happen and the sooner the better.

Part of me wished I'd gone ahead and let Mona tell him herself, but then again, I knew it'd be better coming from me.

"Hey, Sis. What's up?"

I took another breath. "Hey, you busy?"

Papers rustled in the background and I knew the answer to my question  was ‘yes', although Cedric's response was, "Nope. What's going on?"

Chances are, he'd just put aside an important case for me, putting his  client's needs on ice so I could vent. He was like my father in that way  and many others. Both were high-powered, respected attorneys and family  came first with my father, too. No matter what he had going on, he  always made time for my mom, Cedric, and I.